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Chapter 2_ Training ( 1 )

The car stopped in front of a big mansion looking like a castle. And were guards everywhere. Two of the guards came to take her things in. Well, she never did have many clothes so it was just one of them that took the bag. Seeing everything before her, the normally loquacious Grace had nothing to say.

When she got inside the house, the savants were lined up waiting for her. The moment she walked in they all bow their heads to show their respect.

"Welcome, Miss Lockwood," they all said in unison. She was not used to people calling her by her last name. She wondered what kind of person her mother is to live in this kind of big house and have so much security and savants.

While Grace was in her world, she saw two people coming down the stairs. One was a man in his forties well dressed and the other one was a woman in her thirties.

"Are they my parents?" Grace thought to herself.

When they finally got down, the woman ran to her and hugged her. Grace just froze not knowing what to do.

"Oh my goodness, you've grown up to be a fine woman," she said after pulling away from her.

She was right though, Grace was very beautiful right from a young age. Many couples wanted to adopt her because of her cuteness but the Nuns refused, breaking the hearts of many couples saying she was not for adoption.

"Mo..mom? " Grace managed to say.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry I'm not your mother," the woman said. I'm your mother's house caretaker. I was the one who took care of her during her pregnancy" she said.

"Oh," Grace exclaimed.

" My name is Rachel" she introduced herself.

"And I'm Joseph. I'm the one who will be teaching you everything you need to know" Joseph said.

"Okay, what about my mother " Grace was curious seeing that nobody was talking about her.

"You don't have to worry about that. Come let me show you to your room you must be tried". Rachel said taking Grace's hand. Grace wanted to refuse but she just followed her seeing how excited she was.

She took her upstairs. She opened a door and Grace followed her inside.

"Oh, my God. This room is so big" Grace said.

"Yes, this is going to be your room from now on. I hope everything is to your liking" Rachel said.

"What? You mean this room is mine?" Grace was surprised.

"Yes. And everything in this house including the savants and all the guards" Rachel said.

"Wait, are you saying that I own everything in this house?" Grace asked just to be sure they are both on the same page.

"Yes, they belong to your mother. Which technically makes them yours" Rachel said.

"Alright, I'll leave you to settle in," she said before walking out.

Grace walked around the room looking at everything. This was not close to what she had imagined her life to be outside the orphanage. She tried looking around for the wardrobe so she could keep her clothes but, there was no wardrobe. She wondered how can a big house like this not have a wardrobe. When she looked to the left side of the room she saw two different doors.

She opened the first one and realized that it was the bathroom.

"Whoa," she said. This is so big it is even bigger than my room back at the orphanage. Well, I can't call it mine since I shared it with Anita" Grace thought to herself.

When she came out of the bathroom, she stood in front of the other door wondering what was behind the door.

"What's behind this room? Is it a secret room? Because I heard that big houses like this always have one "; Grace thought to herself. After much consideration, she decided to enter.

When she entered the room, it was dark and she was starting to get scared. She decided to turn back that was when her legs hit something.

"Ahhh.." she screams while falling and hits her head on the wall in the process.

"Aww.." she cried out in pain. Then she decided to rest her hands on the wall for balance that was when her hands hit the light switch.

She covered her eyes with one of her hands due to the sudden brightness before turning around. When she removed her hand from her face she was shocked.

"Oh..my...God." she was shocked and excited at the time.

"My walk-in closet" she could not believe her eyes. Clothes of different designs and colors. Shoes and bags were everything she could ever ask of. She was surprised going through everything. And she saw that there was another door at the end. She opened it and realized that it leads to the bathroom. And just decided to take her bath.

When she was done, she looked for something comfortable to wear and then went back into the room.

She fell on the bed facing the ceilings and smiling to herself.

"Grace, you're in paradise," she said to herself. Feeling like she was a princess from a fairytale.

"Wait, do they know about what happened the other day?" Grace asked herself. "Will they still be nice to me if finds out?" Grace kept wondering to herself.

A knock came at the door and Grace was pulled out of her thought.

"It's time for dinner," Rachel said to her.

"Okay," Grace said and followed her downstairs.

The dining table was filled with different kinds of food. Grace being a foodie was more than happy to eat everything.

"Hmmm.. this is good," Grace said pointing to one of the dishes.

"Do you want more?" Rachel asked her.

"Hmmm," Grace replied nodding her head.

"I prepared this myself. I knew you'll love it that's why I prepared it. It was your mom's favorite.

"Oh," Grace replied.

"After dinner Grace sat in the living room feeling sleepy.

"I will never eat this much again"

She stood up and went to her room. When she got inside, she went straight to the bed and slept off.

Grace up the next day feeling annoyed because someone kept on knocking on the door.

"Who is it that won't let me sleep? It's just a few minutes past seven" she said walking to the door.

"Oh my goodness he's so handsome where did he come from? I want to touch him" Grace was mesmerized.

"Good morning, Miss Lockwood" he greeted.

"Morning" Grace replied blushing hard.

"Mr. Joseph asked me to call you," he said.

"O.. Okay" she replied and followed him.

She was surprised when she realized that they were outside in an open space.

"What are we doing here," Grace asked.

"You don't need to ask him I'm already here," Mr Joseph said walking towards them.

"Good morning Mr Joseph" Grace greeted.

"Morning Grace " Joseph replied.

"As I was saying, you are here for your training".

"What training?" Grace was surprised.

"You are eighteen years old already which means your powers have started manifesting.

"Manifesting? What powers?" Grace tried to act surprised.

"Grace, we know what has been happening and what happened yesterday. If you don't learn how to control it then it will control you instead and you might endanger other people's lives.

Since the day Grace turned eighteen, she has been having strange dreams and she also realized that she can heal herself.

"How does he find out?" She asked herself.

"Powers you say, I thought I was possessed," Grace said.

"No, you're not. You are a Lockwood which means you are one of the most powerful guardians" Joseph explained.

"What is guardian," Grace asked.

"The question is who not what," Joseph said.

A/N: if you like this book please vote on the webnovel spirit contest.