Chapter 6

    "I don't understand. None of this should be real. I'm definitely not your mate though. I have a husband and kids." I say looking in his eyes

He takes a sharp breath in and looks at me,

"I know it's a lot to take in. I'm not asking you to leave your husband. I'm certainly not taking you from your children. But I had to find you and explain everything to you." He says while looking pained.

"Why would you find me and tell me all of this knowing that I'd never leave my family? What was the point of it? To scare me?" I state/fuss

"I'm not trying to scare you. I showed you my wolf because I knew you wouldn't believe me otherwise. Look, I had to find you to make sure you're safe. My pack witch has been warned of an evil in your plain that is hunting wolf mates."

He stops and looks to me to see my reaction.

I'm just processing everything. I don't know what to say so I remain silent and let him continue.

"Even though the humans in the ordinary plain do not know their mates, this creature is from the plain of Vexile and can sense wolf mates. Vexile is the plain of lost wolves. It's said the rules by Hyran." He sees my face scrunched up and I'm looking at him confused.

Now, I can believe what I saw earlier. But this? Now he's speaking crazy. Like certifiable nuts.

"You lost me." I say to him plainly

"In simple terms, Vexile is like hell and Hyran is it's leader. The whole plain is filled with very bad creatures along with all of the souls of wolves who were banished. The dark magic in that realm is nothing any other realm has ever experienced. We're not sure how they are able to sense and find the human mates but they are." He continued

"I don't know what they are trying to do but it's not good. It had to be some sort of black magic with holding the mates soul hostage in Vexile."

"Okay..." I'm trying to find words but nothing is coming up my throat. This is some scary weird shit. Maybe if I try to wake myself up I'll be okay.

Why haven't woken up yet? I'm sure my baby needs to nurse....

"Why haven't I awaken yet?" I ask

"I had my witch slow our time down in the dream realm so it wouldn't be interrupted. We've been here for what feels like 2 hours but in reality, it's only been 30 minutes." He says looking guilty

"Why? Is it safe to meddle with things like that? " I ask hoping there are no consequences to him meddling with time and my dreams.

"No! I'd never put you in harms way. That's the whole reason of me being here. I want to protect you. As much as it pains me, I'm here to protect your family as well. I will not lie and say I didn't hope you'd leave your husband for me but from what I've seen y'all have a great little family and love for each other. I'd never separate that. Even if it kills me." He says genuinely

"I'm sorry. But no, I will not be leaving my husband. It's taken us a long time to get to a good place. So, changing the subject...

What is trying to get me and the other human mates? Can the other wolves come find their human mates like you did?" I ask

That would solve the problem, mostly. I think.

"Not everyone is as lucky as I am. Do you know anything about how packs are ran?" I nod to let him know I know the basics

Alpha, Luna, Beta, Gamma & omegas

"Well, I am the Alpha of Crest Pack. We have about 65,000 pack members. My Beta's mate, Tabby is a witch. She is very helpful to my pack. She's the one who was told by her coven about my mate being in danger. She helped me find you. I had to pay her with watching her pup for the night. Anyway, not all packs are bigger and have resources like ours does. We've contacted as many as we could to inform them. Tabby's coven is also working to help contact packs."

"So, you're an Alpha? Can you take a chosen mate so your pack has a Luna? From the little bit I know, Lunas are a very important part of a pack. But I could be wrong. I mean, I just found out this stuff is real." I say and he looks at me like I slapped him.

"What? Why would I take a chosen mate? I might not be able to have you by my side but you are the rightful Luna to OUR pack. I would never push you aside. Even though you're married. I will give you time to decide who you truly want. I will only take another if you decide to reject me."

He looks at me as he says the last statement

How did he not understand I already said I wanted my husband. Maybe it has something to do with the bond? I don't know. Maybe he's in denial? Or does he know something I don't know? Now I'm nervous.

"I'm so confused. What do I need to be looking for? Is it going to break in my house? Snatch me from outside? Or kill me in my dreams?" I ask him trying to get back on subject

"I'm not really certain what it looks like. Just if you feel like someone is watching you, make sure your and the children are inside with doors locked. Something about them not being able to come inside without being invited in." He continues

"I need to meet with you in reality on your plain. I saw

husband normally leaves around 5:30 am. Could we meet after he leaves for work? I'd rather not get territorial and harm your human husband." He said the last part bitterly

"Okay, we can meet outside my house at around 10? I normally like to let the children play outside around that time. We can tell them you're here for an inspection?" I suggest

"That'll be fine. I'll have to arrange with Tabby to make sure she can open the portal then." He says

I wasn't sure how all that stuff worked but I had a feeling I was fixing to learn.

All of a sudden I'm snapped back into reality. I'm in my bed, snuggled to my babies. Trenton sound asleep on his side of the bed.

I take a deep breathe and try to relax. This is a lot.


This chapter was a little longer than previous ones. I wanted to make sure I explained the situation correctly without going overboard 🤣

Let me know what you think!