Chapter 18: System Update.


[System Online.]

[System updates available. Does the Host want to receive a system report?]


"Right on time, yes!" Emmy said, judging it safe to use her voice as Fischl was in the kitchen.

[Organizing System Data...]

[Submitting Data...]


[System Update:

-New stat [Agility] has been added to the status screen.

-New general stat [Potential] has been added to the status screen.

-New category [Techniques] has been added.

-The category [Talent] has been upgraded.

-The evaluation of Host [Emmy] has been updated as of recent changes.


[That concludes the system report!]

'That was a lot of stuff you had to report huh?' Emmy thought as she looked at the new things the system had brought up.

[The Host's status has seen massive improvement! Does the host wish to display?]




Name: Emmy Edgar

Age: 7

Gender: Female

[Potential: S+](New!)


Overall Rating: D-(New!)

Strength: E-(New!)

Constitution: E(New!)

Agility: E(New!)

Intelligence: B

Energy: D+(New!)

[Innate Ability]



True Combat(New!)


-Energy Manipulation (Intermediate)(New!)


"That's quite a lot of improvements," Emmy said looking at the screen closely.

[Note: Potential only pertains to combat-related professions and as such is not connected to anything other than fighting.]

[Note: Potential does not dictate the end, it can be surpassed and is only a rough analysis by the system. Outside forces are capable of interfering with potentials, such as illnesses and bad training routines.]

"If it's rough then how do you calculate it," Emmy asked.

[Unable to Answer!]

"Hah~," Emmy sighed, "So I guess a high potential huh? I have a sinking feeling that it happens to be connected to that [True Combat] talent."

[Indeed, the system had miscalculated the host's combat potential. The system had taken this evaluation before the host's seventh birthday, thus it was at a time when the stars-.]

[The host should check on the other updates!]

The stars?

What was that about the stars?

Emmy wondered about what the system meant, and why the stars were involved. Alas, the system seemed to not be responding to her queries. Emmy puffed her cheeks and huffed.

'Well if you want to be secretive about it, Hmph!' Emmy thought before going back to look at her [Evaluation].

She wondered what [S+] potential even meant. So far the system hadn't explained what the ranks were for her stats and stuff, but she guessed she would ask it later.

The [Techniques] category was fairly easy to comprehend, though she did wonder what level the higher ranks were, however, based on her knowledge of Liyue novels it would likely be [Saint] or [God] level. So this part of the [Evaluation] didn't confuse her that much.

Her stats jumped around a lot. She was now as strong as some grown men. The system had said before that the peak of an untrained human was [E+] so now Emmy could go toe to toe with some of the weak grown-ups.

Her height would be an issue though.

'System, what are the ranks for the stats? Is [S+] rank above [A] rank and if so why? Isn't it lower alphabetically?'

[The ranks of the system are classified from the lowest [F-] to the highest [SSS+]. The host has the potential to reach [S+] rank and beyond.]

'Hmm, seems powerful, hey how likely would I have been able to reach this if I didn't have you.'

[Calculating... Done! A whopping 23.335% chance of reaching [S+]. The host would have been able to reach [A+] rank at age 16 and [S] rank at 19. If the host were to have been training properly.]

'Hmm, strong! So I have been meaning to ask but how strong are my parents?'

Emmy didn't want to admit it but she was still worried, she knew they were strong. She couldn't explain it but she could somehow feel the strength from them. It might be her [Innate Ability] but it was unlikely due to it being locked.

[The host's parents are deemed to be at the [B+] rank. The system senses that they are regarded highly by their organization.]

'Hmm, so I got their strong genes. That's nice and at least they won't be that vulnerable.' Emmy was assured somewhat after knowing the strength of her parents.

Emmy sighed and leaned back into the chair as she idly scrolled through the system screen. She was starting to feel bored again and asked the system a question.

'Hey, how much damage can a [S+] rank do?'

[The [S+] rank is likely to have enough power to level a large city or deal significant damage to those with [S] rank and below [Constitution].]

"Level a large city!" Emmy shouted and immediately closed her mouth, looking around in shock.

She saw Fischl peeking out of the kitchen and she waved at her, telling her she was fine. Emmy looked back at the system screen after her friend was gone. She thought back to what the system said reviewing it constantly until she had a thought.

