Chapter 11

"Sir, all the bases we have visited have been blown up."

"Then our job will be made easy, Desmond."

"The last base will tells us…."

"Sir! The base is intact! There are people in the trees surrounding it!"

"Sorry Edgar!" Captain Desmond cuts the connection to his boss. "People! Are you sure? How many?"

"A good amount, Sir!"

"Did you use the monitor to scan for heat sources?"

"Yes! Sir, it's not just people in the forest! They have people trapped inside the building."

"The last people on Peace." The Captain strokes his hairless chin. "Tell the men to spread the word, tell them to be prepared for worst case scenario."

The man darts off and then after a couple minutes returned panting. "I've let them know Sir."

"We won't land of course, they are hostile, we will tell them to surrender or be bombed. I will ask for the leader to come forth and then, I will kill one to make an example." Everything is lining up exactly how he wants it. He would a least be able to take his anger out on one person about this stupid mission.


"Erin! Erin!" A scout is shouting. "We spotted something coming in the sky! A ship!"

"Stay calm! Retreat into the cover of the trees, but don't go too far off, we need to be prepared for their surrender.


The blood wolves have a warning, but Peace military would not know till they were among them.

I am the first to wake up in my dorm. I let jasper know and he goes to join his wife and son in his bed. In 10 minutes, the morning announcement is to go off and wake everyone, I'll let my team sleep till than.

The knock at the door signals breakfast has arrived. I crack the door and the flood trays slid in through the crack. 12 slices of bread, a single bottle of water, and a piece of ham for each pair of bread.

Damn, we are already that low on food. I sigh. I close the door and then bring the food to the middle of the room, prepare them and then wait.

"Morning… another day! Plans are coming, help should be on the way soon. That's all."

"Food here," I hold up my sandwich. "Everyone come and eat!" Everyone except Jasper gets up from bed. Raven takes the last sandwich and sets it by her husband's bed.

"Can you hear that?" Zero asks. His mouth still full of bread and ham. "That buzzing noise?"

We all sit in silence listening. There is an odd noise, but it isn't buzzing; it is people running around in distant halls.

"They broke in!" Zero shouts starting to panic.

"Zero calm down," I try to make it calm. If they really got in, they would hear us panicking and be able to find us. Our door shoots open.

"Jax!" I yell. "What is it?"

"A ship! It's coming in from the west! We are saved! we are saved!" He looks better than he did when we first got him back. "It wasn't announced because Ezekiel didn't want to give a heads up to the blood wolves in case they haven't spotted it yet." The mood in the room has changed. We have a standing chance!


We sit in the room waiting for the announcement that help is here. At exactly noon, we get our announcement.

"Hello?" says a strange voice, not coming from the intercom. "Hello, this is Captain Desmond speaking, I wish to see the two leaders here. Cease the fighting at once. I wish to convey a message."

At once, we bolt to the door to the outside for a better look. A large ship is hovering just over the treetops. Erin is there waiting for Ezekiel. He looks scared. Ezekiel walks out into the shadow of the ship.

"Thank you! It would have been a shame if you hadn't came out," the voice pauses. It is coming directly from the ship. "I was sent here by the council of the wise men. I have orders for both sides to surrender, and if you don't surrender yourselves to us by twelve-thirty, we have authorization to blast you off the planet." Ezekiel and Erin glance at each at these words and then back to the ship.

"I don't think you understand how serious I am." There is a pause and then a very loud bang that made the trees shutter. Erin is hit by a beam of what looked like lightning and blew up, bits and pieces of his remains flew in every direction.

Screams erupted from the trees and gasps from the hall behind me. Everyone made a b-line for the door. I motion for my squad to run back to the dorm, but before we can get through I can feel the hall become more crowded than it ever was before as people flood into the door. Slowly we get back to the dorm, panic all over the place. I shut the door and then count heads, all mine made it back. We glance at each other without saying anything. Those people, that ship, they were not friends.

Ezekiel now has less than thirty minutes to decide if we want to surrender or to be blasted off the planet. The wolves had been crammed into the mess and everyone else is in their dorms. The leaders are trying to bring peace to the chaos of the mass surge of people who now were all on the same team.

"You have ten minutes remaining to surrender." Desmond announces to them.

Time is ticking by faster, tic tic tic. Everyone's lives depends on the answer of Ezekiel.

Finally, all they have is one minute lef,. Ezekiel went outside again.

"What do you want?"



"Times up." Desmond laughes over the intercom on his ship. "Goodbye." Another bang erupts and like Erin, Ezekiel meets the splattery end.

A louder bang erupts and the building begins to collapse, we can't get out, we are trapped I hold onto my family for dear life. The ceiling falls, the floor falls. Screams are coming from every direction. As quick as it had started it stops, the screams no more, only the sound of the building settling in its now collapsed state. The ship rises in the air then takes off back to Juniper, it's home planet.

"Sorry, Edger Sir!" Desmond says while steering his massive ship. "They didn't surrender. We will have to come back after the war is over."