Chapter 34: Mindset of a Stoic Intellect.

Emmy walked back to her house after bidding Fischl farewell, mulling over what she had learned for the day. Lynx obtained a vision and weapons training would be held in a week by the system for her and Fischl.

Though she did wonder how it would do it since it was basically in her body now.

[The Host will find out soon enough.]

"Does it require some special material or do you just do it?" Emmy asked as she was beginning to approach her house.

[Primogems and Mora would be appreciated.]

"I should have some around somewhere, my parents didn't know what they were for so they stored them in the lab."

Opening the door Emmy went inside her house, closing the door before she hurriedly went up the stairs and approached a room that said [Lab]. Emmy wasn't someone to intrude upon her parent's personal space but this was for a good cause so she did it anyway.

Opening the door she stepped inside the room to see it contained many lab materials and high tables. She rarely went inside but this time it was for an important reason, so she didn't hesitate to walk through the lab.

She walked for a little while since the lab was surprisingly big and found what she was looking for. Her parents were adventurers and so they had completed many missions, so they had a bunch of these primogems the system wanted.

As for if her parents gave her permission, they technically did. Since they had no use for them they let her play with them as a child, well a younger version of her current self played with them all the time.

Her parents had no fear that she would eat them since Emmy wasn't stupid, but that prompted them to treat their child like a little adult sometimes as a result of her early signs of intelligence. It didn't stop them from spoiling her though.

Emmy walked up to the chest and opened it. There she found many bags filled with the gems and she took two before closing them. Then she exited the lab before walking to her room. Along the way, she asked the system what it needed them for and it said this.

[It is used to train the host. Originally the Gems were unneeded but since the host wants to include her friend it couldn't be helped.]

Emmy sheepishly rubbed the back of her head as she heard what the system said, but she didn't regret it. Training would be boring if she didn't have anyone to do it with.

Plus she just wanted to train with her friend. Is that so bad?

Emmy stopped talking as she headed for her room, opening the door once she arrived there. She began to approach her bed and placed the primogems there before taking a seat.

[The system advises the Host to sit down on the bed in a meditative position.]

Emmy did as she was told by the system and sat cross-legged on the bed before closing her eyes.

She felt around for a bit before beginning to meditate to pass the time. She idly watched as her energy moved around in a somewhat lazy fashion, she controlled it to move faster to suit her needs.

Emmy let it do that for a while before she thought to look at her [Energy Core] or [Energy Heart] to see if it had experienced any changes.

Simply put it did.

For one Emmy noticed that it had grown larger since the last time she saw it. It was merely ⅕ the size of her own heart at the time and only beat once every ten seconds.

Now though? It had changed to around ⅓ the size of her heart and beat twice every eight seconds now. A visible improvement.

Emmy wondered if this was attributed to her increase in energy stat, if so how did it work? Did its growth make her Energy stat grow or did the growth of her Energy stat make it grow?

Confusing but if she knew it could change how she trained in the future.

Just as Emmy was about to go make some hypothesis on this subject, she got interrupted by the system.

[Host it is done. Good Luck]

Huh? Good Luck for what?

Emmy opened her eyes at the thought and her eyebrows shot up in shock. In front of her lay a massive expanse of black. She was supposed to be inside her house but where even was this place?

"Hello? System, this isn't funny. Is this some kind of test? Hello?" Emmy continued to speak for a while before she stopped entirely as the system didn't respond a single time.

Emmy paused to think for a moment about what she came here to do, well she came here to train, so it had something to do with that. She continued to think for a moment before she stopped and sighed.

It was a test by the system for sure but of what kind? Emmy once again set her sights on the dark space before her, looking at the all-encompassing darkness.

Eventually, she gave up on that as well and closed her eyes. It wasn't as if the system would hurt her and depending on how the system managed it she would wake up in the morning or something along those lines.

Anyway, the worst she could do was fail, right?

Emmy had failed at many things before, such as…


She didn't remember any significant failures she suffered in her life, as far as she was concerned anything she did just wasn't hard enough. I mean unlike Lynx she didn't have a particular talent or liking for art or music.

She excelled at reading and analysis, but so did Fischl and they were the best of friends because of it. Though Emmy did feel like she failed to understand one thing.


To her, they seemed pretty illogical and finicky but she understood their relevance to people. If they weren't there she couldn't feel the love she had for Fischl and her parents. The camaraderie she felt for the boys.

And the ability to sympathize with Lynx after hearing his story and feel remorse. But she still didn't understand why she felt those feelings, wasn't Lynx a bully who did bad things for a while? So why feel sympathetic after listening to a few words?

It was incredibly stupid and confusing.

But Emmy supposed that this is the only thing she currently failed at, she was still a child anyway. She had room to grow.

"Even combat and fighting is something I was determined to do to be an adventurer in the future. I didn't know much about fighting but now I'm suddenly a genius with overwhelming prospects for it?"

How does that even make sense?

Emmy questioned a lot of things but her daily life kept her from going into them further. Now that she was here in a dark space, waiting for something, she might as well think about it.

But Emmy was quite skeptical about her potential. Was it really free?

Everything in this world has a price, her parents' potential death by being adventurers, and Fischl's isolation due to her unique speech and thought process.

Even Lynx had to pay the price when he succumbed to the pressure around him and that led him to make many bad decisions.

But what about Emmy? Up until that moment, she was just an ordinary girl… well as ordinary as a future [S] rank fighter could be but still.

"There was also the fact that I read the Favonius Library about 3 times but that doesn't matter does it?" Emmy mused, a smile coming to her face, "Reading, even if I have to reread again is still fun."

But that wasn't the point she was making.

There was a time she was still ignorant of her potential but now that she had the system everything but her innate ability was brought to light. Emmy didn't doubt it could be powerful as well, following the trend of many things she discovered after acquiring the system.

The potential for the relatively unknown field of combat for Emmy now seemed as if it was waiting for her to venture into its depths and uncover its secrets. Her potential for it was astounding, she knew.

So Emmy was skeptical, why?

Well, such things as talent don't fall from the sky without burning everything in its path. Even stars when falling from the sky, bringing new things to the world, burn up before touching the ground. Emmy was just a mortal.

Emmy was aware of that and didn't take anything for granted. She kept her head cool and went with the flow, aware of her morality and the possibility of dying at any moment. This mindset kept her in a constant state of calm and focus.

She didn't doubt that with such wonderful gifts and talents she would be bestowed with devastating consequences and difficulties, some of which could even take her life.

But so what?

Fear was just another fickle emotion, it didn't have any relevance when all she wanted to do was keep her family safe.

Emotions come and go like the wind but her desire to protect her family was not.

Even death would not keep her if she wanted to.

She understood death more than most because she thinks about it, most people think of it as a bad thing without considering that they are going to die anyway, anytime, any day.

She witnessed her parents on its tongue more than once in her lifetime, even if they didn't know that their daughter saw them.

Death was there but it wouldn't keep her from her family and the ones she held dear. If one day a challenge so large it might engulf her whole came. She would fight it and return home to her friends and family.

Nothing would stop her from achieving that goal.

If a demon stands in the way, kill the demon. If a god stands in the way…

Kill the go–

[Ding! Host mentality rating deemed [SS+] rank. Now eligible for specialized training.]



That Sigma Female theme playing right now. Edited the chapter so now it feels a bit more smooth to read, I think?

Also any ideas on that [Army Building] tag? I thought of many but most seemed to take much time, like a country(Unreal, most land in teyvat claimed), a gang(Morally gray to black), an Arms dealer(Same as a gang?), Favonius GM(Nah), Adventurer captain or division head(To small a scale and might not be completely under her).