Chapter 14

I awaken to Mia rooting around looking for milk. Lizzie is telling Trish to wake up and move over because she's stealing the blanket. It's still dark out. I wonder what time it is but can't make myself look at the phone.

I'm going to miss this so much over this weekend. My babies.

Mia nurses back to sleep and k drift for a few more hours.

Lizzie is jumping in the bed telling us it's wakey wakey time. Trish starts jumping on the bed with her as I grab Mia in my arms to make sure she doesn't get trampled on. We get up and do our morning routine of diapers and getting ready.

We walk into the kitchen and the aroma of bacon. Ahhhhh. Yummy!

The older girls barrel towards their grandparents wanting hugs and kisses.

I tell mama today the kids are going to spend the weekend with Trenton and I'm going to a friends house so I'm distracted.

"Don't go getting in no trouble." Daddy tells me smiling.

Mama laughs and smacks his arm.

They are serious goals.

"I won't daddy. I promise." I say smiling at them

The day goes by and I've got a few bags for the girls to go with their dad. He has clothes and toys and all of that bc I only brought necessities.

I see Trenton pull in the drive and park by daddy's shop. The fool had all of my stuff. Everything of mine. I don't know why I am surprised.

I go to the back porch and tell mama and daddy he's here unloading my stuff to keep the girls occupied until he's done.

Once he's done he comes and knocks on the front door. I let him in and the girls run straight to him. It's all smiles and hugs. I'm glad they still have him and he's not a dead beat dad. No matter what, he will always be there for our girls.

"Who's ready to go to daddy's house?" He asks and the girls squeal and say "Me! Me! Me!"

I bring their bags out to the truck and notice someone is in the passenger seat. What the absolute fuck. I continue walking out and Trenton runs to stop me.

"Wait Bex! Wait!" He says and grabs my arm

"Please tell you didn't bring your pregnant whore to my parents house, to pick up my kids?" I spit out

"Yes, Tara is in the truck. But she's not staying the weekend while the kids are there. Look, I'm sorry. She wanted to live with me." He says

"Fucking really?! You couldn't wait one ticking night?! Did you even mourn our marriage? Oh, that's right, you forgot we were ever married." I spit out

I walk to the truck and sling open the passenger door and get a look at her. She's not a little pregnant she is like far along pregnant. That lying bastard.

She looks at me nervously but kind of turn up her nose.

I grab the glove compartment handle in front of her and open it. I pull out the registration and point it to her face.

"Look here sugar tits, you took my husband, ruined our marriage and broke up a family but don't forget who's name is also on everything he owns. Let me save you a guess, it's mine. Also, MY children, the 3 I share with him, will be treated as angles in your care. You will not be their mama, they already have one. You will be giving them a little sibling but let me assure that I will cause more harm to you if you hurt my children than you can even imagine.." I firmly state

"Trenton, if this bitch puts one toe out of line, you'll never see our kids while she is around and your visits will be supervised. You two made y'all's nasty lying bed. Lay in it." I tell him bluntly.

I go to daddy's truck to get the car seats and put them in Trenton's truck. Trenton comes to help me secure them. He loo confused and concerned. Maybe I was too harsh. No, I wasn't. They both need to know what happens if they hurt my kids.

"I have a friend coming to get me later and I will stop by the old house to confirm that she isn't there. If she is, my kids are coming back with me. She will not stay with them, do you understand me?" I speak

"I get it and we already planned on me dropping her off before we went home. But once you get the girls she will be in the house. I know it's our house but you left it not me." He says

"I left a cheating bastard of a husband and my name will stay on that house until you buy me out." I say

"I will be by later to check on my kids." I speak

Mama and daddy bring the babies out and I give them big huge hugs and kisses. I make sure they are strapped in good to their seats and close the doors. I glance at the pregnant female sitting in my old seat and then turn around and walk to the porch.

I see the truck backing out. The gravel is making sounds under the tires. My heart is in that gravel being ran over and left to pieces.

I break down squalling. Mama comes running to me and tells me it's going to be okay.

Once I calmed down I told mama and daddy the gist of the story. They were both mad and hurt. Trenton has been like a son to them.

I tell them I'm okay and that my friend will be here soon that I should get ready. I go inside and grab my bag. My heart is outside of my body. It's in three little girls riding in the back seat of their daddy's