Chapter 13: Grand Master Varka

Emmy stared at the giant man in front of her. He seemed to be extremely tall as even when seated her exceeded the height of Jean and therefore Emmy's as well. She couldn't grasp his features well as he was shadowed by the light from the windows behind him.

Emmy looked around the office, noticing that it didn't have anything special except for a few bookshelves. Though those bookshelves probably contained secrets that nobody else would know or perhaps a truth about the world of Teyvat.

If so, Emmy wanted to look at those books.

"You seem to like books, aye?" Varka asked, nudging his head over at the bookshelves.

"Y-yes, why do you ask?" Emmy said.

'I stuttered! Why? Was I startled at being caught? Or am I afraid of this man?' Emmy thought, seeking an answer as she looked at Varka, squinting her eyes.

She found nothing that intimidated her about the man... at the moment at least. Emmy concluded that she was just started and waited for the man's answer to her earlier question.

"I heard from the Librarian that you come here a lot, yet you do not read books of fantasy but rather books of incredible knowledge. Why? For what purpose? Is it just curiosity or do you have an agenda?"

"I don't and what would that agenda even be?"

"Hoh? Do you not have a vision young lady, I'll tell you that a lot of them are quite arrogant and feel that they could overthrow countries with their newfound power, are you one of them?"


"Hoh? In due time we shall see."

The room descended into silence, throughout this time Jean didn't speak a word opting to stand at the door. Emmy looked at what seemed to be a frown shaping on the Grand Masters's face.

"How did you obtain your vision?" Varka asked, once again interlocking his hands together.

"Burning hatred for the kidnappers of my friend," Emmy answered simply.

She had thought for a moment about what she would say to a question like this and concluded that adding the word "burning" and something about the respective situation in her explanation would seem more believable.

She had also committed the perfect act to back up her claims. If she wasn't wrong the Grand Master would be asking about this particular incident next. She wasn't wrong.

"Is that why you burned the face and body of that researcher, putting him on the edge of death," Varka's tone was harsh and his eyes seemed to glow.

"Is that a problem? I avenged the children he came for, one of them being my friend. I also knew he wouldn't die and he wasn't "on the edge of death" those were merely superficial wounds," Emmy said, looking the Grand Master in his eyes, unafraid.

Her tone was light as if she wasn't talking about toasting a fellow human being at all. Emmy didn't think of that criminal as anything human or she wouldn't have been able to commit such an act.

"Very well, I have one final question. Hmph!"

Emmy nearly stumbled as what looked to be an aura floated off Varka's body. The room shook slightly at the energy as he looked at Emmy intently. Emmy would be lying if she said she wasn't a bit scared but she refused to back down, looking the man straight in his eyes.

The atmosphere in the room seemed to get increasingly tense as time passed. The silence grasped onto Emmy as she wiggled uncomfortably.

"How," Varka started, his aura increasing in intensity, "have your day been going so far?"

Emmy stared, her jaws probably hitting the floor and making her look extremely dumb.

"Hahaha! Jean would you look at her face, indeed I haven't lost it from my younger days, Hahaha!"

The tension seemed to explode like a balloon as the aura abruptly disappeared and the room stopped shaking. Jean held her hand to her head and started rubbing it as if to ease something. Her hand slowly closed into a fist and she started shaking, a vein popped on her head and;

Jean exploded.

"Master Varka! Can you be a bit more serious? What if you scared her and she never wants to join the knights, wasn't that why you told me to bring her here for?" Jean's eyes seemed to be spitting fire as she looked at the Grand Master.

"Relax Jean it was just a little joke, can't you lighten up a little," Varka waved his hands.

They continued arguing for a while before Emmy gathered her wits, choosing to remain silent as she watched the young girl berate a man probably 3 times her current size. The man in question however didn't seem as concerned.

"Uh... So what? My day has... been going quite well if that's what you're asking," Emmy was still a bit confused, but still answered the question from earlier.

