Chapter 5: Training Start!

[Host it is now time to wake up.]

"Hmm, Five more minutes," Emmy said, turning on the bed.

[Host! Get up!] The system spoke again but it was a bit more demanding.

"Fine, fine have it your way," Emmy got up as she responded to the system.

The day had arrived when she would be trained by the system, Emmy got up in excitement, shaking off her initial drowsiness and taking a step out of her bed. She was dressed in track pants and a tank top, both green in color. After being clothed she went and completed her hygenic needs, all while speaking to the system.

[Host it is best to eat a light meal before exercise, using fruit as a substitute would also suffice.]

"Okay," Emmy was alone in the house now so she didn't bother to use mind communication with the system, opting to speak instead.

She walked into the kitchen and grabbed multiple sunsettias from the shelves. She took out a knife and cutting board, sliced the fruits, and placed them in a bowl. Then she grabbed some goat milk from the ice storage box, poured it into a glass, and returned the milk.

Putting those things to the side she went to grab two slices of bread, spreading some jam on them and returning the jam to the ice storage box, where she took it. She placed the bread on a separate plate and took both dishes to the living room.

[This training regimen is nothing too serious as it is to build your physique and give the host some ground to stand on.]

Emmy ate silently as she listened to the system explain what she was going to do. She wouldn't be doing weapon training until 2 months later but the system would instruct her on the uses of energy in that timeframe. When she asked about the energy it said;

[The crystallization of universal essence found in all living beings.]

Whatever that means.

[The system shall instruct the host as to how to sense, absorb and control both Internal and External energy.]

Upon hearing this Emmy felt a strange sense of excitement, so she quickly finished her breakfast and packed a bag full of supplies before heading off to the training grounds. Emmy quickly ran through the streets before arriving at the adventurers guild.

"Oh hello, How may I help you," the guild receptionist, Katherine asked as she looked at the young girl.

"I want to use the underground training center, I have a card," Emmy said as she took a bronze card from her bag, and placed it on the desk.

"Okay, hold a moment while I get you checked in for today," Katherine quickly swiped the card into something beneath the desk and wrote it into a notebook before giving Emmy her card back. She then got out of the booth, opening the door and gesturing for Emmy to follow her.

"Now if you would follow me inside the guild, I will show you to the training grounds."

Emmy silently followed her inside of the guild, it was fairly empty likely due to the major expedition that took place yesterday but it still had a large number of people within, many of which sat at tables on stools. Katherine took them down a staircase where they got into an elevator.

"There are seven training grounds each separated by ten adventure ranks per training ground, the higher the rank the lower underground it is. The first training is for trainee adventurers to use like yourselves, any questions?"

"I have none, for now, thank you for the explanation."

They were silent the rest of the way and Emmy idly swept her eyes around the elevator, noting that it did indeed go underground as she could see the dirt through, what looked to be reinforced glass.

'System how thick is the glass exactly?' Emmy asked as she discreetly looked at Katherine, turning back when she didn't notice her.

[It is 1.5 centimeters thick. The elevator is also 3 meters in height and 6 meters in diameter if the host was wondering.]

Emmy puffed her cheeks as she was indeed going to ask that next, she continued for a while before stopping as Katherine started looking at her weirdly. She turned awkwardly, avoiding the gaze that seemed to burn her back, just when Emmy thought she couldn't handle it the elevator stopped.

"It seems that we have arrived, I will guide you no further as inside there will be various instructors should you need them," Katherine said staying inside the elevator as she looked at Emmy. Emmy frightened by the way Katherine looked at her earlier got off immediately.

"Thank you for your service, miss Katherine," Emmy bowed and then ran off to the door she saw when she got off the elevator, the door was black seemingly made out of metal, and had an [1] on the top section. Emmy opened the door and was immediately blinded by the lights, closing her eyes as she stepped inside, closing the door.

"Woah!" Emmy opened her eyes once she got used to the light, exclaiming in wonder as she looked at the large field in front of her.

The field was equipped with a large array of obstacle courses and a track. Emmy looked around some more, spotting some trainees and what looked to be the adventurer guilds' instructors. They were easy to tell apart based on their clothing as although both wore training uniforms of some sort, the instructors had the adventurer guilds insignia on theirs.

An instructor noticed her and started walking toward her. Emmy in turn ran toward them stopping just before crashing into the other. They looked at each other for a while before the instructor spoke.

"Hello my name is Mira and I'm an instructor for the adventurers guild, are you in need of assistance?" Mira said as she gestured to her shirt where a nametag could be seen.

"What are the rules?" Emmy asked, not having anything she wanted to know but would rather avoid coming off as rude by refusing help.

"Oh! so you want to know the rules, okay follow me I believe you would rather look at the rule board than hear me explain it."

So they did just that. Mira guided Emmy to a wall where multiple boards were placed. The advertisement, announcement, and finally the rule board were placed horizontally on the wall, each about 1 meter in diameter. Emmy looked toward the rule board and began reading its contents.

There were three rules:

No. 1 - Be respectful to all others in the establishment.

No. 2 - Be organized and place all equipment used in its rightful place.

No. 3 - Practice safety and be cautious of injury, the guild is not responsible.

Those were the rules of the adventurer training grounds and it was upheld by every instructor in the establishment. Emmy nodded as she looked at the rules carefully memorizing them and telling herself to follow them to the letter.

"Well if you don't have any other questions for me, I will now take my leave," Mira said, looking to Emmy, seeing her nod to the statement she left as said she would. Mira went over to a booth in the corner of the training field.

