Chapter 14: Glimpse of Emotion.

Emmy entered the room and walked toward where Fischl was, on the bed. Once there she took a seat on a stool and watched as her friend slept for a little while.

She looked for a while before deciding she was a bit too idle and started practicing her fire elemental skills. She, of course, distanced her stool a bit before practicing in order not to wake up her friend.

She played with the fire in her palm for a while trying to increase the power by inputting more energy but it only increased the quantity. She canceled it and tried to find a way to increase the power, placing her finger on her chin.

"Increasing the firepower of fire, ugh that sounds weird but anyway, how should I go about it?"

Emmy tried to remember the kidnapping incident and what she did during that time. She had just funneled an insane amount of her energy into her flames and spread it to the wood of the house, causing it to catch fire extremely quickly.

"Hmm, that's not it a little more than that, While it is true that I made it spread I also distanced it from my body. It increased the quantity but decreased the quality. Going on this should I place my flames closer to my body?" Emmy made a hypothesis.

Emmy opened her hands and fire danced on her palms. She distanced it from her body forming a line of fire in the air before returning it to its original position. All the while she observed what happened.

She tried placing the flame closer to her palm but it didn't increase the quality either. So Emmy quickly scrapped her earlier conjure and tried again to find a solution.

"Okay so that wasn't it but I did notice something earlier. When I made the fire into a line it was extremely unstable but when I compressed it earlier it was more stable and strong."

Emmy thought on that for a moment and tried to find a key element to the equation. She reviewed her words and discovered what she was doing wrong.

It was the lack of compression.

She only had to reverse her process from the kidnapping incident but she didn't know what that "process" was, so she had to find it. Once she did however everything else was easy.

She went to try her new hypothesis. She controlled the fire and attempted to make it close in on itself.

It didn't work.

She tried again and failed, again. Figuring that this didn't work she tried to find a way to compress it before trying again as she found an idea.

She repeated the process but this time while using her energy she closed her palm slowly into a fist or half fist. It had worked quite nicely but Emmy knew couldn't use this imperfect method forever and tried to memorize the sensation of compression.

It felt like taking dirt and turning it into a smaller but harder piece of dirt. She tried to imagine this as she closed her eyes, internalizing the image of the air closing on something.

Making it smaller but stronger and much more potent in its destructive element. Emmy smiled as she felt the sheer heat released on her palm, opening her eyes and seeing a smaller but more powerful reddish-blue flame.

"Hmph! It is indeed I that is the best," Emmy snorted, a smile making its way on her face.

Emmy didn't let it get to her head though as she began working to control it as it was, as she found out, quite unstable. She also remembered how Jean was and how she only took trying her best and accomplishing the best as a matter of course.

Tsk! It is only a small accomplishment, nothing to be proud of.

All this time Fischl didn't wake up in the slightest and the time passed quickly. Emmy noticed that by the time she finished her first compression it was already about 11' o clock.

She looked at the sleeping Fischl debating if she were to wake her up or leave and come back later. She didn't have to make that decision though as the girl in question began to wake up.

Emmy got up from the stool and dispersed her flames. Placing her hands on the bed and leaning over her friend as she awoke. When Fischl opened her eyes, at last, she was met with this;

"Oh, your awake," Emmy spoke with a slight accent.

She was immediately slapped with a pillow.

"Oof! Ow... That... Hurts.... sniff," Emmy started acting pitiful faking some tears but didn't expect what would happen next.

"Oh my! Are you okay, Emmy I'm sorry, are you hurt anywhere," Fischl panicked, running toward Emmy in concern.

"Ah, Fischl I'm fine it was just a pillow okay, see!"

Emmy was shocked that Fischl was that worried after all it was a joke, it was only a pillow after all. It wouldn't hurt Emmy at all but seeing Fischl overreact like that made her feel bad, prompting her to console her.

When Fischl finally calmed down Emmy was shocked, again, to find out that she had tears in her eyes. Emmy felt like she had committed a crime and didn't know what to do, but Fischl started talking.

"I... was so... worried... about you," Fischl cried, grasping at her skirt with her palms and her tearful eyes looking at Emmy and piercing her heart.

Emmy felt as if her heart was bleeding and she grasped her heart, as if in pain. Fischl extended her arms to her in concern and Emmy pulled her into a hug and started patting her back. She gave Fischl her favorite head pats.

"I..." Emmy paused letting the words dance on her tongue for a while before speaking again.

"I'm... sorry for worrying you Fischl, I'll try not to do it again."

