Chapter 9: Blitzkrieg - Part 1.

Just when Emmy was about to walk out of Fischl's room, she stumbled, and her vision spun for a bit before returning to normal.

[Warning! The system detects harmful substances, ejecting now, ejection successful!]

Harmful substances?

Emmy turned around and looked at the room one last time but didn't see anything unusual. Curiously she tried sniffing the air and caught a faint scent. It seemed to share a similar fragrance to mist grass.

[Host, hold out your hand please.]

"Okay," Emmy said "What are you going to do?"

[The system will now begin the collection.]

Emmy looked as a purple gem slowly came out of her hand and started floating in the air. The gem started to spin in her palm rapidly drawing the air into it, the air in closer proximity to the gem started taking on a purple hue before the process stopped. The gem then retreated into Emmy's palm.

"What happened? Did you just extract the poison from the air just now?" Emmy asked, taking a guess.

[Affirmative. The system extracted the unknown substance from the air for analysis. Now examining both the footprints and substance.]

[Analysis completed!

Drawing conclusions...

Traces found!

Host! here are the results.]

Emmy looked up as a purple screen appeared in front of her, just like the one the day she got the system. It currently showed pictured of various people, some of those had knight uniforms and some noble insignias.

"So, there are knights and nobility involved in the kidnapping, haha... no wonder it's taking so long for them to be caught," Emmy said, she didn't want to believe it but the system never lied to her.

Emmy however wouldn't let disbelief distract her from finding her friend, so she quickly started memorizing the various faces, their names, positions, and even where they lived.

"Uh, system how did you get this information?" She knew she wouldn't get an answer but she had to try.

[The host should locate Fischl, time is of the essence.]

"Hmph!" Emmy expected the system to dodge her question but still snorted before walking out of the door.

Emmy traveled from Fischl's room to the living area before going out of the door and into the night. She was making her way to a house in the corner of Mondstadt that was shown on the screen when the system finished its analysis. The system directed her with purple arrows and she tried to follow as quickly as possible.

As she got closer to the building she began to see some shadows moving in the darkness. They wore armor and had swords attached to their hips, they currently seemed to be eyeing the same building Emmy was moving towards. Emmy grew a bit curious and started walking toward them.

Her steps were loud and they turned towards her, so she could now see the front of their uniforms. They had the same eagle insignia that was on the walls of the Favonius Knight Headquarters, therefore they were knights, Emmy concluded.

"What is a kid doing here!" A young woman who looked to be but a few years older than her whispered in a stern tone.

"That is relatively unknown to us, Captain Jean," A young man said in response to the young woman, Jean's question.

The rest of the knights kept silent, probably deciding to leave it to Jean to settle this, and remained on the lookout. Emmy observed the knight captain, she had what looked to be blonde hair and blue eyes, from what she could see in the darkness. She was nicely built likely due to training.

"Hey, kid what are you doing here at night? Where is your house, one of us will escort you home," Jean said.

"You all are here because of the kidnappings right? Do you have a plan to get in?" Emmy ignored Jean's question, directly asking the knights.

"We are on patrol, and how do you know about the kidnappings? Don't say you heard it from me," Jean said in a stern tone once again.

The other knights were also paying attention to the conversation now. Likely wondering how could a little girl know so much.

"My friend got kidnapped, a few hours ago by my estimate, and so I was searching for her. Also, you are not on patrol that much is obvious, I'm not stupid."

"Hmm, since you know there is no need to hide it, we are indeed not on patrol but are looking for the missing children and we traced the criminals here, so how did you know it was here? Don't lie."

"I followed the scent of the medicine they used to bring her here, I have a very sensitive nose," Emmy lied with a straight face.

Jean's expression changed continuously at her words, from disbelief to anger then what looked to be confusion, and finally resignation. Emmy was amazed at someone able to have so many expressions appear on their face in such a short time. Indeed the captain, she mused.

"Unfortunately, I'm going to have to ask you to return as this is extremely dangerous," Jean ordered.

"I regret to inform you, Captain Jean, that I will not be going anywhere as I will save my friend, plus by the looks of it you all have no way to enter, yes? Perhaps you could use my assistance," Emmy said, her back straight and hand on her left breast as she presented her offer.

Jean furrowed her brows as if in a mental debate with herself, to accept the help and put a child in danger or to be stuck in the current stalemate and not accomplish anything. Emmy could tell that she put the captain on the spot and was slightly apologetic but was unwilling to step back, she didn't want to leave Fischl alone.

Finally, Jean showed a determined expression and said, "Okay we will find a way to integrate you into our plan, but I am curious why are you so confident in your ability to save your friend?"

"I have a vision in my back pocket, see," Emmy tapped her back pocket as it made a glass-like sound and showed off her fire element ability to create a flame the size of her palm.

