Chapter 5

Fuck! He's now running behind me! How do I outrun that thing? I can't. So I look for a tree and decide to climb it. Wolves can't climb, right? 

I get about 10 foot up and stop to look down. He's at the base of the tree looking up at me. Ha! I win bitch!

I come out of my victory when I hear bones cracking again.

I look down and see him fully naked. Fully. Naked.

I suddenly forget what and who he is. I don't even know my own damn name at the moment. He must have been chiseled by the gods themselves. Broad muscular shoulders, thick firm arms, he's stomach is nothing but muscle. I follow the V shape and see his manhood. Ohhh....

That thing is huge and would definitely break a female in half. That's not normal. Wait! What the fuck am I doing?! I realize I've been staring at this beast and all his beastyness for I don't know how long. I'm supposed to be scared of him.

I look up at his face and see a smirk and he starts laughing.

"Do you like what you see, little mate?" He says while climbing the tree.

"My wolf form can't climb but I can." He state shekel climbing and standing by me.

He's on one limb and I'm trying to hide on the other one behind the tree.

I'm scared, embarrassed and really confused.

He starts to speak..

"I know it's a lot to understand and to take in" he wiggles his eyebrows

"But, I am your mate. I didn't think I had one. A witch I have hired for my pack told me where I could find my mate so I started searching this plain. After not finding you, I paid her to bring me to your dreams. While I enjoyed just staring and smiling at each other, my souls needs its other half." He speaks

"I'm sorry, I'm really confused and scared. I don't understand what's happening and or if it's even real. And I can't be your mate, if it's true. I have a husband and babies." I say

I move to where I'm not hiding but still on my own branch. He looks confused and sad. But he quickly recovers.

"You are my mate. It does hurt that you are already married and have babies that aren't mine. But you're MY mate" he says the last part with a growl

"I don't understand. How is all of this even really possible?"  I finally say and look to him

"I know, and I understand you're scared and confused. But my wolf would never hurt you or your babies. It would kill us if you were ever hurt. When God made everything he put the moon goddess in charge of other plains he made. The sun goodness & night goddess are in charge of plains also. Back to point, there is more than one plain and more than one species. Vampires, faeries, werewolves, imps, witches/warlocks, sirens and more that I just can't think of right now. I'm a little distracted. Your scent is driving me and my wolf wild." He says and try's to move closer to me.

Whoa. That's a lot.

I look back to him and see he's trying to figure out what I'm thinking.

" Okay, so, if I'm your mate.... Why am I able to love my husband? I mean, I've saw several movies with werewolves & read books but this is weird. Are we supposed to have sparks when we touch? Can you read my mind? Oh! Can you mind link??" I start throwing questions at him

He chuckles and goes on to explain,

"Movies and books don't get most of it correct. Yes, I can mind link my pack. No, I can't read your mind. Where did that come from? Always getting us mixed up with the sirens. And as far at the sparks, you want to test that theory out? " he reaches his hand to mine.

I slowly go to grab his hand and I feel electricity moving through my hand up my arm. I'm suddenly pulled over to his branch and engulfed in a hug. I try to push away but it's like my body has a mind if it's own. I feel like I've known him my whole life. I have electricity going through my whole body.

Suddenly, I feel him jump and wind going through my hair. We land on the ground and he slowly is putting my feet on the ground. His arms are around my waist and his head has moved to my neck. He's smelling me. Breathing me in like I'm his last breathe of air.

My body is responding to him already and I feel myself becoming aroused. My breathe is hitched in my throat. I can't function.

He lets me go and moves away... he's looking at me with a mixture of emotions and his eyes are flickering again.

"Did your theory get proven?" He asks ...

I'm just standing there staring at him. I feel cold now and like something is missing. His warmth is missing. The electricity I felt. It was like a security blanket times a thousand.