Chapter 8: Kidnapping

Fischl and Emmy both went to enter Mondstadt through the east gate before Emmy remembered that they had forgotten the picnic set.

"Ah, we forgot the picnic set, stay here I'll go get it," Emmy said before running back to the picnic spot, leaving Fischl at the gate.

Emmy walked to the picnic spot and started wrapping up the blanket to place it in the basket. She just finished packing up the basket when she saw a suspicious man talking to Fischl, alarmed Emmy quickly made her way over to the gate with the basket in hand.

Fischl was looking at him with the look she gave strangers and her body language suggested that she was extremely uncomfortable. The man was tall, he had black hair and purple eyes, his attire was a black suit, black shoes, and gloves. Emmy noticed that his beard was recently trimmed, sealing that information in her mind somewhere.

"Ah, little lady why don't you come with me, I have some questions for you see, I'm a bit new in town and need some assistance," The man spoke with a bit of an accent, although it just sounded forged to Emmy's ears.

"How could thou venture through the stone forest nigh, if thou hast not been in the city of moons at all?" Fischl of course wouldn't be fooled, she was smarter than that.

"I got lost, so fed up with the constant walking I came to ask you who I saw by the gate," The man didn't stop for a beat matching Fischl's rhythm.

"Many are capable of such a task, yet thou hast need for the Prinzessin's assistance?"

"Ugh! help me out here oka-,"

"No!" Emmy interjected as the man looked to appear frustrated with the long talks, continuing she said, "Apologise sir but we have to get home quickly, bye."

Emmy grabbed Fischl's hand and walked away not even turning to look at the man as they walked up the stairway located at the eastern gate and disappeared. The man didn't chase after them, grinding his teeth audibly in frustration and cursing silently.



"The Prinzessin is gratified by your assistance and would like to reward you, speak what is it you seek."

"Okay, I'll take you home because I wouldn't feel at ease unless you reach home safely."

"Then set out we shall, to the Immernachtreich!"

They both set out to Fischl's house which was located in the opposite direction of Emmy's house. Its exterior was similar in size and color to most of the two-story houses in Mondstadt. It had a red tile roof, a chimney, a balcony, and some flora located along the lines of the roof. Fischl opened the door and led Emmy inside the house.

Emmy took note of the photos on the wall and the dark-purple color palette of the walls. Likely due to Fischl asking her parents to theme their house around that subject. Other than that it pretty much had the same living room layout as Emmy's house.

"Welcome, to the living space of I the Prinzessin," Fischl said, spreading her arms wide.

"Nice place," Emmy said absent-mindedly still thinking about the man from earlier, he sent Emmy on guard hence why she offered to send Fischl home.

"Come forth as we delve into the halls of eternal darkness and I shall guide your lost soul to the most sacred of places."

'So we are going to her room.' Emmy thought as she walked behind Fischl.

Emmy followed Fischl as she gave her a tour of her house, though she thought she didn't need it since the layout was the same but was happy to oblige. They then stopped in front of a door with a signboard stuck on top. Seeing Fischl's name, it too obvious whose room it was.

"I welcome you, citizen, to the most majestic and revered of all domains in the Immernachtreich. It is a place furnished and blessed by me, the Prinzessin."

"This one is honored."

Emmy looked around the room, there was a bed in the corner inlaid with white sheets, though she was expecting it to be purple due to that being Fischl's favorite color, sighing she continued looking around. The room had a fairly large amount of books scattered on the floor.

"Does thou have an opinion on mine abode?"

"It displays the elegance and grace but also the diligence of our nation's princess. Truly magnificent."

Fischl seemed pleased by the role-playing puffing her chest with her signature smirk on her lips. Emmy felt her lips tug up into what seemed to be a smile, enjoying the moment. Alas, she had to go home as her mission was completed.

"Well Fischl it appears that I must return as I have completed my guarding duties, may you remain in good health and the Immernachtreich prosper forevermore."

"I shall escort you on your way out, dutiful servant."

Emmy and Fischl both went out of the room walking down the stairs in silence before they arrived at the door. They both went outside with Emmy at the forefront, standing there in silence made the moment seem a bit desolate as a breeze whipped by and their hair fluttered lightly.

"Hmm, well I'll be going home now, stay safe yeah Fischl."

"Hmm, one such as yourself need not worthy of this one safety, all is right many guards lurk amid this domain."


Emmy walked away as she headed toward her home. Her mind drifted back to the strange man that was talking to Fischl and why the guards didn't notice how uncomfortable she was. Emmy didn't like uncertainty so she decided that she would do a bit more research on this man, she wouldn't take chances if the well-being of someone close to her was at risk.

"Hehe, look at me a 7-year-old girl worrying about these things, really tragic," Emmy laughed but it was incredibly hollow and devoid of emotion, unlike when she was with Fischl or her parents.

She didn't want to label anybody by their clothes, mannerisms, or way of speech but if by chance that man was after Fischl... Emmy stopped, looking at a window of a store on the street of her house. Her eyes looked disturbingly dark, swirling like a ravenous whirlpool.

