Arc Four. Chapter One Hundred Eighteen. Moving House (NSFW)

As they drove home Peter saw the vast number of Shield agents begin to swarm the island, ignoring the fleeing traffic and concentrating on the larger problems. Peter stretched out with his thoughts and made sure that everyone was safe, no hostiles remained, and those that could be saved were. Harry's clones were dumb, bonding with anyone who was compatible and eating anyone who wasn't.

Gwen was feeling much better after getting her revenge against Harry, and MJ had come back to the warehouse. After a tearful reunion, she was told the story of Harry's plan and explained her own drama. Thor and Loki had tagged along but sat at the coffee table awkwardly drinking coffee and staring at each other, promising to behave, while a bound, webbed, and gagged Goblin lay in a corner with a watchful eye kept on him. Gwen synthesised the most powerful sedative she could and soon he was asleep, completely covered in webbing baring enough space to breathe through.

With the invasion over and the Asgardians dealt with Carol had to go back to space. Her time on earth was over and she was going to snag a ride with Thor and Loki, speak to Odin about the Klyntar situation and then head to Nova Prime to broadcast the news to the galaxy in general.

Eventually, Fury sent agents to interview the Asgardians but Thor just laughed at them, called them "tiny" and after radioing their superiors they left without an argument. Goblin had been sedated with a super sedative, courtesy of Gwen and his symbiote had been given a stern warning from Peter, "behave or perish."

The week had passed painfully slow, but until Fury gave them the all-clear, Peter had been told to stay put and to wait until he had been debriefed.

Thor had taken Loki for one last look around New York and while the man was as subtle as a brick Peter actually found himself liking the pair. Peter was even generous to give him a hundred dollars to spend. In the end, he gave Loki the hundred as Thor proudly held the money up and exclaimed "Currency!" before laughing and slapping Loki on the back.

After they had left, Carol and Liv were talking and Peter went grocery shopping for ingredients to cook one final meal for Carol. As a huge thank you for helping with the invasion, he felt it was the least he could do, and after he returned with fresh eggs and milk for pancakes, he stopped to watch Huntress and Ravage fighting in front of the labs.

What confused him more was Liv.

"Uh, Liv?" he asked as she sat at the table drinking coffee, watching the pair fight.

"Oh Peter dear, just in time, isn't it exciting," and she motioned to the pair trading blows.

"Uh, sure but, want to explain?" he asked, setting down the bag and putting the groceries away into the fridge they used for perishables.

"Oh right, yes, sorry. See, Carol wanted to take a symbiote with her to Asgard, a presence for the Klyntar race so to speak and asked if Huntress would spawn."

"Right, with you so far." He sat down and poured coffee for himself and waved the coffee pot at Liv who nodded, and he poured her a fresh cup as well.

"Well, she refused and instead leapt from Ms Hardy to Carol and bonded with her, to which Felicia was obviously upset." Liv sipped her coffee before setting it down. "Now, Ravage also asked if she could swap as, and I quote 'taste funny', apparently the x-ray exposure left me tasting like a battery and Ravage was unamused by the development. So, she moved and Felicia is now her host."

Peter's eyes twitched, "okay, and the fight?"

Liv laughed, "oh, um, Huntress might have said that Ravage was a better choice as, and again I quote 'the Felicia was better at taking a dick than a punch' and well, Felicia headbutted her, and now you see the result."

Peter laughed, while the pair were fighting it wasn't serious. Huntress was getting used to a new host while Felica and Ravage seemed to have blended perfectly. If Carol stuck out any limb to try and hit Ravage she grabbed it and slammed her into the ground, following it up with kicks, punches, and tentacle whips. Carol for all her military training was being tossed around like a child by Felicia. As much as he might not want to admit it Felicia did seem to be better suited to Ravage.

It wasn't until Carol started to glow that Peter stood, "ENOUGH!" he yelled and Huntress and Ravage both froze. He had felt Carol starting to power up and even without Huntress she was capable of levelling the entire warehouse with one of her photon blasts. If the symbiote had enhanced her then who knew what she was now capable of.

