Arc Four. Chapter One Hundred Seventeen. Sins Of The Son

Venom had followed the trail of Monarch to its spawning chamber, the air was thick with humidity, and he could smell the next batch of symbiotes being created in the strange alien incubation chamber. Monarch had found its home, the original probe John had found and opened, brought back to earth and then started this whole mess and as Monarch quivered inside its face stretched.

You will serve us,

It whispered to Venom and hearing its voice, he stopped.

you will serve us,

and he was frozen, his symbskin hardened around him, he strained but in front of his creator he was powerless,

you are my creation and you will obey.

Peter found he was unable to move. His head swam and all he wanted was to please Monarch, to serve Monarch.

show us your face, bow to your master.

and the Venom symbskin retracted leaving Peter naked before Monarch, and unable to control himself he got down on one knee and bowed.


Monarch hissed.

You will serve us and find us a new host,

Monarch rasped at Peter.

No, he thought back,

insolence. you are our progeny we made you, we rule you,

Every ounce of pain, every punch, every taunt, every sneer, every time someone did or said something, every drop of pain Peter had felt. At Flash for his bullying, at his uncle for dying and leaving him, at his parents for taking a baby on a shield mission. Every ounce of that he screamed in Monarch's face.

no! Peter thought again,

no no no NO!

And Monarch flinched.

A bright blue gem, embedded in the housing of the alien spacecraft, glowed brightly for a second before dimming.

"WE. ARE. VENOM!" Peter roared and the black symbskin flooded outwards, tendrils of hardened armour piercing and shredding everything in their path.

"YOU. ARE. NOTHING. TO. US." he yelled again, and all the symbiotes felt a psychic shock echo through them, the girls felt warm and safe as Peter's mind touched theirs through their bonds, their creator was calling to them, keeping them from Monarchs influence.

"YOU ARE NOTHING" he yelled at the symbiote and it rippled as if his voice was a physical thing, even Venom felt the thrumming of his power, he smirked as he thought back, the first time he saw Poison and Venom interact and as his maw split apart, an instinct taking over. The desire to consume, the desire to eat flesh, and tear apart his victims and devour their minds.

"You are nothing but food," and grabbing the symbiote he stuffed it into his mouth, closing the razor-sharp teeth around it and tearing into the thick gelatinous body of Monarch. Monarch screeched in pain as Venom slurped it down and into himself. As it screamed and raged, it tried and failed to escape his own cells, fought and absorbed it, taking in the power he had been giving the others, taking in what was rightfully his.

He felt the young symbiote struggle to remain within his mind, begging to be left alive, as the last of their kind. Venom thought it was strange, he had been so afraid of what Harry and the symbiote were doing but it was only trying to survive. Not even the last ruler, it was the dying symbiotes last act, to create a spawn and launch it into space.

Venom was relentless though, as he felt the last of Monarch fade, he also felt the races rage. At being used, at being destroyed, at being imprisoned. The last dying act was not to spare its race, but to get revenge on an unsympathetic galaxy, to consume and to destroy.

As Venom ate and digested the symbiote he spied a bright blue gem on the throne of Monarch, attached at its head. Sparkling and glinting with unseen light Peter found himself drawn to the gem. Prying it loose he heard a whisper in his thoughts, a calling to submit, to obey, a whisper of a suggestion that he was nothing, he was lesser and in anger, he crushed the gem with his fist. He was Venom, he was strong, he was powerful and the bright gem cracked, revealing the yellow gem underneath.

Raw power flooded into him and his mind swam with images, scenes of battle, species, planets, knowledge long forgotten, all contained within the gem. Its power flooded into him and he began something else. As he assimilated Monarch his cells became more than the originals, more than just a human hybrid.

He wasn't just Peter Parker anymore, nor was he Venom. He was both and finally at peace. He felt connected to everything, to the world, to each symbiote and he had felt the same connection from Monarch. With his newfound power, he could now control and create a new symbiote race if he desired, with him as its progenitor.

The gem whispered to him, take it, make them yours, take this world

Venom shook his head as he fought the gems influence, I will make you into fucking buttplug, SHUT THE FUCK UP! He screamed at it in his mind and it fell silent.

He sought out that connection and he terminated each symbiote soldier, realising their minds were gone, only husks remained, controlled by their armour. No, he could but he wouldn't. He wanted a home, not an empire, a family not slaves. He knew had strayed but he still wanted Aunt May and his Uncle to be proud of him, and that was good enough for him. He felt the calm minds of each neutral symbiote on Earth and he sent them a stark warning, "Behave or I will find you," before creating a new holder for the gem and hiding it within his body.

The trio looked to the chamber Peter had headed down and hoped he was okay.

Of course, Peter sauntered down the corridor, "uh, are there any grenades in the ATV?" He asked and the three shrugged. After a moment of searching, Venom grabbed what he hoped were explosives and pulled the pins on all of the cylinders and threw them down the tunnel he had just walked up.

"Did you, did you kill Monarch?" Gwen asked and Peter nodded, unwilling to admit exactly how he had killed him.