If he does have such intentions...

Heh, we will see to it that proper punishment will be met.


A few days had passed since then as Fischl and Emmy met more often either on the streets of Mondstadt or in the library. There weren't any movements on Fischl but Emmy did hear of some things during her information gathering.

Multiple children were going missing and the Favonius knights were currently investigating the cause. The reason people were oblivious was that the news was currently being hushed, Emmy was lucky she even got this information. She just happened to chance upon a drunk man who happened to be a knight saying it, so she interrogated him.

This sent Emmy on guard once again as her vigil had slackened before she obtained this information. Thankfully, Emmy had trained extra hard if in case anything happened she wouldn't be helpless to intervene.

On the topic of training, her workout over the last few days had increased in load but the rest times remained unchanged. Due to her energy being awakened the system found it fit to elevate her to higher progressions of the exercises to build more strength. Emmy had one thing to say to the system after that.

"Too cruel, I'm still a little girl aren't I?" Emmy said as she was currently on the ground soaked in sweat and groaning in pain.

[The host should not think of herself as a "little girl" if she wishes to progress to higher levels of power. The system encourages the host to break free of such a mindset.]

The system was impassive as always, not beating around the bush and telling her what to do to improve. Emmy was enlightened by the system's advice and began pushing herself accordingly from that moment forward.

Emmy snapped out of her recollection of the past as she arrived at Fischl's place. She was bringing some food over as they had agreed to have a sleepover for the first time. She had a bag on her back with some clothes and a pot in her hands, she put the pot on her knee as she knocked on the door.

Knock! Knock!

"Fischl! can you open the door please?" Emmy shouted as she stood outside the door, she couldn't open it as her hands were full.

Emmy stood for a long time in the cold, as she awaited Fischl's arrival. Her friend however didn't show up as she had anticipated. Emmy felt increasingly cold as the time seemed to agonizingly stretch by. No longer able to wait she placed the pot on the ground somewhere and opened the door. It creaked audibly and it brought Emmy a sense of familiarity.

It was unnervingly quiet inside the house as if it were devoid of human presence. Emmy brought the pot into the house and placed everything on the table, including her bag before she started searching the house. Her body grew increasingly cold, as she searched around the house finding nothing but air and the searing heat gradually enveloping her chest.

"She's not here, She... She. Is. Not. Here!" Emmy said, her voice coming out in a low growl.

How did this even happen? Emmy was sure there were knights a street away, how could they not notice this? Emmy immediately went back up to Fischl's room to look for clues, idly noting that she was a bit... too calm considering the present situation.

Upon arriving Emmy didn't delay her search for clues, when she came earlier she didn't stop to look around as she was just searching for her friend but now she would investigate. Emmy looked around, the room was just as Fischl always had it albeit a few books were out of place and pages littered the floor, some of them even had footprints...


Really? Emmy was confused. She noticed by now that Fischl was most likely kidnapped, but for them to even leave footprints. She questioned their professionalism and the competence of the knights who were somehow unable to catch them until now. It must be an inside joke because she couldn't get it.


To leave footprints, the clear evidence of your crimes, not thinking for a moment to dispose of it in the slightest. Emmy wanted to laugh, but her mouth was clenched shut as her teeth audibly creaked under the pressure. Her knuckles felt strained as her fingers dug into her palms and her body shook with an unknown force.

Why didn't they remove the evidence? Emmy knew it was a stupid thought and that she should be grateful for their blunder, but she couldn't shake off the heat that was rising in her heart, it felt painful. Emmy wondered if that was some kind of message they had for her, that even if they left evidence, nobody would notice when kids with absent parents went missing.

Because few cared enough to even look at them. They were shunned and disgraced by those around them in the absence of their protectors. They were free goods that any random kidnapper could take without consequence. They underestimated them.

Underestimated her!

Emmy could feel the heat that coursed through her body rising by her mood, she breathed out watching as the smoke came out of her mouth. Her face remained passive as always but flames burst out of her hands enveloping the room in smoldering heat, a testament to how she truly felt inside.

"I see, so that's how it is huh? Hehe," Emmy giggled but her heart wasn't in it, not anymore.

Her friend, Fischl was kidnapped under her nose and she couldn't even stop it. The kidnappers probably knew she was searching and looking out for them but they did it anyway. Did they perhaps think of her as a regular helpless little girl?

"It is truly a pity for them, as due to their lack of information and judgment they would have to find out in person, how helpless I truly am," Emmy canceled the flames and picked up the papers with footprints on them.

"System are you able to identify and track down the perpetrators?"

[Affirmative! Is the host going to deliver punishment perhaps?]

"Indeed, are you against it?"

[The system will support the host in whatever way possible.]

"Then let's get to it then."

Solidifying her resolve, Emmy walked out of Fischl's room. She had made a promise, to be her sword and shield. Although Fischl might have taken it as roleplay it didn't mean that Emmy shared her sentiment. All her promises would be carried out.

You need not fear, Amy. I'm coming to save you, wherever you are.