'Wow, If I train hard enough in the future I could flatten cities,' Emmy thought, dazed.

That should be enough strength to keep Fischl and her parents safe right? Emmy was instantly motivated, and she even wanted to skip breakfast to go start her training but stopped herself.

'Patience is key,'

She would get there eventually, as long as nothing bad happened along the way. She swore that she would train extremely hard to reach the [S+] rank. She wouldn't fail.

"Uh, wait I wonder what she is cooking. I probably should have told her what type of nutritional plan we should be following, it shouldn't be a problem right?" Emmy asked.

[No, the host is in the early stages of gaining strength. This should not matter for 1 day but due note that it will affect the stat gain in the future.]

"Hah~ So for today, it's okay. That's good."

[The host seems to want Fischl to train and gather strength as well. Should the system offer assistance?]

"Uh? Yes, offer as much as you can," Emmy said, nodding as she looked around.

[The host should allow her to use the previous training program the host used at the start.]


[It appears that she is coming. The system is here when needed Host.]


Emmy looked at the entrance of the kitchen where she saw Fischl, who seemed to be carrying a somewhat... light meal? She tilted her head as she looked at her friend and watched as she placed the dishes on the table.

It was a satisfying salad.

"Hmph! Tis' not one of my many specialties, however as we have yet to begin the trek to the underground and labor in the lands of the powerful, it should suffice."

"Hmm, so you agreed to train with me then, let's eat before we go to the adventurers guild."

Emmy watched as Fischl sat down and they both began eating the salad before them. Emmy had to admit that despite it not being one of Fischl's many "specialties" it was delicious. She didn't need to know that though.

"It tasted good," Emmy said, rubbing her belly.

"Hmm, well I suppose if one were to be captivated by such a benign meal, they would not be granted the title of Duke."

Emmy was sweating, but on the outside, she remained calm. She grabbed her dish and Fischl's before walking to the kitchen. She placed them into the sink and grabbed some soap, scrubbing the dishes.

"Hmm~ Hmm~ Hmm~ Hmm~," Emmy hummed and idly noted the presence of Fischl next to her.

They both stood in silence before they both finished with their work and Emmy went out of the kitchen. She walked upstairs to find her bag and waited at the entrance of Fischl's room.

"Uh, you should change into a tank top and shorts so you wouldn't be hindered," Emmy said, looking at Fischl.

Emmy already had her gym wear underneath her clothes and so all she had to do was remove her dress, she wondered why she even wore it in the first place. Standing by the doorway, many thoughts ran across her mind but none of them ever seemed to take hold.

She idly played with her flames, placing them on her fingers and bouncing them from one to the other. She did these exercises to increase her control over the flames and it was also a fun pastime. Footsteps sounded from behind her and she stopped.

Fischl was coming.

"I am ready, shall we set forth?" Fischl asked, walking up to Emmy and closing the door.

"Let's go then, I'll show you what you have to do. We'll get strong together yeah."


Fischl grunted, nodding her head as they walked down the stairs before going out of the door. Fischl closed the door behind her and they both headed toward the adventurers guild. She looked at the sky and noted that it was still about 8 in the morning.

A way to tell the time would be convenient.

[8:30 am]

Emmy almost shouted out like she did the last time but stopped herself, she looked at Fischl. She didn't look like she noticed her reaction and was currently looking at all the flowers in the wooden boxes in the middle of the street.

Emmy sighed in relief.

'You have to stop doing that it doesn't matter. I would still be freaked out no matter what you do so I can only get used to it,' Emmy thought, then stopped looking in front of her.

They were at the adventurers guild.

"Hey Fischl, do you have a card?" Emmy asked, she had forgotten about that part.

"Indeed, I have access to the key of the underground domain," Fischl showed the card.

"Ad Astra Abyssosque, welcome to the adventurers guild."

Fischl walked up to the receptionist and Emmy stood on the side, waiting. Someone touched her from behind and she instantly wanted to push back but her fist was held, confused she looked behind her.

"Long time no see, Boss."

It was Harlin.

And why was he calling her Boss?


A/N: Power Level is rough but you can check VS. Battles Wiki [Genshin Impact] Edition. If you have any suggestions about that comment, please and thank you. Peace!