Chapter 16: Sleepover - Part 2

Emmy opened the door to the room and went inside, immediately she noticed that it was cleaner and the books were placed in an orderly fashion along the walls. They were no longer pages on the floor either.

"Did Fischl do this? There are no footprints as well, I wonder..." Emmy hummed, going over to sit on Fischl's bed, and obediently waited for her to come back.

After a while, she felt a bit bored so she got up and went to take one of the books that Fischl had lining the walls, ignoring the ones on the bookshelves. She searched for a while before finally chancing upon a book called [How to make Friends - Guide for Dummies].

Emmy was speechless.

She quickly tried to place it back before Fischl could arrive and see it in her hands but it was as if the universe itself wanted to mess with her, and the door opened. Emmy hid the book behind her in haste as she looked towards the door.

"Huah~," Fischl yawned as she walked in through the door before closing it behind her.

She opened her eyes and directed her gaze at her friend Emmy who was in the corner. She squinted and her brows furrowed slightly in suspicion as the girl currently had her hands behind her back, obviously hiding something.

"Thou wishes to conceal something from my divine eyes," Fischl asked, lifting her chin.

"What gave you that idea? I was merely reading a book from your collection," Emmy sensed that she was going to be caught if she lied so she spoke the truth.

"Hmm... did the stars align upon this very night and grant the eutopia that you sought?"

"It was a very enjoyable book."

Emmy spoke calmly and turned away from Fischl so she wouldn't see the color of the book, she shifted her body and placed the book somewhere in the pile. She was just finished placing away the book when Fischl tapped her shoulder.

"Eep!" Emmy squealed slightly, turning to look at her friend.

"Aiming to cover the vision of the immenachtreich now are we?"

"I don't, anyway let's forget about the book and uh," Emmy looked around the room for a solution.

"Uh? Go on I await your idea."

"Um, how about we... go watch the stars! Yes, let's go watch the stars."

"Hah... Your idea is approved by my eternal compass, it was deemed to be a very fun plan," Fischl sighed as she placed her hand on her forehead, a smile creeping onto her face.

"Okay, let's go!"

Emmy grabbed Fischl's hand and they both went outside the room before they went to another room in the house where the lab was. Right, when she was about to enter Emmy paused looking at Fischl.

"Are we allowed in here? It does say lab on the door after all," Emmy asked, looking at Fischl as she pointed at the door.

"What can block the path of the dark lord, dredge upon this land as if it were your own and be measured in thy bearing upon entry of this treasured land," Fischl gave her approval.

Emmy opened the door and pulled both of them inside as they looked around the lab which appeared to be somewhat... empty. It only had a few tables and chairs. Emmy looked around confusedly for a few moments.

"Huh?" Emmy said, although she didn't come for the lab she wouldn't mind seeing something.

"This land's gold has long been sealed away before the departure of the owners," Fischl said with a bored look on her face.

"Well, it doesn't matter we aren't here for that anyway, let's go to the balcony yeah."

Emmy and Fischl walked passed the furniture in the room and arrived at the balcony door. Emmy opened the door and a wave of cold air rushed through the door, battering the two children. Emmy walked unhindered through the cold but stopped, turning to Fischl.

"Hey, are you okay? I can get us a blanket if you want," Emmy asked, and Fischl shook her head.

"Alright, you go first I'll be behind you."

Fischl went into the balcony first as she shivered slightly from the cold, Emmy squinted and closed the door of the balcony. She watched as Fischl trembled but stubbornly refused to even mention her discomfort.

'Hah, really a handful,' Emmy thought, sighing as she hugged her friend from behind wrapping her arms around her waist.

"W-what are you d-doing!" Fischl said stuttering and Emmy wondered if it was from shock or the cold.

"Sharing my body heat," she said matter-of-factly, "Let's watch the stars now yeah."

"Mhmm..." Fischl grumbled but didn't resist anymore.

