Chapter 7

I awaken to Trenton telling me bye and him kissing my forehead. I want so badly to tell him about everything I have discovered. I'm too afraid. Would he admit me into a crazy house? More than likely. Things have gotten so much better between us, I don't want to push him away.

I notice my youngest baby start to root around looking for her milk. I nurse her and we drift back to sleep.

We all wake up a couple hours later and we start our morning g routine. I look at the clock on the stove and see it's 9:47. Shit! He is supposed to be here at 10! Wait. What the fuck is his name? Dove she know my name?

In all the books I've read, werewolves are supposedly obsessed with knowing their mates name. Maybe that's wrong also? I don't know. But I do know I need to get me and the babies outside for an "inspection for our home insurance".

I'm rushing to get everyone ready to go outside. Making sure the two oldest have shoes on and I have the pack n play ready for the baby. It's now 10:05. Oh well, he'll just have to wait.

We make our way outside and I've told my oldest, Trish the "inspector" speech. She's at an age where she will repeat everything and keeps no secrets. So, if she says anything to Trenton, I can just say our insurance company wanted to see if the home had increased or decreased in value.

I expected the unknown mate of mine to come out of the woods. But nope. I see a truck in my driveway once we make it outside. How? How did he get that through a portal? How big are these "portals"?

I tell my babies who the person is & the two oldest go to play on the play set. I tell Trish to make sure that Lizzie doesn't get too high up on the play set. It's the wooden one with swing and slides.

"Hello, I am Tristen, I am here to complete an inspection." He says as he is approaching us.

I smile "Oh, hello Tristen, I am Bex."

We are now standing by the play set. I have a patio set not far from us with the pack n play set beside it. I start making my way to it to have a seat and he follows.

"So, Mrs. Bex, I need to discuss some things with you before I come plate my inspection." He says while we walk to the patio furniture

"Yes, sir. I understand." I say while putting the baby, Mia in the pack n play.

I take a seat and gesture for him to do the same.

"I told them you are a home insurance inspector so go with that." I whisper to him before I smile nervously.

"Oh, okay!" He says and giggles

"Is your name really Tristen?" I ask because it's very similar to Trenton

He starts laughing "Yes, it is. Is your name really Bex?"

"Yes, I guess we never got to the name part" I say awkwardly

"So, have you noticed anything around your home or in the wooded area that looks or sounds suspicious?" He asks

"Nothing other than you scaring me the other night." I say staring straight at him

I see a blush go up his neck and face

"Yeah, I kind of, we'll, my wolf and I didn't like that fact your husband was there or that you were naked and then he shot at us soooo." He saying while staring at me like I hurt his feelings.

"Okay, we'll, you and your wolf need to chill. I bathe naked. Everyone does. And we live in the country so no neighbors to see me. Also, he shots to make whatever, mainly coyotes, leave." I state

"So no other issues? No sounds or illusions?" He asks

"Not that I'm aware of." I say

He sits back and sighs in relief. He look down at Mia in the pack n play and glances at the older two on

the play set. He looks like he's struggling with something.

"You really have beautiful babies. I wish they were mine, but they are beautiful." He says

"Thank you. They are my world. I've though about this creature thing you said is hunting mates. It won't try to hurt my babies, will it?" I ask

"It shouldn't. Unless they are the future mates of werewolves." He chuckles then his face turns serious.

"That's not too reassuring. I didn't even know any of this existed until last night." I say

How will I keep my babies safe from something I didn't even know what it looks like?

"Tabby has spoken with the coven and they have notified as many packs as they can. Several covens are working hard to insure if any mate, now or future, is in harms way, that they are notified." He says

I nod and look to my babies. I hope they aren't a werewolves mate. The breeze is nice today. I close my eyes and lean back in the chair and just breathe it in. I smell the woods and a scent of honey. Honey?

I open my eyes and loo at him weird. Do I smell him?

"So, weird question. Do you smell like honey?" I ask

He chuckles then says, "Mates can smell each other. I guess to you I smell like honey. To me, you smell like roses and lavender. It's intoxicating." He says and continues

"We can also smell when someone is scared or aroused." As he stares at me

My eyes shoot wide open

"I'm not aroused, I'm scared. Scared for my babies. Well, you did say I smelt intoxicating and that did make me a little but no this is fe- fear you smell!" I say stumbling on my own words.

He smiles and just looks at me.

"We'll, did you need to do an inspection? Mr. Inspector?" I ask trying hard to change the subject.

"Ah, yes. That's what I'm here for right?"

He smiles and gets up

I assume he's going to check our whole property so I grab Mia and head over to Trish and Lizzie. We play on swings and laugh. It's a good time. I enjoy my babies and love to hear their laughter.

It's about an hours later and me and the girls have made our way back inside. I e gotten them lunch ready and I made something for Tristen also. Just in case he's hungry. I hear a kick at the door. That must be him letting me know he is done.

I open the door and there he stands. Sweat glistening and his eyes are turning a red rust. But they didn't stay that way for long before they went straight back to honey brown. He smiles and says he needs to inspect inside as well. I wasn't expecting that but as long as it keeps my babies safe.

I let him inside and tell him I'll be just a minute.

I go back to kitchen and make the girls plates and set the at the table. I set Mia in her walker and bring his lunch out to him.

"I made you lunch. I was unsure if you were hungry or not or if you even like this but I didn't want to be rude." I say babbling away

He smiles "Thank you, it's very generous. I eat anything that doesn't eat me first." He winks and makes his way to the table with the girls.

I grab my plate and we enjoy a quick lunch.

Hope he likes spaghetti....

This is nice but also feels so wrong. Trenton isn't here and I don't want Tristen thinking he can take his place either. I need to shut this down. I clean up our dishes and tell Trish & Lizzie to go play in the toy room. I grab Mia and set her in the jumping jungle with them and go get m Tristen.

"Okay, so what all of the house do you need to see?" I ask trying to stay in task.

"Every room, I need to make sure I can't smell anything that shouldn't be here." He says

"I've already saw the kitchen, dinning room and living area so I guess bedrooms and bathrooms." He says

I nod "This way, we'll start with bathrooms and go to rooms." I say

I notice he has a bottle of some sort of spray that he has been spraying in each room. What is that? It better not stink!

"What's that you're spraying?" I ask

"It's a spell I had Tabby make up for me. It stalls anyone from entering who hasn't been invited and it also makes someone show their true selves." He says

"What?! Why would you do that without asking me?" I mean, I'm thankful but he could have given me a heads up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd mind. I works on everyone here and will protect you and the children." He says looking guilty

"It's okay, I'm sorry I got upset. I'm just feeling uncomfortable because Trenton isn't here and doesn't know about any of this." I say admitting

He looks at me and sighs

"It's going to be fine. The only reason you just told me any of that was because of this spell I am spraying in here. I've also sprayed it all over your property. I didn't get any scents that were abnormal but I can't gamble with you and your children." He says.

Now I feel guilty. And a little embarrassed that the spell is working on me.