Chapter 2 Preparation


"Finally" Nie Yan muttered, feeling a little frustrated.

Name: Nie yan

Level 6(0/4000)

Class: Thief(main)

Race: Human

Affiliation: Mountain bandit group

HP: 20

Mp: 15

Defense: 15

Attack power: 22

Strength: 10

Agility: 15

Dexterity: 9

Stealth: 4

Constitution: 4

Intelligence: 3

Wisdom: 1

Charisma: 2

Luck: 1

Stat points: 10


Black leather armor top(common): Defense +15

Black leather armor trousers(common): agility+5

Common dagger(common): Attack power +10


Stealth: Makes the user harder to spot. Released once in combat.

Backstab: Increases attack power when used with sneak active by 10

Seeing the ten new stat points, Nie Yan put three into agility, three into dexterity, four into strength and the

Immediately after he allocated his points, energy rushed into his body, strengthening him.

'My strength seems to have doubled' Nie Yan thought. He seemed to have an understanding of every single improvement round his body.

His strength had almost doubled from the level it was at before. That was not a small upgrade.

Name: Nie yan

Level 6 (0/4000)

Class: Thief

Affiliation: Mountain bandit group

HP: 20

Mp: 15

Defense: 15

Attack power: 32

Strength: 10

Agility: 15

Dexterity: 9

Constitution: 4

Intelligence: 3

Wisdom: 1

Charisma: 2

Luck: 1

Stat points: 0


Black leather armor top(common): Defense +15

Black leather armor trousers(common): agility+5

Common dagger(common): Attack power +10


Stealth: Makes the user harder to spot. Released once in combat.

Backstab: Increases attack power when used with sneak active by 10

After taking time to adjust to his new strength, Nie Yan once again looked at his attribute window.

Nie Yan felt a little pain after he did a few calculations.

If he really needed double the amount of exp to level up again, he might not be able to level up again before the arrival of the players.

However Nie Yan felt that it was natural knowing how his strength would increase every level.

'Since I am now level six, doesn't that mean that I am twice as strong as those bandit's that are level five?" Nie Yan mulled

'If that's the case, I should be able to fight two bandit's at level five' Nie Yan guessed to himself.


These are all theories. He should not recklessly believe them.

There were many mountain bandit's. He did not have to worry about killing them all. Instead what he was worried about was his lack of time.

He had to be more practical.

He had to take one step at a time to make himself more powerful.

This was an important rule he should not forget.

It was no longer realistic for him to be killing bandit's one by one. There was a lack of time in his hands. Furthermore, he could not guarantee that the bandit boss would not notice some of his missing bandit's had gone missing if too much time was wasted.

'I have to increase in level quickly before the boss notices.' Nie Yan thought.

'This way, even if I can't beat the boss, I would be able to run away.'

Nie Yan attacked decisively after coming to a decision.

Soon after, Nie Yan had not walked for too long before he saw two mountain bandit's walking his way.

Nie Yan entered stealth and slowly moved towards the two bandit's.

He grasped the dagger in his right hand, holding it in reverse grip, and slowly crept closer.

A bandit felt something peculiar and glanced over the nearby area. seeing this, Nie Yan quickly halted his steps and exercised control over his breathing.

The bandit searched his surroundings with a focused gaze, but didn't see anything.

Nie yan lightly thread forward carefully, although making some mistakes, his movements were slowing becoming more natural and relaxed.

Instead of killing them off, he took this chance as training. After trailing the two bandit's for a while, Nie Yan could now occasionally adjust his movement speed and he had completely merged with the background.

When he finally reached the two meter mark, Nie Yan rushed towards one of the bandit's, closing the distance in the blink of an eye. He stabbed out with his dagger aimed at his opponents chest.

-30 critical damage


exp +150

Blood gushed out and splattered everywhere as his dagger penetrated the bandit's chest.

Before the second bandit could even react, an iron glint shone as a dagger, traced like a snake found its place into his head.


The bandit staggered, trying to make out what had happened.

Nie Yan didn't allow the bandit to gain clarity. He once more rushed the bandit, ending his life with a swipe across his neck

exp +150

Not wasting much time, Nie Yan entered stealth once again, continuing to harvest more lives.

The morning sun rose across the horizon signaling the start of a new day.

Nie Yan spent the entire night killing bandit's and thieves, but he still couldn't make level 8

Level 7(400/6000

"Sigh! I just hope I am ready" Nie Yan turned his attention to the lower right corner.

"Time until players descend 0 days 2 hours 5 minutes!."

Nie Yan took a few deep breaths. He was extremely agitated.

He did not know how the players would arrive in this world. He also didn't know what kind of changes the player would bring when they descended.

One day for preparation was not a long time, but Nie Yan thought he had done what he could.

He could not do much with the short time he had left. The only thing he could do was wait for the players to arrive.

He sat silently as he looked at the timer.


The world trembled, and with it was Nie Yan's heart.

He looked up into the sky. The sun was shining brightly at this moment. The horizon should have been clear and sunny. However, he seemed to be able to make out faint specks of light.

He saw the stars hover in the sky together with the sun. They covered the entire horizon.


The immortals have descended today


A system notification sprang up in his mind, but Nie Yan laid no attention to it. He watched as the stars fell into the world.

And so it begins.


Name: Nie yan

Level 7(0/6000)

Class: Thief

Affiliation: Mountain bandit group

HP: 30

Mp: 15

Defense: 15

Attack power: 32

Strength: 12

Agility: 18

Dexterity: 11

Constitution: 6

Intelligence: 3

Wisdom: 1

Charisma: 2

Luck: 1

Stat points: 0


Black leather armor top(common): Defense +15

Black leather armor trousers(common): agility+5

Common dagger(common): Attack power +10


Stealth: Makes the user harder to spot. Released once in combat.

Backstab: Increases attack power
