Chapter 18 (KennLoui)

The second I opened the door I knew this day would end bad. Something wasn't right, it was laying in the air- it was pushing everything down, it seemed like everything was rotting away.

Everyone was just going after their task and yet I felt the urge to run away. It felt like the only thing holding me here was about to disappear.

I made my way to the private floor of our house, the bad feeling just getting worse and worse the closer I got to my mothers rooms.

The second I saw her I knew that she was gone. She was still breathing, my little sister laying in the bed at the side of her bed.

My mother was dying, she would leave me and Julie behind.

"Mom", I said and went up to her side. Taking her cold hand in mine I looked at her and then just sat down in the chair a maid brought me.

"Loui", she whispered and even tho she didn't smiled I knew she was happy to see me.

"Why so soon?", the maid looked irritated since she couldn't understand German but I didn't cared a single bit.

"I can't do this anymore, I love you both-", she looked at Julie who was curled up in her little jumper and slept peacefully- not knowing her mother was about to leave her.

"But I'm at the end. I'm too broken", she whispered and then motioned to her little daughter.

I understood and pushed a button to get the head rest of her bed higher. Then I moved to the other side and carefully took Julie into my arms before putting her down in my mothers arms, still supporting her arms.

She really was at the end, she couldn't even hold her baby herself anymore.

Her eyes may have been dead and without life, but they still where filled with love.

It was the only thing she could ever love with peace, her children. Her husband may have loved her at the start, but she failed when I entered the world, she failed again when she lost my brother at four months and she failed again when she gave birth to Julie.

My mother was beautiful woman, she was kind and she was caring. She didn't deserve this live- she deserved to be loved and to be handled like a Queen by a man who would give the world to her.

"We love you too", I muttered an placed a gentle kiss on her head.



"I want you to do something for me", she whispered but her tone was serious and in my head I heard her say like she was her old self. She wouldn't need to raise her voice, she would have everyone silenced with just this word.

She used to be so strong....

"I want you to take her out of here. Take Julie and go, you are the only one who cares about her. I'm not even sure if your father has ever seen her", she said and I huffed.

"Do it for me, you know I prepared everything when you were born. I saved enough money for both of you to have nice life, you won't have to worry about that. You know that place I always took you as a child, you will find everything there", I just hummed in response.

"Now go and give Julie a better life, I wish i could have given it to you too", she said and looked up to me.

"Mom, I will wait. i will go when you are gone", she cut me off directly.

"No, you will not wait. I will not let you see me die. You will Julie and go as long as no one expects it", she said and even tho her voice was now just a shadow of itself- I heard it in my head. I heard the woman who planed all this since she knew I would have to suffer under a father who hates his child because it is a girl.

"Okay", I said even tho I wanted to scream no. It felt so wrong leaving her behind, knowing damn well she would die alone.

She didn't deserved all this, non of us three did and yet we had to get through it.

"Loui, go!", she said and I closed my eyes shut for a second. Then I took my sister and walked to the door. Looking back I smiled at my mom, trying to hold back my tears.

"I love you mom, Julie will grow up and she will be perfect", I said and she nodded. Then I left the room and began to pack the most important things.


"What. Are you doing here?", Mai said as soon as I opened the back door.

"I'm gonna move in for a while", i simply said and set down Julies baby seat. Then I simply went to the car and started unloading the two bags I had packed.

"You are doing what?!", she barked and walked after me.

"Are you crazy? You can't just kidnap your little sister and run off", she whisper screamed. Setting down the bags I turned around an locked her straight in the eyes.

"I had to. Mom may be dead by now, she wanted me to get Julie out of there and I won't reject her last wish okay?", mai just stood there in shock.

"She's dead?", she whispered and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, she was barely alive when I left. I wanted to wait so she didn't have to die alone but she told me to go directly", I said and finally sat down on a chair.

After a few seconds I simply let the tears flow and opened my mouth a tiny bit, just to let a silent scream.

