Chapter 10

Kioshi looked towards the girl and wondered why she was smiling so much. He walked past her and headed towards the front desk.

"Huh?...uh.." The girl who greeted Kioshi was a little bit confused. She shook her head and decided that he must have been in a hurry so he didn't have time to speak.

Kioshi who arrived at the front desk saw awakeners all around the place. Some were showing their elements and some were just chatting. Kioshi could see a little crowd over by the side of the entrance where people were yelling but he wasn't able to here exactly what they were yelling about.

He looked back at the desk and saw a man who looks like his in his 30's. He had a bob style hair cut with gleaming blue eyes. He wore the same clothing as the girl he met when he entered the building. He looked down to see a name card on the left side of his clothing which stated "Finz Loykin" on it.

"What do you wish to do here?" Finz asked while flipping through paperwork.

"I'm here to register." Kioshi decided that he shouldn't be formal with the man.

"Okay , just place your hand here." Finz took out a crystal ball. It looked identically similar to the one used in the Evaluation Center but just a little smaller.

Kioshi nodded and touched the orb with his hand. The crystal didn't show any reaction.

"Uh?" Finz was confused because only awakeners would come here. Is this boy awakened or not?

Finz didn't have long to think because the crystal ball started to turn completely black. There was no trace of light within it.

Finz who saw this , was shocked.

[Name: Kioshi Tadere]


[Element: Darkness]

[Rank: 2]

The crystal showed a holographic display of Kioshi's information.

Finz confirmed the process and nodded his head. "You can now enter Rank 1-9 areas that are protected by the government."

Kioshi nodded and walked away.

While Kioshi walked away. Finz looked at Kioshi's status again and saw that he was 16. "His this young?" Finz said to himself.

Kioshi , who left the building , thought that it would be a good idea to immediately go to a Rank 1 area. It would be a good chance to improve his abilities.

While he was thinking about his plans , a blue screen appeared infront of him.



[Description - Learn to control the element within you. Darkness is not something that should be toyed with.]

[Requirement - Achieve 10% control of your element.]

[Rewards - Random Skill]

[Failure - Decrease in stats]

A quest appeared in front of Kioshi. he didn't expect that he would have to start his own quest so soon since it hasn't even been 2 days yet before he got his element.

He decided that he would do the quest while inside a Rank 1 area. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and swiped upwards unlocking his phone. He searched on the internet for any good areas and found one that was near him.

{Boars Nest}

{Rank 1-3}

{Description - A nest that is filled with Rank 1-3 boars. Their strength isn't much and they are extremely slow but their defence is above a Rank 5 beast.}

{Beware of their fangs.}

Kioshi read the description and decided that he would go to this one. It had a good ring to it and the enemies were slow which would benefit him.

He saw the location and followed the directions given to him from his phone.

He arrived after 15 minutes and saw people lining up. There was a process happening where the government employees have to clarify if your had an element or not.

Kioshi joined the others in the line and waited his turn.

After what felt like 1 hour pass by , it was finally Kioshi's turn. He saw a man and women standing next to the entrance of the boars nest. They had a elemental stone in their hands. "Come forward." It was the man who spoke.

Kioshi walked forward and stood infront of them. The elemental stone turned completely black. The 2 government employees didn't understand but knew he had an element so they granted him access to enter. "You may go in."

Kioshi walked inside the boars nest and looked around the place. It was filled with trees and bushes , it wouldn't be a mistake to call this a smaller version of a forest.

It wasn't long before Kioshi heard the sound of boar approaching his location.

"I guess it's time to start the hunt."