Chapter 17: Regular Morning.


Emmy woke up and opened her eyes slightly, immediately wincing as she met with the light from the window. It appeared that they had not closed the curtains.

Emmy shifted in the bed a little and felt a little load on her arms, looking to her left to see Fischl who was once again drooling. She liked to drool while she slept, it was the same at the picnic as well, Emmy noted.

Emmy looked around for something to do and debated on whether she would join her friend in the abyss of comfort people call a bed or get up and greet the cruel world.

She settled on getting up to greet the cruel world. Time waits for no man, woman, or child, and it certainly wouldn't wait for Emmy. She shifted again and shook off Fischl gently, not willing to wake her just yet.

She activated her fire elemental abilities and warmed her feet by directing the heat there. She wasn't going to make the same mistake as last time, she had learned her lesson.

"Huah~ Should I open the windows?" Emmy said, trying to determine if that would wake Fischl or not.

She eventually decided to shift the curtain to let light in and slightly open the windows, leaving it at that. She believed it to be satisfactory and went to grab her bag before heading toward the door.

Carefully she opened the door, peaking at her sleeping friend before closing it once again. She walked to the washroom to take care of her needs, brushing her teeth and all the other hygienic necessities.

She opened the door to exit the bathroom just to be met with Fischl who seemed to be a bit too sleepy and was also holding a small bag. The bag seemed to contain some necessities that Fischl otherwise couldn't reasonably hold onto.

"Good Morning Fischl!" Emmy said and moved out of the way so Fischl could enter the bathroom.

"Good... Morning~ Huah~ Emmy, what dost thou awaken at this hour as well?" Fischl asked moving forward so she could stand in the doorway.

"Yeah I need to make breakfast for myself and go to train Early as well, are you the same?"

"Huah~ I am, one needs sustenance to trudge this realm of mysteries unscathed by mortal difficulties. I am no different in this aspect and it is quite dreadful."

Fischl's speech got a bit clearer at the end of her sentence. Likely because she was waking up a bit faster due to the talk with Emmy.

"So, it is very likely that you can cook right? Would you be willing to prepare us a meal?" Emmy learned a bit about Fischl again today.

"After I finish my routine of hygienic nature, yes. I was pleased by your ability to command the flames of sustenance previously and I am not one to owe others of the Immernachtreich."

The conversation ended and Fischl walked into the bathroom after that to take care of herself. Emmy walked back to the room to take care of her other hygienic needs.

She needed to comb her hair.

She entered the room once again and immediately went to sit in a corner where the mirror was. She took a comb from her bag and began to sift through her relatively smooth but short hair. Although she did meet some "roadblocks" while combing it but other than that it was fine.

"Hmm~ Hmm~ Hmm~ Hmm~," Emmy hummed as she combed her hair, making it look straight and neat.

Emmy didn't have a particular hairstyle per se. She just wanted her hair to look natural. It wasn't because hairstyles were tedious and a waste of time. It wasn't because she didn't know how to add styles to her hair for some reason.

Not at all.

While she was idly cleaning and trimming her fingernails Fischl had returned. In different clothing this time as she had taken a bath, as had Emmy who was now clothed in another white one-piece dress.

She liked one-piece dresses, they didn't have complicated corsets and the like. The Archons knew when she would even look in the direction of those abominations. She looked at Fischl and studied her friend unconsciously.

Fischl had also worn a one-piece dress as well, Emmy nearly rolled her eyes at the purple color. Fischl will always like that purple color wouldn't she, though Emmy had to admit it seemed that color was made for her in mind.

"Aya, the purple princess has returned, it is an honor," Emmy said, snorting, and she placed down the nail clipper.

"Hmph! Be down in a while for I shall be constructing the tower of delicacies that you shall be a servant to," Fischl said raising her chin haughtily.

"I look forward to it but enough of that, come here."


"I'm going to fix your hair come and don't make a fuss."

"Hmph! Be honored to touch the golden locks of the Immernachtreich," Fischl sat on the small chair Emmy had placed there for her.

"Yes, yes I am honored," Emmy said slowly in a bored tone as she started combing her friend's hair.

Emmy passed her comb rhythmically in her friend's hair often using her hands as well. Judging by the comforting sounds she released, it seemed to be an enjoyable experience. Emmy wanted to go to the next step and went to grab the black hair ties.

"Fischl, don't you have any other hair tie? I can do a mix between black and purple if you want."

"Thrice moved dark dimensional pocket."

"So the 3rd drawer on the right, okay."

Emmy moved swiftly as she went to the drawer and opened it seeing multiple black and purple hair accessories. How did she know that there were even purple hair accessories in the first place?

'It's Fischl, that's her color scheme. Thinking about it now, nobody in Mondstadt uses such a color scheme other than Fischl, well those that I know of anyway.' Emmy thought as she shifted through the mass of hair accessories.

Finally, she chanced upon a small but cute purple and black set of hair ties that would go nicely in her friend's hair. They were small little bat twins due to how similar they were.

"I got them," Emmy said closing the drawer and coming back to Fischl.

Fischl didn't speak and Emmy got to work on the last touches of her friend's hair. She swiftly tied up her hair into twin tailed hairstyle. She tugged on the last hair tie and took a step back to admire her work.

Fischl now had a purple bat hair-tie on her right and a black on her left, it fit perfectly with the purple one-piece dress that she was wearing. Her hair framed her face and it put forward her cute features.

"Your help is much appreciated, Duke Veritas. Heaven's meal shall be thy reward."

"Ah, so the time nearing to when I would feast upon her highnesses cooking, let us set forth then."

Emmy walked out of the door with Fischl in tow and went to the table. She began to set up the table and waited for Fischl to start cooking the breakfast she would serve her.

The mysterious princess serving me? It is a generous reward!

While she waited Emmy closed her eyes and began to feel around inside her energy circuit, moving the energy inside it around. She sped up or slowed the energy to her liking, equating this to her practice for the morning.

"Might as well get some work done, though it is weird that Fischl hasn't asked about that yet," Emmy said, uncertain.

"She'll come around eventually."

Emmy pushed it to the back of her mind. Her friend would ask her eventually and whether to lie or tell the truth to her would be a decision left for future Emmy to deal with. At present Emmy was currently practicing and observing the movement of her energy.

She would focus on that instead.

Her energy seemed to be like a small rope, nearly identical in width to a thread but also a bit large than that. It also seemed to glow in a somewhat... silver light?

'Does it contain a special attribute? or is that how everyone's energy looks like inside?' Emmy thought looking closer at the energy.

It seemed to be like a stream, going forward endlessly in a cycle. She followed the flow of the energy stream and seemed to fall into a trance, forgetting the outside world.

Until she was pushed.

Emmy awoke harshly as she felt a pain on the back of her head, she looked around frantically. For one she noticed that she was on the ground and that Fischl was now panicking above her.

It appears that she was too focused, again.

'I have to stop doing that, at least in a public place,' Emmy thought and got up.

"I'm fine, I just had a scare." Emmy said trying to brush it off, "Is the food ready?"

"Hah~ Not yet. Hmph! one should look out for the death's trance lest ye become like stone," Fischl said, sighing as she looked at Emmy in mild concern.

"I'll try not to focus so hard next time, at least not in public," Emmy said, whispering the last bit.

Fischl looked like she heard her but didn't comment.

Emmy watched as Fischl went back into the kitchen, her little apron fluttering as she walked back. Emmy picked up the chair and sat back down. Soon she became quite bored and just when she was wondering if she should use her fire ability.


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