Ire leaned on the wall for support, Trying to absorb all the information she had just received. She felt like they were stuck in some horror movie and there was no way out, Ire ran her hands through her hair as a tear slipped down her cheeks.

   How did things go so wrong? How did she go from asking her friend to help her collect some drugs to Helping her brother prove he wasn't some killer and not insane? How exactly was it all connected?

   Ire shifted uncomfortably as she slid down the wall, Nothing made sense, Gina knew the killer, or so she thought, She remembers the look of fear that filled Gina's Eyes when she had confronted her and asked why she was in the same area as Temi the day of the incident and not in London as she had told them. She wondered if the killer was the one that murdered Gina, but if so, why was Mide's fingerprint all over the murder weapon? Why was the killer trying to frame Mide? How exactly is her brother Entangled in this mess? Ire was confused. But a silent discovery lingered in her head, Whoever the killer was — They were hunting down anyone who had any form of information on them, and as much as she would like to deny it, she knew she was next. But still...

   Mide claims he saw the murderer, But he refuses to give it the name? Why would Mide feel he would be considered insane for exposing the killer's identity? And how in the world was she even free? She was charged with attempted murder a few hours ago, and now her brother was being charged with Homicide for the same person? was the police in on this too? What was going on? Okay, she had asked that a million times now, and no one answered.

   She frowned as she pulled herself together and headed for the exit.

  “When the truth comes out, Everything will go downhill, I need you to prepare for that”

   Mide's hoarse voice rang through Ire's head as she walked down the hall, and she couldn't help but wonder— What kind of Madness was coming her way now.


“The patient is losing a lot of blood,” The doctor said in a panicked voice as he tried his best to save the wounded person that laid on the hospital bed.

There were so many irregularities when it came to this patient. Firstly, He was simply dumped in front of the hospital, and Secondly, he had no form of identification on him, Almost like he was mugged. But why would any Robber try to save their victim?. “We've lost him!” The nurse shrieked. this caused the doctor to snap out of his thoughts and request for the Epinephrine injection, He had this gut feeling he had to save this patient. No matter what. and that was exactly what he was going to do.

   “He barely survived” Praise, The night shift Doctor said as she stared at the doctor with a meaningful look in her eyes. They were currently in his office discussing the strange patient, it was not strange for A patient to get dumped in front of a hospital, what was strange was the note attached to the body. The doctor still felt goosebumps all over his skin as he recalled the words that were inscribed on that piece of paper.

   “What do we do?” Nayman spoke, She was the Nurse that attended to the patient, she was currently wearing a blonde wig and had braces too, she was always able to pull off the "I'm trying to hide from the cops" look, Every single time, Effortlessly.

   “We need to wait till someone contacts us of a missing person” The doctor spoke firmly, obviously taking charge of the situation.

   “And if they don't?” Praise voiced out their thoughts.

   “If they don't, we inform the police.” The doctor said as he plopped down the chair, a clear sign he would no longer discuss the issue, Naymal took that as her queue to leave, But Praise stayed behind.

   “I have a bad feeling about this, Eric” she spoke carefully, “I don't know why, but I feel like we have a ticking time bomb in that room in form of a person, and at any moment it would explode in our faces” Praise finished as she shared a meaning look with Her husband. Eric frowned, although he wasn't to shrug it off as his wife being paranoid. He had a feeling she was right too.


“This was a bad idea!” Demola whisper yelled as he pointed the torch at the safe. Currently they were doing some research of their own while awaiting th new head of the investigative department. “Oh come on, doc. don't tell me you are chickening out now” Tayo teased as he played with the buttons, trying to figure out the right combination. He knew they didn't have a lot of time before someone came barging in.

  “If anyone finds out we are doing this, we'll spend a good number of years locked behind bars!” He whisper-yelled once again. slightly on the brink of panic. he had to control himself though, after all, this was all for Mide... “Chill, nothing will happen, besides...” Tayo said cooly as he glanced at the door.

Jane gave him a thumbs-up, and he smiled and glanced at Demola “... that's why we have that pretty girl standing outside the door...” he trailed off as he returned his attention to the lock he was trying to pick. Demola rolled his eyes, Nothing could convince him that this was a good idea, How did he go from being a forensic expert to being a File thief? “Got it!” Tayo whisper yelled, his skills never failed him and now would not be an exception, as the sound of the safe opening filled their ears, so did Jane's Terrified voice when she whisper yelled

   “They are coming!”