Arc Four. Chapter One Hundred Sixteen. Sins Of The Father

Gwen had asked Peter if she could fight Norman on her own, and only if she got in trouble would he or Felicia step in. She was asking a lot and in the end, the compromise was that Liv would help her. Neither of them had much fighting experience outside of what Peter and Felicia gave them, and Harry could be a lot more dangerous than they anticipated. Unlike the rest, Gwen knew that Norman was still alive and while he wasn't here, Harry would do just fine. This whole mess was his fault anyway.

She flexed a few times, and Monarch just stared at her. "You? Venoms over there fighting Carnage, Huntress is fighting her father and they sent you? Is MJ going to model some lingerie at me, maybe Liv will roll her wheelchair over my toes, oh oh or Curt will rip an arm off and throw it at me?" Monarch mocked her. "Nice duds though, Pete get you a new one, or did that stupid bitch Liv save you?"

"No, just going to beat you to death with my bare hands you arrogant fuck," and Gwen stretched, her body grew a huge amount, as a fully healed Poison swelled her muscles and covered her in thick armoured plates. Her formula enhanced body didn't transform like Curts or Goblins, no hers just grew and she now towered over Monarch, an Amazonian goddess clad in thick symbskin armour, he felt a small amount of fear. Poison strode forwards, Harry laughed, but he exploded into pain as she thudded a fist the size of a small plate into his guts and then smashed him with a haymaker into the ground. She spat on his crumpled form, "fuck Monarch." and Poison stomped down on Monarchs back until he puked over the floor.

Huntress was trying not to hurt her father, the Kaos symbiote screeching and throwing darts at her as she ducked and weaved around him,

stop crying start hunting you are weak your father is gone only, Kaos remains,

no, I can save him, I have to try, blocking a kick, Kaos swept the legs out from under her and hissed in laughter and he stabbed downwards with a symbskin sword, forcing her to roll away from him.

Venom was having more luck with Carnage, mainly as he didn't give a shit if he killed him or not. The skinny asshole was slippery, he liked to get in close and use skin made weapons on his victims. The armour upgrade they all hated was perfect here, and as the huge blade smashed against it, Venom could only shrug as it failed to cut him. He swivelled his hand and shot out a web, grabbed Carnage and pulled him close, headbutted him and then swung him around, throwing him away, back across the courtyard.

Poison was on Monarch's back, driving his head into the ground, Monarch had stopped moving already and with each blow, Gwen screamed more and more.

The anger, the guilt and the loss flowing from her as tears. She was too wrapped up in her grief to feel the tendrils of the monarch slide over her and pick her up, wrapping tightly around her. "We are not a fucking punching bag you bitch," and as a tendril wrapped around her neck, Poison began to struggle. Monarch was slowly merging with Poison and tightening himself around her exposed neck. She had no idea how to stop it, and she began to panic and claw at her neck.

"Do you need help dear?" Liv climbed out of the ATV, Gwen had asked to fight alone. After the telling off they had all received from first Felicia, and then MJ, Liv was unwilling to allow Harry to hurt Gwen any further, and seeing her struggle decided to interfere.

"Run my wheelchair over you?" As the four limbs extended from her back, Ravage slipped over her like a fine dress and she screamed in Harry's face, "No dear, not in the slightest," and wrapping two round his arms forced them from Poison as the other two thudded heavy blows into his chest. "I'm going to pay you back for all those people, and what you and your father did to me" the final two sliced at the tendrils around Poisons throat severing them.

Poison landed on her ass, choking and taking in deep breaths. Poison had finally figured out how to harden her throat to stop Harry from choking her too badly but it had still hurt and she gasped and coughed. She unwound the wriggling tendrils, throwing them away as she sprayed them with caustic acid, making sure they were dissolved before standing and rubbing her throat.

Monarch laughed. "You? You two are fucking pathetic. Kneel!" he commanded and Ravage felt the urge to drop to her knees, the only thing stopping her was the intense hatred for the man who made her life hell.

Ravage's maw split apart and the blood-red symbiote roared in Monarchs face "We bow to NO ONE!" she screeched, and the four arms struck out once more. Monarch leapt backwards, sending out his own tentacles to bat them aside.

"We've got a present for you though, fuck face, I reconfigured the AV, just for you." and as Monarch was caught by Ravages own Tendrils he struggled and Poison balled one of her fists, changing it into a huge spike. Driving it into the soft tissue of Monarchs behind, she pumped him full of not just the Anti-Venom, but changed her other hand and stabbed him in the back, letting a caustic acid flow into Harry.

Harry thrashed as the toxin worked its way through his cells, knowing exactly what the formula would do, he coughed a few times and vomited the white symbiote up. Monarch, knowing its only choice was to perish or flee, forcefully ripped itself from Harry and fled, heading towards a tunnel.

Writhing in pain as he was free for the first time in 5 years, Harry saw Poison standing over him. "You killed my dad," and with a stroke, Harry felt a warm sensation at his neck, putting a hand up he saw blood on his fingers, and his breath became harder to hold in his chest. Letting out a gurgled cough he collapsed.