"Can you promise not to do it again?"

"No!" Emmy rejected almost immediately and Fischl jolted slightly.

Emmy hurried to give an explanation saying, "You are my friend if you are in danger I wouldn't hesitate to put my life on the line to save you," she smiled.

"It's because I'm weak aren't I?" Fischl said, her voice layered with sadness, "I'm not strong enough to protect myself,"

Emmy kept silent, her mind working furiously for a solution on how to stop her friend from feeling this way. After a moment of shifting through numerous thoughts, she came upon a solution.

"Ah, why don't you train with me, we can become strong together. The only reason I'm this strong is because of training you know," Emmy said, letting go of Fischl and smiling at her.

"Hmm..." Fischl nodded and Emmy wiped her eyes gently.

"Don't be sad okay," Emmy pointed a thumb at herself, "I'll always be here yeah."


"I promise."

Emmy relaxed as she finally calmed down her friend. She pulled Fischl to the bed and they both sat down together, holding hands. Fischl played with Emmy's fingers, beating her fingers onto them.

"Hmph! For I the Prinzessin to allow such a shameful display to be presented unto the likes of this clouded realm, shall my eternal grace be tainted forevermore?" Fischl said, combing back her hair gracefully.

"Eh... Her highness need not worry over such matters, tis' only I to have witnessed such a moment and I shan't tell a soul," Emmy said, placing a hand on her chest.

'Fischl's moments of vulnerability are only for me to see,' Emmy thought, puffing her cheeks.

"Duke Veritas, it pleases me so that you have such splendid thoughts."

"W-what! What are you talking about?" Emmy stuttered nervous, wondering if Fischl could read her thoughts.

"Hmm? One was merely referring to thy splendid methods of articulating thy words, it is presented in a manner that pleases one such as I," Fischl tilted her head, confusion lacing her face as she looked at the flustered Emmy.

"Oh, uh, I was just, um,"

Fischl waited patiently for her friend to gather the words and form an actual sentence for a while. She waited quite a while before thinking about how she became like this, and soon she concluded.

She smiled and her eyes seemed to form crescents, under normal circumstances it would look extremely cute. For Emmy however, it looked quite terrifying.

"Say," Fischl began, looking at Emmy, "Does one believe that I can venture into the realm of thought?"

"No." Emmy said before shrugging, "Maybe?"


Emmy as usual when caught in a difficult situation acted indifferent, she had her poker face and gently cupped her palm in her lap. This action brought Fischl's hand along with her. She peeked at Fischl and something caught her eyes.

She had a method to escape Fischl's potential teasing.

"Ah, would you look at the time, it's almost evening. I guess we will have to go home now yeah."

"Oh, the evening hast cometh, and the retched day shall soon be replaced by the eternal darkness, through which my subjects shall rise."


Emmy and Fischl got up from the bed, packing what little belonging they had, if any, and went outside the door. They walked down the stairs and approached a guard in the front.

"Emmy Edgar checking out of the infirmary," Emmy said, pointing to herself.

"Ah, well you certainly recovered quickly huh, I'll handle the following procedures if you feel that you are okay," The knight said taking out a booklet and writing.

"I feel fine."

"Okay, you are free to go."

"Thank you."

The two girls then walked out of the building, Emmy took a large breath before releasing a content sigh. The two then made their way toward Fischl's home, taking in the familiar sights.

"It's been a while, huh," Emmy said quietly, looking at Fischl.

"Hmm," Fischl hummed, shifting her head to the side slightly.

Emmy frowned, Fischl was disturbingly quiet during this walk. It might be because she wanted to enjoy the walk silently or maybe she was still affected by the incident. Emmy thought it was the latter and squeezed Fischl's hand tighter.

Fischl replied in kind and they both walked to ward her home hand in hand, tiny smiles accompanying them on their way to Fischl's home. Soon enough they arrived at the door and it was opened by Fischl.

"I guess, this is goodbye for now huh," Emmy said looking at Fischl who kept her head down.

"Mhmm," Fischl nodded bringing her second hand away from the door.

Emmy ruffled her friend's head and she whined in response, she turned and walked away, or at least she attempted to. She felt resistance when she wanted to walk away, indicating that her friend never let go, and looking at her face, she didn't seem to want to.

"...ay," Fischl said her voice low.


"Stay, please."

It was only after a few moments that Emmy got what her friend was telling her, she was telling her to stay over for the night. Emmy smiled good-naturedly.