Peter shook his head as he walked over to them. "I don't mind you fighting, but really Huntress, cheating?" and the symbiote tutted at him. "Really, you got a power upgrade and now you're huffy, let me speak to Carol." and as the symbskin mask pulled back Carol took a deep breath and smiled,

"Oh fuck that amazing, I mean, I feel great and oh, you are such a bad man Peter Parker, I mean, all four at once, all four, hell," she muttered under her breath, "and I can't even get a date. Stupid damn, stupid man."

Peter laughed, "uh, didn't Huntress warn you we all have enhanced senses, I mean Liv?"

"He's not stupid, he's just a very naughty boy," Liv shouted across the floor, and Peter laughed.

Carol hid her face in her hands, first Huntress insults her old host starting a fight, then she accesses the Photon force and almost levels the place, and now she just admitted that she knows all their dirty secrets. Carol wasn't a prude by any means but still. What made matters worse was that in all her time in space there were issues. She had never met anyone compatible and after being away for so long, even Peter was looking like a good thing. Huntress had shared a lot of graphic details about him and his activities after Carol had a stray thought about it, and now she was willing to find out if the creature was exaggerating or not.

"Come on, pancakes, and I got maple syrup too, bet you haven't had that for a while. Got a few extra bottles for you to take into space, plus a hardshell case, maybe grab a few things to take with you?" Peter shrugged. Carol hadn't fought much but spent most of her time saving New Yorkers from the Symbslugs Harry cloned, she deserved more than he could offer her but had refused everything else.

"Oh, pancakes," and Huntress slid back, revealing Carol underneath,

"But uh, we have a dress code though," Peter said looking Carol all over and Carol raised an eyebrow before looking down.

Peter took in the sight, Carol was more muscular than even Felicia but her breasts were smaller and her nipples, hard after fighting, were small dots of chocolate on two hand-sized mounds. Sweat lazily beaded between her breasts and Peter's eyes went down to her groin where Huntress had taken the liberty of cleanly shaving Carol and a pair of nicely smooth lips sat over an engorged clit, glistening and ready for what Huntress wanted most for breakfast, Peter.

Huntress had eaten her uniform, "uh yeah, the symbiotes really don't like it when you wear clothes, they get, I dunno, jealous." he explained but his eyes never moved from her.

"Fucking shit," Carol covered her breasts with one arm and tried to cover her groin with the other.

"Yeah, a bit late for that. Huntress, stop being a bitch, give Carol clothes," he told her and while Huntress manifested blue jeans and a white T-shirt for Carol, she made sure that her chest and groin were covered last, and that the t-shirt was transparent enough her dark nipples showed through.

Carol sighed, "I'm giving you back if you don't behave," she chided the symbiote and the t-shirt thickened. "Are they all like that?" and Peter shook his head.

"Truth? No, they're badass bitches who take no shit, but uh, they are all used to, um, me I guess, and maybe Huntress is now pushing you towards that as well."

Carol tutted and shook her head. "I can't, I'm going back into space in what 6 hours, plus I was gone for 10 years last time, so I might never be back, times relativistic in space, I'm gone 6 months but here, you'll age so much faster." She was no prude, but even she drew the line at dragging him to bed, sating herself and then leaving. A long-distance relationship was well off the cards when it was measured in light-years.

"Really? is that all?" Liv added, "look, we're all open here, we had a big discussion not too long ago about honesty. As your one of us now, maybe not in the physical sense, but Huntress is one of Peters babies, you need to be honest and the truth is I can smell your excitement and Peter won't age. As far as we can tell his cells don't break down and he has no genetic markers for cancer or ageing. If anything you'll age faster than he will, you're still fundamentally human, he isn't." Caroll had neglected to mention her biology had been altered by the Kree, and that Peter being only part human wasn't that much of a deal as they thought.

We want our breakfast now. Peter, come scramble our eggs and let me lick syrup off the sausage.

"But he didn't buy any-" and Carol went bright red, "that's not what you meant was it?" and they could hear Huntress laughing. "Fine, fine, yes, stupid handsome man, booty calls are still a thing then huh? Fine, if I'm back on Earth then yes."