Emmy went over to a corner where there was a lot of grass, well, there was grass practically everywhere but still. Emmy shook her head at such thoughts before placing her bag down, opening it, and taking out a mat. Then she lay on the mat while waiting for the system to speak.

[The host will be required to perform basic strength and endurance exercises, The optimum goal for this training is to advance to higher progressions and attain higher body stats, such as constitution and strength.]

[The optimal progression for the host is [E+] Rank strength increase and [E+] Rank constitution increase over 2 months, the peak for regular untrained civilians. The system also hopes that with enough luck and determination the host could enter the [D-] Rank but it might not be possible.]

[Any queries?]

"None, other what exercises am I going to be doing of course," Emmy said

[Now displaying training outline!]

[Strength training:

3 reps of push-up negatives (5 sets),

8-second push-up hold (5 reps),

8-second plank hold (3 reps),

5-second hollow body hold (5 reps),

15-second squat walks (4 reps),

6-second active hang on pull-up bar (10 reps)

Note: 30-second break in between each repetition/set.

Note: 2-minute break between exercises.]

[Endurance training:

1500-meter jog (3 reps)

Note: 3-minute break between each repetition.]

Emmy looked at the training regimen the system made for her seriously, the system also included chibi diagrams of herself doing the exercise to help her get a grasp of the movements. Now with the workout plan in her grasp, Emmy did some stretches before she went off to work.

Emmy opted to start with the strength training and began her session. Going into a push-up position and lowering herself as slowly as possible, then went onto her knees before returning to a push position and repeating the exercise, doing so 3 times before taking a 30-second break. The system itself tracked her progress and timed her rest sessions.

Emmy did this 5 times before taking a 2-minute break during which she drank some water before going to the next exercise. Going into a push-up position once again Emmy's arms trembled as she held it for 8 seconds before stopping, once again taking a 30-second rest. Emmy did it for 5 reps as requested, almost falling to her face at the end.

"Okay, now huff... onto the next huff... one," Emmy said in mild exhaustion before taking a plank position and continuing her training.

Emmy went through the entire workout like she was drunk, barely remembering anything other than the scorching heat in her limbs and how hot her breath felt. She staggered and fell on her butt as she did the last active hang on the pull-up bar, taking in deep breaths as she listened to the system.

[The host may no take a 30-minute break before going to the endurance training, the system suggests the host jog in place for 1 minute before resting.]

Emmy did ask it asked, wobbly standing on her feet she jogged in place while taking measured breaths, at the end, she felt some of the heat on her chest release and she could now breathe more smoothly.

"Okay, the water, I need some water," Emmy said to herself, snapping her fingers and walking toward a bench on the side of the field where she placed her bag.

Upon arriving she grabbed a bottle of water from her bag and hurriedly drank the contents, nearly choking on the water. She coughed frantically before breathing deeply, taking the slightly humid air in the underground space.

[While resting the system would like to teach the host how to harness the energy, is the host feeling up to the task?]

"Oh? Yes, yes teach me now," Emmy reacted strongly nodding her head as if the fatigue from earlier was just a dream. Thankfully no one noticed her actions.

[Affirmative! Host close your eyes and breathe in deeply, focusing on the feeling of your breath coursing through your throat and into your body. Is the host following?]


[Now try to feel your heartbeat, there should be a second beat there but it is slightly delayed can you feel it? If so try to locate the same sensation under your skin, they should feel the same.]

Emmy followed the system's instructions meticulously, she placed all of her focus on her heart and felt it beating against her chest, but Emmy could vaguely tell that there was a different sound originating from the same area.

Her normal heartbeat was; Ba-bump but the other one she felt went; Ba-bump-ba. Emmy didn't understand what it was about but she was glad that she felt it on her first try.

Emmy quickly got used to the feeling of this new [Heart] and tried to locate the same sensations under her skin as instructed by the system. At first, she didn't know what she was looking for but it didn't take her long to notice it, the feeling of warmth that flowed through her skin like a snake. Emmy shivered at how foreign it felt.

It felt strangely pleasant.

[Now feel the energy coursing through you, follow its path, and try to command it to move faster! The host should be able to do it since you were able to feel it this quickly.]

Emmy immediately started at the system's instructions, feeling the energy moving through her she tried to touch it. It felt warm and soft like a pillow or what Emmy believed a cloud would feel like if touched. Now she grabbed it and it didn't struggle to go along with her as she made it go faster than normal.

Emmy... felt a bit weird though, like something was coming up her throat, she hurriedly covered her mouth and... burped... it felt quite hot on her palm. Just when she was about to ask the system what it was an alarm rang out in her mind.

[30 minutes have passed host time to begin your endurance exercises. Do not fear all will be explained once you have returned to your home, it is not appropriate to tell you here.]

Although Emmy was a little dejected she went to do as requested idly thinking if people could hear the system or if there was some other reason she couldn't get an explanation right away.

"Huh? I don't feel that tired anymore," Emmy said and went on to do her 1500-meter runs without much fanfare, but she felt strange... as if she was full of energy.

She was feeling tired earlier but now she barely felt any fatigue. Emmy completed her running session in little to no time at all, shocking those who were watching her, they saw her dripping with sweat earlier as if she was about to die.

Emmy noticed their shocked looks at the end of her workout and quickly packed her bag before leaving the training center at a brisk pace. Emmy absent-mindedly entered the elevator and exited the adventurers guild, waving Katherine goodbye before walking the streets of Mondstadt.

All the while she was thinking of the events from earlier and connected the dots rather swiftly, it was the most reasonable and probable conclusion to her sudden strength gain.

'So energy can be used like this huh?' Emmy thought looking at the sky.

It was nearly noon, she noted.