Chapter 9

I must have slept through Trenton leaving this morning. I don't remember him telling me bye. I normally wake up every morning to him. Maybe I wasn't overreacting last night. I'll need to text him in a bit.

I get the kids up and we start our morning routine. I send Trenton a quick text and ask what he's doing at work today and how everything is going.

No response. Maybe he's just really busy and can't respond right the moment.

I get the kids fed and dressed for the day. I go get dressed and I hear my phone chime. Trenton's said he's busy and can't text now.

That odd. He never is this short with me.

I send him a quick response and say okay but I ask if I did something to make him mad.

No response.

This is too familiar. But we're supposed to be passed all of this. There is no way he cheating again. No way. I mean, he works and comes straight home. He's here during his off time. He doesn't have the time to cheat.

After I bit of me thinking and getting frustrated I decide to check his location.

And it off. He never turns his location off. I try in life 360 because sometimes find my iPhone doesn't work correctly. Still off.

Where the fuck is he at that he can't have his location on? When the fuck did he turn it off?

My mind is racing and my heart is thumping so hard and fast inside my chest. It feels like my chest might explode. I send his friend who works with him a text and ask if he is on the same crew with Trenton today and how he is doing. In the past, his friend has messaged me to tell me if Trenton was over doing it or if his glucose was getting too low. We've known him for ages he's always making sure Trenton isn't dehydrated, hurt or worse at work.

He always lets me know if I ask when I can't get in touch with Trenton.

His response wasn't what I was expecting.

He said he wasn't on his crew but k ew he was taking vacation time this week and thought it started yesterday. Say what now?

I am shaking I'm so mad. I k ew he'd eventually go back to being a dirty, cheating lying son of a bitch. But no, I had to just stay and learn another lesson. I'm done. Completely.

I sent back an "of course, I forgot."

Maybe he'll ignore the fact that I legit asked if he was on his crew today and how he was doing. Thankfully, he didn't respond.

What do I do? Where do I go with my babies? I need to call my mama ask ask if my dad can come help me get mine and our girls stuff out really quickly. I don't want to stay here in the house we shared any longer. It hurts. I physically hurt. I never thought he'd do this again. I trusted him again. It took so long for that trust to come back.

I call mama and ask if the girls and I can come stay and if daddy can come get us. I don't tell her why I just say we need to come stay a few days. Maybe I can get a clear head.

There is a knock at the door.

Daddy is here that quickly?

I open the door to see none other than my mate, Tristen. How the fuck did I forget he was coming today.

"I'm sorry to show up so early but I could feel you were panicking and I didn't know if something was wrong." He says looking around the house like a mad man.

"I'm fine. I'm not but I am. The kids are fine. We're going to stay with my parents for a few days. Look, I'm sorry but I can't talk or much less deal with the mate stuff right now. My brain isn't working and my chest is going to explode. My dad will be here soon so you really need to go." I tell him while I'm pacing the floor hitting my nails.

He's looking at me like he's confused and concerned. He walks to the door and I open it and motion for him to go out it.

I step out behind him and try to make myself clam down and function.

"Look, I'm sorry but I'm not okay at the moment. I'm safe, my kids are safe but I'm not okay and don't want to discuss is yet. Please just give me a few days. If you give me your phone number I'll text you the address I'll be at so you can check it  but I really need some space to clear my head and calm down."

I say as politely as I can.

He takes his phone out of his pocket and hands it to me, I put my number in and send mine a text. I give it back and without another word I turn around and go back inside.

I just can't deal with all of this at them moment.


Uh oh!