Jean and Varka both stopped and looked at Emmy, the person in question looked up at them in confusion putting a finger to her lips. Jean sighed and Varka laughed a little as he sat a little straighter.

"Ehem! As stated earlier by Jean I would like to extend an invitation to the Knights of Favonius you as you have shown exceptional qualities in combat and leadership." Varka said clasping his hands together once again.

Emmy thought for a moment about the potential benefits that she could gain from this and from an ordinary standpoint it seemed quite good. Unfortunately, Emmy wasn't ordinary and she already had a dream job.

"Uh... I just want to be an adventurer, so I'm afraid I'll have to reject your offer," Emmy said.

"Sigh, I figured as many reports do say that you have been visiting the adventurer training grounds."

"I... don't know how to feel about you knowing so much."

"Not me... It's Jean she knows pretty much everything in Mondstadt, she takes care of mostly everything concerning the citizens and their safety."

Emmy stared at Jean in amazement at what she heard, then she frowned. She took care of mostly everything, wouldn't that be extremely stressful? She looked just a few years older than her but she worked so hard.

Emmy found a newfound respect for the captain and it increased at the fact that the captain didn't have a hint of pride at such a mention. It was as if in her mind she wouldn't accept anything less. Emmy suddenly felt the urge to work harder, she was only a few years older and yet worked so hard.

She needed to put in much more effort as well, with a cheat sheet like the system on her side. She had to be better and shouldn't settle for anything less than the best. Emmy looked at Jean with flames in her eyes, as if she found something to work towards.

"Oh? Jean, it seems that the child had awoken something, look at the fire in her eyes," Varka said gesturing to Emmy.

"Hmm, what is it?" Jean tilted her head as she looked at Emmy squinting, before shrugging.

"The fire of determination!"

"Ah! I'm happy then, everyone should work hard toward their goals! Good Luck Emmy!"

Varka shook his head as he looked at Jean still not getting his point but it was fine. He was sure she would get it eventually and would not reject the younger girls' challenges. This potential rivalry would probably lead to friendship.

While master Varka was caught up in his growing fantasy of girls growing to be good friends from battle, Emmy had shaken off the fire in her eyes and calmed down. She made it a promise to work hard and reach her peak potential as stated by the system, she wouldn't fail, she clenched her fists.

"So... are there any more questions for me?" Emmy asked looking a the two.

"Ah, we're done here, Jean if you would escort her out please?" Varka said.

"Alright! This way please," Jean said, walking toward the door ahead of Emmy.

"Ah! Good luck on your future adventures young Emmy."

"Thank you Master Varka." Emmy walked out of the door as well.

The door closed behind her as she walked with Jean silently toward the infirmary. They transferred up the stairs and through the hallway before Emmy suddenly spoke up.

"Is he always like this? So... excentric...?" Emmy asked looking at Jean.

"Most of the time but I assure you that he is a serious person beneath the surface... Hopefully," Jean said, getting quieter at the end of her sentence.

"So... the Master said that you basically "run" things in here. How does that feel?"

"I do not "run" things in the headquarters, I make sure things run properly. It doesn't feel any particular way to me, I do it for the people of Mondstadt to live freely."

"Hmm... Then thank you for working so hard for us citizens of freedom Captain Jean or should I say, Master Jean."

"Well I'm not the master," Jean giggled, "Not yet at least."

"I look forward to the day you do," Emmy smiled in kind and turned, "Ah, we're here."

They had arrived at the door of the room Emmy was in. They both stopped at the door and Emmy waved at Jean before proceeding to enter the room.

Just before she entered Jean spoke.

"You need not call me Captain Jean no longer, I believe you should be comfortable with calling me Jean, yes?" Jean said looking at Emmy.

"Ah, well I'll call you Jean from now on then, see you later and have a nice day," Emmy waved.

"Good day to you as well."

Jean waved, a soft smile on her face before she walked away. Emmy looked at her back for a while before walking into the room and closing the door.

"She had a cute smile for being so serious earlier, so unexpected," Emmy said quietly.