"Well, I don't have a place and sure, why not, I mean, from the memories Huntress is showing me you're a horny little devil and it's been so long for me that if you're offering I won't say no." Huntress slipped back into Carol and even as she shook her head at her nakedness she sauntered back over to Peter's home, shaking her ass as invitingly as she could.

"Sorry Liv, I'll make pancakes for you once I'm finished," and after a kiss on the cheek, and with a smile on his face, followed Carol into his house.

Carol was over on the bed waiting for him,

"Peter, I have the stamina of a god, the energy of the universe and now the horniest meanest symbiote in the world bonded to me, I don't want to waste time, clothes off, right here," and she pointed to her glistening lips. "Please, just, it's been so long and this little blob keeps sending memories of you pounding Felicia till she can't walk, so no, in, now."

Peter let his clothes vanish and held his erection over her wet pussy, rubbing it to feel how smooth she was he plunged it into her and she gasped as he filled her "oh fuck, now, hard," and he began to piston in and out of her.

As Liv and Felicia stared at each other at the breakfast table they began to hear and then smell the sex between Carol and Peter, Felica looked forlorn and Liv patted her on the thigh, "it's not all bad you know, she's not a-"

"OH FUCK YES!" Carol screamed as she must have had her first orgasm.

Liv stared, "uh, she's not a puppy, you have to let her live her own life-" but was interrupted again by the moans and cries of Carol.

"Um, want to?" and Felicia looked nervously at Liv.

Liv smirked, "really, without Gwen?" And Felicia nodded,

"We all agreed, remember?" and as Liv got down on her knees in front of Felicia she felt her run her fingers through her hair. Tasting the young woman she slid a finger into her and began to massage her clit with her tongue, then a second and she saw Felicia things tremble as she came.

"The floor isn't comfortable dear, how about we use your home, mine was taken by Carol and I don't think she'll appreciate the company."

The pair could hear her moaning and shouting, Peter taking no quarter with her and Fel nodded, Gwen wouldn't be home for several hours at least. And with a smile, Liv took her into their bed.

"I must admit, I had hoped Carol would be a bit open to more than just Peter," she said and they lay side by side, Liv gently kissing and teasing Felicia's thighs and clit while Felicia did the same, burying her face and sucking on Livs wet entrance, her tongue exploring deep within.

Carol was also experiencing Peters tongue as they sixty-nined, her powers and Huntress meant that to her surprise she could take him comfortably and she had, every inch of his cock was deep in her mouth and as she sucked on him, he returned the favour and tongued deep within her, his long symbiote tongue-tickling and teasing everywhere while his fingers played on her clit.

"Oh shit Peter, you can cum lots yeah, then please, Huntress wants it, oh shit, me too, fucking cum," and as she asked Peter released within her mouth. She knew the symbiote loved it and it surprised Carol when the thick sweet taste filled her mouth, it was pleasant and she drank it, feeling Huntress purr and even now her powers thrummed as well, she bobbed her head back and forth, letting him fill her mouth before swallowing it down and as he touched the back of her throat she clenched as his tongue wriggled over her g-spot, sending her into orgasmic bliss.

Kissing and stroking him, "one last time, inside please, oh fuck, inside," and Peter lay down, Carol grinned and slid on top of him, feeling him elongate inside and she was full "oh fuck Peter, be thankful the universe doesn't know about this," and as she rocked back and forth he rubbed against the end of her passageway sending a huge ripple through her, Huntress, and for a reason she didn't understand, her powers as well. Each cell vibrated with power, each part of her hummed in the joy of Peter, even if she knew he was probably getting a big head from having so many girlfriends she didn't care, as a blush spread across her chest and her dark coffee nipples hardened, she nodded to him and whined as he came deep inside her. She never knew she could orgasm like that, she never knew the molten hot cum pouring into her would spark a fire within her that burned like a star and sent pleasure to every inch of her body.

The pair, encased in Carol's powers, floated from the bed, Peter still spurting more and more cum into her, her body and Huntress greedily drinking it. It wasn't until Carol's power burst forth and filled the warehouse with a blinding light that they heard, "what the fuck was that?" being shouted by Felicia, who with a very naked Liv and a very obvious smell of sex had come running over.

"Best Orgasm EVER!" was all Carol shouted before falling back on the bed.