Emmy, of course, was lying once again as she only had an empty glass in her back pocket and was only using her fire manipulation, but they wouldn't suspect that she could manipulate elements without a vision. Although they would question how she got her vision so young, she wasn't a rarity, giving her the confidence to use this excuse.

As expected Jean looked mildly surprised but it quickly gave way to elation. She signaled the other eight knights which made up her squad, leaving two to stand watch while the others came to plan with her. They huddled together for a while before breaking up, the knights that came going back to their position, and Jean once again spoke to Emmy.

"I'll agree to your involvement but you must follow our plan, is that alright with you?" Jean compromised, deciding to be flexible in light of the current situation, judging it would do no good to make the girl put herself in unknown danger, without supervision.

"I agree to your arrangement, what do you have in mind?"

"Operation Blitzkrieg, you are to simply be captured and distract the forces there, just enough for us to intervene. Using your vision even if untrained, which I doubt you are seeing you have the courage to boldly come here, most ordinary people cannot contend with you."

"Operation Blitzkrieg huh... it is quite fitting. If there is a trained individual and we come to blows how would I be able to protect the kids by myself then?" Emmy wasn't sure about the other kids as she deemed Fischl her priority but she wouldn't mind helping them, she wasn't heartless.

"Stall them to the best of your ability and we will come to your aid in a flash, I believe you are smart enough to command the children and allow them to return safely."

"Okay, so I guess we should start now. Let's get this done by midnight," Emmy looked at the night sky calculating, she saw that it was about 8 pm.

"About 4 hours then, I like your confidence and we the Knights will also come to your aid as fast as possible, Good luck!" Jean said as she also returned her gaze to the ground. She brought her head up fiercely to meet Emmy's eyes and saluted her.

"Yes!" Emmy strung along by her energy saluted as well, placing her fist on her right breast.

Now she was one step closer to saving Fischl.


Robert was a regular thug hired for nefarious purposes. Currently, he stood together with some of his colleagues outside of a large house out in western Mondstadt. They were guarding a group of kidnappers and were on the lookout for any knights that may pass by. Right, when he was beginning to wonder if he should quit this life and try to make an honest living... something happened.

"Hey! Robert we got a little girl on the loose, she's quite a cutie think we should hand her over or enjoy her for a bit?" His colleague on the other side of him called out, prompting him to look over at a little girl walking towards them.

She was dressed in a little silver blouse and had shorts on her. She had small, black shoes on her feet, and had a confused but fearful expression on her face. Robert could see why it would turn on one of his scummy colleagues, she looked incredibly soft and gooey but he wasn't into children.

"Let's just send her to the people inside, we all know that they need more kids, I'll go get you guys to stay here," Robert said as he started walking toward the young girl.

"Uh, hello mister do you know where my friend is? I have been looking all day and haven't found her," The girl's voice sounded sweet to his ears as if birds were singing.

"I'll help you find her, I'm good at searching for people, come a little closer yes, that's, Right! haha," Robert said, before grabbing the girl and covering her mouth.

The girl struggled feebly in his arms before settling down and starting to cry. Robert paid it no mind as he went to the door of the house, opened the door, ignoring the jeers of his mates, and entered inside. He walked through the hallway before coming to a door and kicked it open, inside there were a bunch of children, each with varying degrees of fear on their faces.

"Helloo~ kiddies you all have a new friend say hi~, I'll just drop her off here and take care of her for me," Robert said relishing in the looks the kids gave him, it made him feel powerful and more than what he truly was, a mere thug.

Robert roughly dropped the girl to the ground before turning, faintly hearing someone calling the girl's name as he closed the door, though he failed to catch it as the voice was too quiet. Unfortunately, due to him not looking back as he closed the door he failed to see the cold look of the "scared" girl who "struggled feebly" in his arms before.

Since then 10 minutes had passed and Robert was currently on his way to take a piss. As he unzipped his pants to pull out his wong, he caught the faint scent of smoke. He repeatedly tried to ignore the scent and the foreboding he felt, dismissing it as someone cooking a meal and failing.

But who would be cooking a meal at this time of night and why would it be burnt, also how could it travel so far? Robert mused before he felt a scorching heat on his skin, turning he looked at the burning house in front of him in disbelief.

"What the hell, argh-"

"Fuck! who are you? stop argh-"

"No no no please-"

Robert looked around him, seeing his colleagues falling to the ground one after another as what looked to be Favonius knights raided the establishment. One of them, a girl with blonde hair charged him and threw him to the ground on his stomach. The impact of the blow forced him into a gradual unconscious state.

"Charge!" The girl finally said as the knights moved to her commands and Robert fell unconscious wondering...

How did this happen?