Emmy relaxed watching the stars with her friend before she frowned, Fischl was still a bit cold. She adjusted her grip and brought the girl closer to her body and rested her chin on her shoulder.

"Is it more comfortable this way? I can distance myself if you want," Emmy asked, her hot breath unintentionally traveling right into Fischl's ears, tickling them.

Fischl shivered slightly.

Was she still too cold? Emmy wondered before utilizing her fire element to release more heat from her body, creating a slightly heated dome in a half-meter radius. She extended the heat to the floorboards, where she controlled the heat to move into the surrounding area but this time on the ground, ridding the ground of cold as well.

"Warm~," Fischl leaned back into the hug as she nuzzled into her friend.

"Glad you like your heater, hehe," Emmy said giggling as she hugged her friend tighter but not to the extent that it hurt.


"Let's continue with the star watch but with a twist," Emmy said grinning, "Let's try to identify the constellations."

"O-kay~," Fischl said in a sing-song voice.

That didn't sound right, since it was Fischl but Emmy shrugged it off attributing it to the heat emitting off of her body. In truth, Emmy had randomly read a few books on astronomy one time and was fairly confident that she could triumph over Fischl in this "competition".

She wasn't sure if Fischl had read any books on the topic but she was fairly confident she didn't. They began the impromptu competition without much fanfare and unexpectedly, Emmy lost.

Why did she lose? Well, she severely underestimated her opponent Fischl, who claimed to be the "Princess of eternal darkness", meaning ruler of eternal night. In other words, she challenged the one who supposedly was supposed to know about the stars in the "night" sky.

"Uhh... Never expected that from you Fischl, I accept defeat."

"Hmph! It is but a matter of course, only rue thy ignorance in challenging I, Fischl, the Prinzessin der verurteilung," Fischl laughed haughtily, still in Emmy's embrace.

"Eh? You still want to laugh too huh, take... this!" Emmy began to grope around, trying to find a weak spot and attacked it viciously.

"Pfft! Haha! Stop... please, Hahaha!" Fischl doubled over in laughter as she was tickled with malicious intent.

"Hmph! You shall be spared."

"Ehem, much appreciated."

Emmy shook her head as she stared at her friend and thought about the competition they had and the last two constellations she had seen, they were both birds of some kind but one was a little clear and the other barely formed.

She shrugged and came out of her thoughts, she would figure it out eventually and she was willing to wait for that day. It wasn't of any importance, for now anyway.

"Fischl, I think it's about time we head inside, yeah."

"It appears to be so. Alas, our viewing of the sky pearls has come to an end indeed, it was an experience," Fischl shook her head in regret and took Emmy's hand.

Emmy let Fischl lead her out of the balcony and the lab, closing both of the doors behind her. They then walked toward Fischl's room, entering and closing the door, Emmy let go of Fischl's hand.

She then went to sit on the large bed on the corner and patted it on the side, prompting Fischl to come to sit next to her.

They both sat on the bed together and Emmy thought about what they could do to pass the time. Then Fischl yawned, tears in the corner of her eyes.

"You're tired, want to sleep now? I'm feeling quite tired as well."

"We came to rest, no?"

"Yeah, then let's go to bed then."

Emmy lay on the bed and then rolled to one side of the bed, it being on the right and Fischl also laid down on the bed. She opted to lay down correctly aligned and not roll, she looked at Emmy who was laying down next to her, and felt content, closing her eyes.

"No bedtime talk huh, that's unfortunate," Emmy said and Fischl opened her eyes.

"You wish to converse?" Fischl said but her voice sounded slurred, indicating her level of fatigue.

"No, I just asked but you look sleepy, so we will talk in the morning. Goodnight Fischl."

"Eh? O-kay~ Good... night," Fischl yawned and closed her eyes sleeping contently.

Emmy looked at her friend who began to sleep and smiled softly, feeling her heartbeat in her chest. She breathed taking in the scent of jasmine soap and closed her eyes as well. As she fell into unconsciousness she idly gave thought as to what the system would tell her tomorrow and fell asleep.