From the very evening, I knew well enough that things would change but wasn't sure if it was for the good or bad. The same night as I was locked inside my bedroom that once was my father and mother's. I sat to think of how someone not even yet of age can order around and conduct a business built for years and centuries.
Early the next morning, I was woken up by a bell slam at around five before sunset and taken out of bed by a knock on my door.
"Good morning mistress." greeted the lady that stood outside my chambers.
"Good morning. How are you?" Responded I puzzled to what she wanted.
"Mr. Edward demands your attention miss Lyle. Meet him in the study he says. If you don't mind." explained she.
"And you are?" Questioned I.
"I'm Diana miss. Mr. Edwards' caretaker."
"Oh! Okay. Lead me to the study Diana." crunched I into my night gown outside the room. Down the stairs and on the left of the kitchen was the study. I walked inside clumsily as I thanked Diana for the help and as soon as Edward saw me, he smirked uttering.
"I've always been your father's right hand man. Your mother too. They were both very good people to me. It's a pity they passed and left you at such a young age."
I walked passed him as he laid out his walking stick in the open. He was about sixty of age based on his grey head and tinted mustache. With him he carried a golden walking stick in his left arm that he at times twisted in excitement. Very serious and frown at face with a smile that rathered to be fake.
I had also noticed his butler dressing code. Black bow ties and extinguished coats that varied with his pair of gentle trousers and brown boots.
"Okay Mr. Edward. Did I wake up to be reminded of the death of my parents?"
"No miss. Of course not." Mentioned he gesturing me to take a seat at my father's chair. "Your father made me promise to take care of you. the day he passed on. He made me swear on my life that nothing bad will ever happen to you. And I'm trying to keep my promise."
"Okay. Proceed." Let I seeing no progress in our conversation.
" I will teach you everything about the villa. The Lyle business. but I need something in return. Perhaps you will be of help." mentioned he.
It was pretty clear to me that he above anyone else knew about the villa and none would be better.
"And what's that Mr. Edward?"
"Miss. " snapped he. "You will help lift a curse off me. "
Of course I had not the idea of what he was talking about. And not by any chance was I willing to know.
"Curse?" Frowned I in wonder.
"Yes. A Curse miss Marinda. "
"And what do you think I can do about curses? ." Inquired i faint-fully.
"But you're special. I've always had about you. Privately of course. They always called you the special one. Your parents. I know you can get me off my curse. Please! I will do anything."
Lucked in better than I had imagined, my curiosity had me question what was really going on with him. He was a very suspicious gentleman and hardly made me feel safe around him but he did prove his loyalty multiple times.
I can't say that I at any moment did tell him everything when he asked but he would find out about it in a snap of time.
I gazed at him as he stood in front of me holding onto his stick with both his hands.
"But I know nothing about lifting curses. I'm not a witch." Confirmed I as he undoubtedly responded.
"Oh no miss Lyle. There is no doubt that you are a witch. I knew your father was before he told his own wife. I grew up with him in this villa. I knew most of his secrets. " he accompanied.
"You grew up with my father?" Inquired I in denial.
"Yes. I did. Your father was just a few months younger than I was. Two if I'm accurate."
"Okay. " chuckled I as I gazed at him from head to toe.
My father was about the age of thirty five as I could clearly remember. A very tall and muscular gentleman who moved around with a black long had on his head.
He was the most respected and among the feared men around Duskwick. So not for a chance would i say that he was around the age of Mr. Edward who to my eyes would be his own father.
"It was your father who did this to me." Muttered he in concern.
"Pardon me."
"Yes. It was him. Your father cursed me. I know he didn't mean harm of course but himself couldn't lift the curse off me. And for years, he traveled. Cities and provinces. The wilderness. In order to find the solution to get it off me. But he failed. And when he gave birth to you, he told me that only you could me my only hope."
"So. A break please Mr. Edward. What's this curse all about. Before I get involved in anything I don't consent of. "
"That will come later on miss. I can clearly tell that you have not the idea of what your capable of. Let's take it all slow. I can wait. I know you don't trust me. So how about we start by building the trust between us."
"Okay." Snapped I for it was a relief of the stories that came up over and over again. Everything was getting on my nerves and I couldn't take in more.
"Please get change child. I will show you around the villa. I'm hoping you will do have a great time around this place."
He walked out of the study calmly and I stayed questioning the fact that I had to wake up early to be told about so much I had not any business of.