"Okay, let's get your stuff downstairs", she simply said and began to carry one of the bags downstairs. She was giving time to calm down.

She may be my best friend, but she grew up in the mafia as well, you don't learn to comfort your friend, you just simply leave them alone to regain their composure...

After a few minutes I straightened my shoulders and grabbed the other bag and Julie. With both in my hands I walked down the stairs and set everything down.

"Take the guest room, I gave the other apartment to your friend", she muttered and I nodded.

"So they are still here?", she nodded and helped me with the bed sheets while I started to unpack the most important tings.

Julie had woken up while I carried her downstairs and was now watching everything with her curious eyes.

"We will eat breakfast tomorrow and then we will plan how all of you will get out of this country. You should disappear from Italy and you shouldn't go to Germany for a while. Your father will find you there in days", I nodded.

"How are they?", I asked then and motioned in the direction of the neighbor apartment.

"They are good, nobody followed them, i got everything checked. They are nice", she said while going into her bedroom which just contained of a Bed. The rest of the room was nearly open to the living area so she could always have her computers in sight which took the rest of her bedroom space.

Mai was a genius when it came to computers, she was our clans hacker and she truly was one of the best.

"Alright get some sleep", Mai said and with that the door closed and I made sure Julie was ready for bed before falling asleep myself.


"What. Are you doing here?", I looked up while holding the feeding bottle. Ken stood in the door, ready to fight. One look at the baby and he calmed down and gave the entry free for Max to enter the rom.

"I decided it was time to move out", I said and took a sip from my tea.

"You decided to move out?", this man. I spend a few hours together and he looked at me like he was my mother.

"Yes I did"

"Your mother did", Mai said as she came back into the kitchen with one of her laptops.

"Seriously, do you ever have a week where you got nothing to do? I haven't seen you without a laptop since", I started to count on my fingers to symbolize it.

"At least ten years, five more when we keep in mind that you are older than me", I said and ducked down when she swung her hand with her empty cup.

"Tell your dad to give others work too", she lazily snapped at me. Ken and Max in the meantime had sat down a the table to start their breakfast.

"I'm pretty sure he would rather listen to you than to me"

"We should send Pablo, he's a man. Your dad will always favor men", she mumbled.

"Sounds lovely, are you sure you just have one sister?", Ken said and pointed his head towards Julie in my arm.

"Pretty sure", I laughed. One look at Mai and everyone saw that she was Asian.

"What are you gonna do now?", Mai asked me and I simply put an envelope on the table.

"I'm gonna move into a new House", I simply said and grinned.

"Thailand?", Mai said and I nodded.

"Thailand?", Ken looked up at that. I nodded.

"How did your mom got a house in Thailand?", Mai asked and I simply shrugged my shoulders.

"I honestly don't know, but she spent half her youth in the mafia due to her mother so she learned to always have a secret backup, and as soon as you have kids you have a back for each of them too", I said.

"If you love them", Mai murmured and I nodded, as well as Ken.

Then it snapped in my head.

"You are both Thai!", I blurted out and made everyone look at me- even Julie.

Ken and Mai both turned to each other with wide eyes.

"You're Thai?", Mai asked him and he nodded.

"Half Australian, half Thai- my mom was a prostitute"

"Same, my dad was some random German tourists"

"Then did you two meet? The Berlusconi clan has no business or any other connections to Thailand", Ken said and I nodded.

"Her dad heard that he had a child somewhere in Thailand but he thought Mai was a boy"

"When he saw me, he simply let me there at the airport. I was lost until Louis mom picked me up when I ran away from a store keeper", Mai said and I nodded.

"So your two practically grew up like sibling", Ken said and we nodded again.

For a while we just sat there in silence and ate, until we finished. We then sent Max off to play and after checking on Julie we sat together and discussed.....


This story is also available to read on Wattpad @cocosunny