Chapter 10

"Sir, all power has died. We will have to wait a full 48 hours for the ship to be fully charged then we can continue to Peace." Says the man in an all white uniform. His sandy hair matted and sweaty under his pilot hat.

"As long as you get there before more land is scorched." The old man pauses. He seems to be taking orders from someone else. "We have news from Victor" - the head of the council of wisemen - "that he thinks we have made the right decision."

"It was a Tragedy to lose Peace. It hasn't been the same trying to find replacements for some things wood serves us so well for."

"Ah yes," the hologram man scowls. "It is regrettable, I have business to attend to. I shall talk to you later, Captain Desmond." The hologram waves his hand and then clicks off.

"Captain," a young man steps toward him. "We have approximately 23 hours left." He pauses looking at the captain, but he does nothing so the man continues. "The crew men in my bunk are growing restless, they want to fight, take over Peace, restore our great wood supplier."

"Go," Desmond demands. "I don't have time for your issues."

Stupid wise men sending us to resolve Peace. It is the least important matter at hand, the Zuppa (an alien race bound on destroying Juniper for being kicked from their home) are closing in on the waiting ships ready to attack and defend the capital planet.

Zuppa are blue human like creatures, that have large yellow eyes, they are hairless with four sets of arms and a pair of short legs. They don't have genitals and reproduce by splitting into two when it's time to die. They all look the same. If they are killed before their time to dye, they do not reproduce. They use clicking sounds to communicate to one another and telepathy to talk to other species. Very little is known about their habits because they kill all who intrude on them because of a lack of trust after losing their planet.

Zuppa have no names, and young are distinguished by looking at the color of blue, if they are light then the Zuppa is young, if the color is dark then they are old.


"Come on! Surrender already." Erin shouts. "We've both suffered so much." He has tried to blow up a section but the walls on this base were much thicker than Erin had thought so he ruled out in not wasting anymore.

"Never!" Ezekiel's voice booms through the speaker system. "Clear out now! Before the other bases arrive to help."

"No one is coming." Erin yells. His men laughing. "I killed them all." Then there is nothing, an eerie silence.

Ezekiel has told everyone that would listen to him not to leave the base, their best chance of survival is patience. This is only what he told people. I know he is only trying to comfort them and keep away the panic.

"This is murder. We should be out there fighting!" Zero howls from his bunk. "We can't even leave our rooms. Least they gave us guns in case those wolves break in." He scowls at the door.

"Erin knows what he's doing," Jasper whispers. "He is going to hold his ground till the food runs out and then we will have to surrender…"

"That's really comforting."

"Zero, shut up. He's right. We don't have the food to last for forever." I say.

"So basically, dicks got us by the balls and is waiting, using intimidation," Jo states, "We really are fucked then."

"No, it's not over, we still have a chance," Jasper says trying to bring calm to the room.

Ezekiel's voice comes over the intercom again. "We can win this, don't give up yet. We are figuring out a plan as I speak."

"Well, that solves it," I say. "I'm heading for the shower." I head to our bathroom. I am thankful that no one from my squad died, but from the first announcement 15 people were killed and equally a couple wolves fell too.

I don't get into the shower. I lean onto the counter and stare into the mirror. I have bags in my eyes from the stress. I look young but tired. My hair is a mess from pulling it over the past 3 and a half days.

"You okay?" Jos voice makes me jump. "The others are playing a game trying to ease the tension. I couldn't hear the shower…"

"I'm fine Jo," I interrupt. I look longingly to her. "I just…" I turn around, my back to the mirror now and stare at the ceiling for a moment. "I just want this to be over, so I can have a peaceful life far away from this stupid base."

"I understand completely," Jo takes a step closer watching me carefully. I look at her like the first time I looked at her, when we met.

Before I know it, Jo has me trapped between her and the counter. Neither of us saying anything, just staring into each other's eyes.

"What are you doing?" I ask, but she puts her finger to her lips.

She leans to my ear and whispers, "If I die, I want my last memories before to be somewhat happy." Before she can do anything however I duck under her arm and precede to get ready for my shower. I look back her and she looks shocked.

"I'm not denying you," I whisper. Then without removing my eyes from her I take my shirt and pants off, then my bra and underwear and get into the shower and wait.


It is the best shower I have had in days. I give Jo one last kiss before I leave the bathroom, I don't want the others to know.

"Want to play a game?" Zero asks as soon as I come out of the bathroom. I shake my head then go to my bunk and lay down. Jo comes out a few minutes later and then Zero looks from her to me and back to her again. "Well, it's about time!" Jos cheeks turn slightly pink and she too hurries to her bunk.

At eight, the final announcement of the night comes. The lights go out and we prepare for the night. I volunteer to stay up and watch again, but jasper makes me go lay down and sleep while he watches the door for any sign of intrusion.

Not so far away in the skys do we know that tomorrow will bring a new group into the mix.
