First time

Laura tried to sleep so Alex won't demand anything stupid from her but sleep was miles away from her. She shut her eyes close when she saw the door knob turn, she acted to be asleep.

She could hear his footsteps, her heart couldn't sit still. She heard the door to the bathroom open and shut and soon after the sound of water touching the tiles floor could be heard.

The door opened and shut again, she was tempted to peek just to be sure he was inside the room but she didn't, she couldn't risk getting caught.

After a long while of hearing rustling sounds from him, she felt the bed deep, her heart skipped two beats, and her position on the bed remained unchanged for a few minutes, she was rather stiff than relaxed.

Alex found it hard to ignore her, he bit her earlobe to earn a reaction from her but he got nothing.

He sucked on her neck, her hands curled into a fist she tried not to make a sound, maybe if she doesn't, he will think she was in too deep and will leave her rest for the night.

"You know, I would have believed your little act if you weren't too stiff and if your heartbeat was steady." He said in her ear.

"Open your eyes before I give you a punishment which you will never forget." Her eyes flew open, "what do you take me for? I dummy?" His eyes flared up, messing with Alex is a very dangerous thing to do.

"Get down" he ordered, she quietly got down from the bed. She didn't want to retaliate, she knows what the outcome will be.

"Take off your clothes and kneel" she did as she was told. Alex took off his clothes and sat at the edge of the bed, his member stood erect.

"Pleasure me" Laura look up at him, she didn't understand what he implied. He understood that she didn't know how to, after all, she was as pure as white, now there's a speck of darkness on her and he wants to increase it.

He held her little hands and placed them on his hard member, he guided her movement on his member. Her hands were shaky, she looked like she wanted the grounds to open up and swallow her.

"Don't stop" he let go of her hands and she continued pleasuring him, her hands moving at a slow and steady pace. "Increase your speed" he growled.

She did as she was told, her hands picked their pace, Alex's eyes rolled to the back, and he threw his head back, supporting himself with his hands on the bed.

"Hmm, yeah faster Laura," he said with his eyes closed, no woman has ever made him feel this way, he felt like he was on cloud nine.

Others have tried but no one has ever made him feel the way he is feeling right now. Laura had stopped feeling scared, she couldn't believe she had the power to make a man like Alexander Quinn feel weak in the knees.

"Stop" her hands halt, she thought she had done something wrong or maybe hurt him. If it was the latter she doesn't know if he would kill her for hurting him.

"Use your mouth" her eyes almost grew out of their sockets, and she shook her head vigorously.

"I can't, I don't want to" Alex's eyebrows drew together, and his eyes flared up with lust and anger. He has no time to deal with her little tantrums, so he held her cheekbones and hair, her pull her hair back making her yelp in pain then he thrusts his dick inside her mouth.

"Bite on it then you will be as good as dead." He threatened. With his hand still on her hair, he pulls her hair back and then thrust it back forward.

Tears spilled out of her eyes, wetting her already wet cheeks. She tried getting away but this little action of hers earned her a deafening slap.

Alex gag her but didn't give her a chance to cough out "I'll let go of your hair but don't stop moving, you know what will happen if you do." He let go of her hair, placed his hands on the bed, and shut his eyes, enjoying the feeling of her warm mouth on his dick.

She moved her head not stopping even for a moment, Alex care less if she has eaten or not, he gave her a chance and she wasted it by being stubborn.

"Increase your speed and massage my balls" he instructed, she did as she was told. She continued doing that for a few minutes until Alex's member grew big in her mouth, she got scared and tried to pull it out but he held her head and pushed it back in.

He releases his seed inside of her, every bit of it. Laura could taste the saltiness of his cum "swallow it" she swallowed his seeds. Alex pulled out of her mouth, and a few drops of his seed spilled out her mouth, he cleaned it with his thumb and placed it in her mouth.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" He asked, Laura just stared at him but she didn't answer him, she felt dizzy and all she wants to do now is curl herself up into a ball and sleep.

But Alex still had plans for her, he carried her to the bed, slammed his mouth on hers kissing her fiercely, his kiss smelled of hunger.

His tongue slipped into her mouth, and he tasted every bit of her mouth, with his mouth still on hers, his fingers found their way into her pussy.

His thrust was slow, very slow that he left Laura wanting for me. Her body betrayed her, it wanted something she didn't want.

A moan left her lips, Alex loved it. Her love sounds are very pleasing to the ears, they are pure and not forced or copied like the others who would moan like donkeys because they are trying to copy the sounds of girls on pornhub.

"That's it, baby, moan for me" she tried to disobey but her body won't let her. Alex increased his speed and his fingers went in deeper making her scream in his mouth.

He let go of her mouth and went to her pussy, he held both sides of her legs as he buries his face inside her pussy. He sucked, lapped, bit, and thrust.

Laura found it hard to keep herself in place, the feeling was too much for her to handle. She subconsciously spread her legs giving him entrance into her juicy pussy.

She threw her head back, her eyes closed, and she enjoyed every piece of it. Alex looked up at her and smiled, little by little everything white about her will be tinted with black.

His tongue worked wonders in her pussy, "hmm, ahh Master" she moaned, Alex wanted to hear her call him Alex and not master Alex in this state.

"Call me Alex Laura" his tongue dived in, and his tongue fucked her so hard that she cum in his mouth.

He licked his mouth slowly with his eyes glued to hers. Seeing him like that stirred something inside of her, and it frightened her. She took her eyes somewhere else, not wanting to look at the demigod in front of her, making Alex chuckle.

He got on top of her, his mouth found its way to hers. He kissed her making her taste herself in his mouth, she felt disgusted but couldn't say anything about it.

Alex thrust his dick inside her wet and waiting for pussy, he wasn't gentle like the last time, he is someone who likes it rough.

His speed was too fast for Laura to keep up with, she rocked her hips trying to match up to his pace but she couldn't.

"Hmm, Alex, oh God, yeah" she moaned, her eyes rolled back and forth, he slammed into her pussy, and the noise from their sex filled the room.

Their sweaty body merged. He lifted one of her legs and placed it on his shoulder as he continued his penetration.

"Mmm," she moaned. Her eyes which were tightly shut flew open when Alex when in too deep, the feeling was a mixture of pain and pleasure.

The sweet lovemaking lasted for some minutes before Laura's body gave in, she cum, and soon after Alex did. His body collapsed on the bed. Their breathing was labored, haggard.

The first time, Alex felt tired after wild sex. He has found a rare gem and he won't be letting go of it no matter what. He shocked her by cuddling her, soon the sound of his even breathing could be heard.