"And this is for the lives you stole.'' Harry had fallen to his knees and tried to stop the blood he felt when Ravage grabbed him by the ears, "and for mine." and with a twist and a snap, Harry was no more. Ravage stood and grinned at Poison who shook her head, shrinking back down.

Ravage shrugged and leant down, a tendril sharpened and with a single stroke, she took Harry's head from his shoulders. "What? You watch movies right, the bad guy makes a dramatic resurrection once good guys backs are turned." Poison just shook her head again and headed back to the others.

"Venom. Monarch abandoned Harry and you need to chase him. We'll take care of Carnage," Ravage yelled, and Venom watched as the white symbiote half ran, half oozed down a side corridor. Venom ducked under a blade and shoulder checked Carnage, throwing him backwards. Ravage, taking the opportunity sent out her four arms and Venom taking the chance, leapt away and followed Monarch.

Poison had swung over to help Huntress, as she tried to reason with her father it became apparent that he was gone, "Dad, I'm sorry," and as Felicia spoke Kaos stopped again. The momentary lapse in concentration was enough for Poison to stab him in the back. Letting the symbiote poison spread into him, Kaos only laughed and swung at her in retaliation, but he dropped to one knee, coughing and vomiting up the rotten dead fluid. Poison shook her head and as Huntress held him down Poison injected him again with the Anti-Monarch formula, allowing his release from the psychotic symbiote.

Ravage was defending against Carnage, as his blade slashed out she used the same tactics she had once used against Venom, Each limb tracking and deflecting off a knife or blade extending from Carnage. Carnage had scored a hit on her ribs, carving a line from one side to his spine and while it wasn't serious, Ravages lack of combat experience showed. The psychopath had been carving people up for years, fought cops, fought other inmates, and anyone who dared anger him, two kids and a scientist were meat for the grinder as far as he saw it. Carnage giggled and laughed as he scored more and more slashes on her.

"Oh, how Venom will cry and fight when he sees my work," he taunted them. Seeing Ravage in difficulty Poison headed to help, whipping out explosive web lines to keep him away from her as she slowly recovered.

Carnage was smarter than Goblin though, and as Poison sent out a whip he countered it with one of his own, either grabbing and pulling or simply batting it to one side, laughing at the pair's feeble attempts to fight him.

Huntress was tending to her father, tears dripping down her face as he struggled and coughed up more and more of his symbiote. Kaos thrashed and flaked off but unlike Poison, he refused to save his host and soon both were still and quiet.

"Love you," was all he said and as Thomas Hardy died, Huntress screamed her pain into the open air.

Huntress sniffed and took a deep breath. She knew her father might not be alive, she had mourned him. Finding him controlled by a symbiote was stopping a monster and now, spying Poison and Ravage having difficulty, she had another to stop.

Fueled by rage at her father's death, Huntress dodged and weaved around the blades of Carnage, ignoring his taunting she made blades of her own. Poison retreated and pulled the bloody and exhausted Ravage with her. The soldiers Harry had created were nowhere to be seen but unwilling to risk her life, Poison helped Ravage into the ATV and as she slipped back, webbed up the wound on her side with her biobandage.

"Eat shit!" Huntress grinned and struck out with a sword, catching him under one arm. As she pulled back she extended the symbskin out like a branch and stabbed it into him, only his own armour stopping the blade from extending into his chest. Roaring in pain he grabbed the blade and yanked it from her hand. Huntress snorted, "Carnage? more like Garbage."

"Hehehe we will make you love this blade," but as he swung for her, Huntress ducked under the blade and brought her knee into his stomach,

"oh yeah, let's see you try."

Carnage laughed, and his hands changed into giant red and black axes, he swung for Huntress but she ducked under one, stepped to the side and as the axe swung down landed a blow into Carnage's armpit and he screeched as the limb went numb.

"Aww, did Garbage meet his match?"

His mouth split and he yelled, bringing the other axe round in an arc, which Hunteress ducked under, went down on one knee and punched him in the groin.

He screamed in pain and she rolled backwards as he tried to bring the axe down on her, "you mean you felt that, cause I never felt anything," wiggling a pinky finger at him.

"We will kill and eat you bitch!" He yelled and as he ran towards his arm became a huge spike. As he struck forwards, Huntress rolled and brought up both arms, she took a knee and punched, both hands like spades as they dug through Carnage's chest and out the back, she screamed in his face and pulled her hands apart and three soggy parts of his body thudding on the ground.

Huntress spat on the parts and headed into the ATC where Gwen and Liv were sat, drinking water from a supply crate. As she handed her bottle to Felicia, Gwen saw the mess move, and huffing, lifted herself up and wrapping herself in Poison once more, made sure to spray Carnage with both the Anti-Monarch formula and Cletus with a strong acid, letting them both turn to black slime.

Back in the ATV, the trio collapsed together, leaning on one another, they were tired and covered in bruises and slashed. While Venom had left to take care of Monarch, Kaos and Carnage had been tough for the three. Only Huntress had combat experience, and Liv and Gwen suffered for it.

"I think. Yes, I think I want to go home now," Liv said and Gwen patted her arm.