Chapter 10 (Jace's POV)

I once read somewhere, "in order to bring about love, I have come to believe that the universe has planned even the wing-beat of a butterfly... this miraculous inevitability, that I was able to stand in front of you, was something I didn't want to twist into mere coincidence."

I always wondered that was love such a thing that could be shaped into a destiny by the universe? Maybe love was a mighty force that consumed everything that came in its way; maybe to understand love, we needed to pass through it first.

I guess I finally realized what exactly it meant when the wings of the most beautiful butterflies beat and sweep the most gentle breeze over you. It was in the freshmen year of high school when I saw Alyssa Dion for the first time. Back then I was a really shy kid who would have heart attack at the idea of trying to make new friends himself, so I didn't let myself dwell on her.