Serving Master Alex

She wanted to go out but she couldn't since she wasn't wearing any piece of clothing, she had no idea that the door has been locked from the inside.

She lay down on the bed for hours feeling lifeless, she does not know how long she had been laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. The door was pushed up, an angry Alex walked in, he looked like someone who had been bewitched.

"How dare you defy my orders?" He roared, he took dangerous steps to where she was and held her by her neck.

"Master please, can't.. breathe" his hold on her neck tightened. Laura's head felt light, her eyes dizzy, it was like she was going to pass out any moment from now.

"I told Shelly to give you food and you rejected, you defied my orders. Do you want a death wish young lady? Next time you defy me, I won't think twice about blowing your brains out" let go of her rough making her stumble and fall on the bed.

She gasp for air, and her eyes rolled from front to back then front again. She coughed so hard, that her head turned red.

Alex through shopping begs her "I am going in to take a bath, you should be fully dressed before I come back." He entered the bathroom and shut the door with a loud bang startling the already scared girl.

The dress was nothing fancy, just shorts and a crop top. There was nothing like underwear, she wore the dress with shaky hands, and her legs quivered.

A few minutes later, Alex entered the room with nothing but a towel on his waist, his hair stuck on his face. Laura turned around not wanting to look at him, this made Alex smirk. He dressed up, dry his hair, and dumped the towel on the floor.

"Let's go" They went to the dining room, the house was grand. Laura kept looking around the big living room, a plasma TV hung on the wall, a silver chandelier on the ceiling, and black sofas which looked soft and comfortable to sit on.

"Shelly" he called with a loud voice, his anger has not simar down. The elderly woman came slightly rushing with maids behind carrying trays of food.

She set the table and was about to serve them when Alex raised his hand and asked her to leave "your work for today is done, you may now go back to your quarters, pass the information to the other. Don't leave your rooms until I tell you too. Now scram" they rushed out of the room, Shelly shook her head but didn't say anything.

"Service me" he commanded, Laura is used to being ordered around so this didn't come as a surprise to her. She woke up from her seat and went to his side, pick up his plate, and served him what was on the table.

She returned to her seat "who asked you to sit down?" Alex asked with raised brows. She stood there not knowing what to do, she has served him what else is needed?

"Clear the table" she did as she was told, she looked really angry, why did he tell her to come out of the room and asked the maids to serve them then tell her to take everything back inside except the one on his plate.

"Take off every single piece of clothing on you and lay down on the table" Laura stood transfixed, she couldn't move a muscle. She heard him loud and clear but she can't do that, that's like serving herself on a silver platter.

"I believe my mouth was empty when I said you should lay down on the table, and do you still have that on your body? I am already in a foul mood, don't worsen the situation." She shook her head as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Master please spare me, I promise to be good." She cried, Laura doesn't know the risk she is putting herself through, and Alex had a bad day at work.

One of his shipments was found by the police because one of his workers didn't do his job right and he came home only to find out that she had defied his orders.

"Do yourself good and do as I say" she looked around, no one was in sight except the both of them. She took off the crop top and shorts, her eyes couldn't keep her tears at bay. "Lay on your back" he ordered.

She did as she was told laying down on her back, her eyes staring at the ceiling as tears spilled out of it.

The reason why he asked her to serve him was that he wanted her to choose, he wasn't going to use the plate, he is going to eat with her.

He picked up his plate of food and spread it on her exposed body, luckily for Laura the food wasn't hot to burn her skin.

Slowly, he ate off her body, his tongue licking and at times biting her bare skin. His tongue slides up from her belly to the valley in between her breast.

His mouth traveled to her left peak, he sucked on it making her moan. Alex bit hard on her nipples making her yelp, he cools it down with his tongue.

"Go clean yourself up, I am done with my meal" he ordered, picked up a table napkin, and wipe his mouth. Laura quietly picked up her clothes and wore them, she cleaned the traces of tears on her cheeks.

Her eyes dared not wander around, she went straight to the room and got on the bed.