Chapter 19

As soon as Max opened the door he closed it again.

After a few minutes he slipped in while I clearly heard his friends voices from outside the door.

"Could you please not have a freaking gun out when you decide to wait in my room? What if I gave my key to Song or Macau, or Sony!", he blurred out after he made sure his door was locked.

"So cleared things up in your head about Macau?", I could hear it clicking in his head as he debated on wether to say it or not but in the end he sighed and sat down on the one of the chairs while baby came up to him to get his head patted.

"I won't leave him, what ever might happen- I'm serious and I would be to afraid that he would do something bad if I leave him now", he said and I nodded.


"Have you talked to Sony?", I shook my head no.

"Then why are you here again?"

"To go and talk to her", I simply said and he nodded this time.

"You better do"

"Should we talk to Macau now or later?", I asked.

"I will talk to him alone first, he trusts me", I nodded at that.

"Okay, then I will leave this here", I held the gun up and putted it n the table. Max's eyes went wide as he stared at the gun.


"Because now its getting dangerous", I debated if I should tell him about Pablo, it would be better.

"I went to Italy for a job the last days", Max head shot up. I rarely told him about my jobs as I wanted to keep him out of this as much as possible.


"Dad wanted me to get rid of Pablo"

"Did you"

"I had no other chance", I sighed and he nodded.

"You never tell me about the stuff you are doing, I forget that you kill people so often",he murmured.

"And that's good, I don't want to drag you into all this", he nodded again.

"And now it's getting harder for you?", I nodded.

"I found it that Pablo was keeping an eye on me the whole time, my dad told him to. He never told my dad about you or Ken and hat I did the last few months"

"I know", he said and I looked at him surprised.

"That one time when you and Ken went to Germany and I was alone here with Mai, he came around. Mai was busy talking to your father and I was playing in the backyard. He came up to me and we played football, before Mai came out to check on me he told me to keep it a secret and went off so she wouldn't see me. There once was a guy at my high school a month later, I saw that he had a gun and came towards me but Pablo came out of nowhere and chased him away, Mai picked me up five minutes later", he said while looking down without actually focusing on something.

"Why didn't you tell me?", I blurred out and threw my hands in the air.

"Because I was a teenager and even if I had contact to the mafia, I never actually got threaten at with a gun and he pointed a gun towards me", he blurred back and slumped in this chair.

I leaned back and let my hands slide over my face.

"Alright, so now that Pablo is dead I have a new one on my feet and this guy is eager to get my fathers favor, so he will tell him about every step of mine", I said and looked at the gun in the table.

"So you want me to be aware", I nodded and he sighed.

"If I get caught with this thing I will be in trouble"

"Don't get caught then", he huffed again but smiled. He knew he wouldn't get a different answer, safety goes above everything so he had to find a way to carry it without others noticing.

"At least have it near you when you're alone and at the dorm, they won't get near you on a busy Faculty campus", he nodded and put the gun in the gap between his mattress and the bed frame.

Then he turned towards me and gave me a stern look.

"Room 104", I sighed and nodded. Then I stood up and hugged baby before leaving the room.

The door behind me opened and I heard max calling put my name.

"Loui, her room is in the other direction!", I turned around and shushed him.

It was to late. It was as if she had waited behind her door, because a few seconds later a door opened and her figure appeared in the hall.

I looked at Max with an angry look and turned back around.


"Loui!", at the elevator doors she stopped next to me and burned a hole in my head with her look.

"Ey!", she barked and I looked at her.

"Are you not going to talk to me?"

"I will, but now is not the right time", is aid and watched the numbers on the screen telling me the elevator would be here soon.

"There is never a right time for such a talk", the doors slide open and I grabbed her arm to get us inside.

"What.", I pushed her in the corner and pushed the button before looking at her.

"When I say it is not the right time than it is not the right time, Sony", I blurred out but she just crossed her arms.

"And you get an excuse because-?", I sighed.

"I'm sorry I didn't reacted when you kissed me", I said and she blushed while still trying to look angry.

"Then why did you ignored me, do you know how much courage it takes to text and even call you after this?"

"I know and I'm sorry, I didn't excepted you to kiss me", I said and leaned on the other wall. She turned her head to look at me.

"And now, do- do you liked it or not?", she hesitantly asked.

"I liked it", I simply said and her eyes lit up.

"But I still have to call you down, I have to get something done and when I'm finished with that I promise you we will talk about everything"

"What do you have to do?"

"Not your business", I realized quickly that this was the wrong thing to say.

"Sony, I really can't tell you", a 'ping' told us we arrived at the ground floor and as the doors opened I stepped out with the girl following me.

"And when exactly will we talk?"

"When I finished this"

"Is it that important?"


"We can talk while we go there"



"Because you have nothing to do there", I said and grabbed her arms.

"I'm ready to talk about everything what happened and what might happen between us, but you have to wait", I said and she looked away.

"Do you understand me?", I asked again and she just pouted.


"Use your words Sony", I pushed.

"Yes, I understood. Just go and make a secret of everything ", she barked and I rolled my eyes. How would I get this girl satisfied until I was back?

"I will and when I'm done we will talk", I said with more pressure. After a quick second I simply grabbed her face and gave her a kiss.

Then I turned around and went off.


This story is also available to read on Wattpad @cocosunny