"So it's over?" as he nodded again, Gwen relaxed, slumping into the bucket seat in the back of the ATV.

"Good," Felica said, "then let's go home."

Peter looked around at the devastation, "Uh, remember Livs place" and Felicia laughed while Liv and Gwen both shook their heads. There were only so many things they could steal before Shield got here.

"We'll need a bigger van though," was all the reply he got.

"We also need to take the shield down Peter, we can't leave until you do," Liv said, sitting almost asleep in the ATV.

"It's fine," was all he said and letting his symbskin cover him. "Be right back," he climbed out of the ATV and sent up a web line and began to climb.

At the top of the building, he found what Monarch had built. It was tied into the ship's reactor, and he sent a mental message to Huntress.

Uh, I know it's weird right but um, can you head into the tunnel and grab Monarchs ship, its alien tech and I don't want Shield to get it.

Monarchs ship? Down the tunnel, the tunnel you just blew up?

Maybe you can I dunno dig it out?

Oh, you fucking owe me, Pete. Really owe me, and he heard Felicia huff through their link.

Yeah. Gwen can help, but next time, wait before blowing stuff up yeah?

Uh, then wait a moment, cause I might have to blow up this shield generator.

For fuck sake Pete, switch it off and stop blowing shit up.

Venom laughed, he was only teasing her, and as he looked over the shield generator he saw the bright blue cube sat in its centre. It was a simple on-off mechanism, probably as Symbsoldiers weren't exactly the smartest creations and as he approached the two guarding it raised their guns against him but with a thought, they stood down.

Venom shook his head and pressed the switch, hearing the machine whine and then the bright fountain of light slowly faded. He figured that Shield should be already on standby and that the group should get out of there before Fury and his men showed up.

Touching one of the symbsoldiers he felt for a mind, for anything but through the link, he could feel there was nothing, a hunger, a need to obey had been imprinted but that was it. Whoever this was, whatever mind the man once had was gone, and he sent a command to the slug and it died. Leaving the man an empty husk.

Venom took a breath and sighed. Fury was going to be pissed, but unless he commanded the slugs to eat the person they were possessing, it was the best he could do.

MJ? Are you okay? He thought, seeking her out through the network.

What the hell? And yeah fine, I'm fine.

Asgardians? Venom asked as he began to pull apart the generator. It was more alien tech that he didn't want Shield to have but he knew the power source, the Tesseract had been lent to Oscorp by Shield, and he left it on the roof after removing a few components from the generator. They had been scavenged from Monarch's ship and without them the tech was worthless.

Here and behaving, Thor and Loki are guarding Goblin, and Carol is arguing she should just blast him.

Shit, he thought, not a fight I would want to get involved in.

Uh, tell her not to start something right now, there's been enough death for today, even if it is Goblin.

They want to take him off-world, to stand trial for crimes against the galaxy, I dunno Pete, this is way beyond me, uh, so, yeah, mind-reading now huh?

Venom laughed, yeah mind-reading now, look, leave Carol, and the Asgardians to sort the mess out, we'll swing by and pick you up, we're leaving before the authorities get here. So stay safe and see you soon. Oh wait, do Carol or the others know anything about an alien glowing cube thing?

let me ask, and after a moment, uh Thor wants to know where you are,

Sure, send him my way, Life Foundation Building, on the roof. You can hitch a ride if you want?

No, get home, I'm fine, I can blend in with the civilian casualties and make my own way back, just head home. Don't do anything that could get you caught.

Okay, see you soon, while Venom wasn't happy about leaving MJ, she was probably the safest of the five of them, having three superpowered guardians with her and even if he wasn't convinced about Thor or Loki he knew Carol would keep her safe.

Soon enough he spied who he could only imagine was Thor, and he felt a little jealous. At almost 7 foot tall the man was strapping beefcake of blonde and muscles and even as he saw Venom he smiled,

"Friend, you have the Tesseract?" and as Venom pointed at the remains of the generator Thor slapped him on the back, and laughed, "A fitting prize to take home. You might want to stand back though," and with a swing of his hammer, he smashed the generator to pieces. "I am sorry uh, Venom? but I cannot allow the generator to remain intact. Earth should not have this level of technology," but Venom shrugged, at least he could dump everything onto Thor. "I shall return to my brother and our prisoner. May we join you and Carol for libations? I wish to see more of Earth and its people."

Venom shrugged, "sure, just make sure MJ gets home okay?" and with a laugh, Thor twirled his hammer and took off into the sky.

Webbing the parts to himself he scaled down the line he climbed up and met the others at the ATV, Poison and Huntress looked mad at him, while Liv was sat sleeping in the back of the ATV.

"She's just banged up but she won't be fighting anytime soon," Gwen said as Venom cast an eye over her and he nodded,

"Good, let's go home." Venom said, climbing into the van, "and I'll order pizza, a lot of pizza."

They were all tired, hungry and relieved. For once things had been dealt with, the clean up was Shields problem, and even if Goblin was still alive the Asgardians could take care of him.

It was a win, nobody had been seriously hurt and everyone was safe, that was all Peter cared about as Felicia drove the van back to the warehouse.