Chapter 4: Literary Bonds.

Emmy returned to Mondstadt and immediately headed for the Favonius Headquarters where the library was located. The exterior of the building itself was militaristic, fitting as it was a place of official importance, holding both Mondstadt's library and the current grandmaster Varka's office.

On either side of the large doors lay red banners with the coats of arms for the knights, it being that of an eagle with spread wings. As usual, there were two guards at the entrance, showing them her library card and citizen id she headed inside the Favonius Headquarters.

Emmy stepped inside the Favonius Headquarters as she looked around, the interior was bright likely due to the large chandelier on the ceiling, with a staircase to the second floor behind it. Emmy walked up to a guard on the right side of the hall, who oversaw one of the four doors there.

"Oh, if it isn't Emmy go in," the guard didn't bother to ask for identification and opened the door.

"Okay, thank you for the hard work," Emmy immediately walked into the library faintly hearing the door being closed behind her.

Emmy sauntered through the forest of bookshelves in front of her, expertly navigating her way through as she headed to the lower floor. The library was similar in design to the entrance hall with the only difference being the books in the library.

She then walked to a secluded corner and walked up to a bookshelf with dusty, worn-out books, likely due to them being used many times. She picked up a book labeled [Teyvat Geography] and then placed it on a table not far away. She then plopped down on the chair and began reading.

Emmy turned the pages and arrived at a chapter labeled [The Formation of Guyun Stone Forest], it was an interesting chapter that went into detail about how the mountains and islands there were merely degraded weapons used by the [Geo Archon].

'Huh, so this is why the merchants from Liyue are always so proud in the marketplace, good to know,' Emmy thought as she looked to turn the page as she arrived at the end of the chapter.

The next page had a drawing of a giant mountain that seemed to go up into the sky, it was covered in snow and had multiple swirling wind drawings all around it, looking at it carefully Emmy realized what this place was.

It was Dragonspine.

The book explained that historically the mountain's real name was [Vindagnyr] and that its current height wasn't even close to the height in the past. It began to go into detail about how the [Anemo Archon] supposedly cut the peak of the mountain and sent it into the ocean, forming the island known as [Musk Reef].

Emmy turned the pages arriving at the chapter showing the theoretical height of the mountain's past peak, the drawing this time was incredibly more ominous than the last, the mountain this time seemed to go past the clouds and was surrounded by thunderclouds.

'So this is pilos peak,' Emmy gulped as she imagined herself trying to scale the mountain, feeling her heart tremble she stopped herself, taking a deep breath.

'Not the time for this.'

Once again turning to the next chapter in the book, Emmy found herself absorbed in the contents, so absorbed that she didn't notice when someone sat next to her. The individual was repeatedly trying to bring Emmy to attention, giving up the girl shook Emmy lightly but the reaction itself was large.

"H-huh? w-what? ah!" Emmy felt someone touch her and she jumped, first hitting her knees on the table and then backing up in pain where she tripped on the chair and fell to the floor, on her face. The book she held in her hand however protected her somewhat, but it merely reduced the pain and chance of injury to her face.

"Pfft! Are you, pfft! okay, hey Emmy answer me," the girl laughed as she went up to Emmy, carefully lifting her from the floor.

"Hmm? so it's you huh Fischl, you could have called me you know," Emmy winced as she was lifted, she spoke to the girl, now confirmed to be Fischl in mild annoyance.

"I did but you! weren't listening, so I lightly tapped you but I didn't expect pfft! hahaha."

"Ugh, well I suppose that was my fault for getting so absorbed into the book, sorry."

"Rejoice, for thou hast been forgiven, in the merciful shadows of mine grace shall thou be born anew."

"Sigh, many thanks for her majesty's grace, this subject is humbled and expresses gratitude."

"It is only expected of one such as I."

"Well, well isn't our dear little miss Amy amazing."

"You! Argh! Humph!"

"Hahaha, now look who has the last laugh."

"Will you please quiet down over there in the corner! Must I remind you that this is a library, in other words, it is supposed to be a bastion of knowledge and quiet! place!" roared an angry woman as she marched over to the two girls, once there the woman lectured them about the library rules.

Tied between being terrified and wanting to laugh, the two girls silently accepted the lecture as they avoided looking at each other, in fear that one glance at their expressions would make them explode into laughter, which in this current situation wasn't recommended.

Twenty minutes passed when the lecture stopped and during that timeframe, their expressions which told of held laughter soon came to reveal pain. They stood there taking the lecture and felt as if their ears were falling off. When it was over they looked at each other and saw the relief on their respective faces.

"Ugh! How impudent to lecture one such as myself with such force," Fischl, who confirmed that the librarian was no longer able to hear her immediately began running her mouth, huffing and puffing as she sat down in anger.

"Really? I wouldn't have known you held such feelings from the obedient expression you held earlier, hehe... you fooled me," Emmy immediately countered her as she giggled, also taking her seat.

Fischl sputtered as she tried to refute her statement but ultimately settled on not answering, she snorted turning her head to the side. Emmy giggled for a few more moments before stopping.

"So, Fischl what were you reading? It can't be that storybook again can it?" Emmy asked faintly knowing the answer.

"Why, of course, it pleases this one to know that thou have taken an interest in matters of the court"

"Say, why don't you read other books, a prinzessin of your stature must also be well versed in the art of pen and sword, reading other books can further that objective,"

"This suggestion has been taken to heart and will therefore be implemented, it pleases this Prinzessin greatly to see your concern, how would you like to be rewarded?"

"I wish nothing more than the health and wellness of the Prinzessin never falters,"


Emmy and Fischl conversed some more before going off to find some books to read. Emmy brought back a book titled [Teyvat History], while Fischl claimed several books, such as, [Military Strategy], [Teyvat Aristocracy], and many more in that target range. Emmy smiled discreetly behind the book covers, rejoicing as Fischl took her advice.

They settled in relative silence as they explored the world of knowledge held in these texts, with the only sound being of pages and moving chairs of those around them. The silence was broken shortly after.

"Hey! you're too loud quiet down!" The librarian was back in action but this time it wasn't for them. The pair curiously observed as the librarian lectured a person other than them, for being loud, strangely they felt a sense of kinship with the person but it quickly gave way to schadenfreude.

"Well isn't she dedicated," Fischl said, mumbling as she took in the situation, a faint amount of glee could be heard in her voice.

"Pfft! haha, she certainly is!" Emmy on the other hand was much more unrestrained, lightly laughing to not catch the librarian's attention but it was enough to announce her feelings. They continued to watch the poor sap being lectured and released with great enthusiasm.

Emmy looked out the window and saw that it was getting a bit dark and alerted Fischl. They both agreed to go home together and checked out of the library. While walking home the duo both conversed about topics about the books they read.

It was then that Emmy realized why she related to Fischl so much, other than the fact that both of their parents were extremely busy adventurers. It was because of their love for literature and the world within those books, it was the reason why she and Fischl could become form such a fast and stable friendship.

Arriving at a crossroads Fischl and Emmy parted ways as they both went home. Emmy thought about the training she would be having with the system tomorrow and opted for a goodnight's sleep.

So upon returning to her home she bathed, ate dinner which she cooked herself, and went to bed. Emmy closed her eyes as she thought about her day, yawning, she turned to her sides and slept.