Chapter 35: System Space.

[Ding! Host mentality rating deemed [SS+] rank. Now eligible for specialized training.]

"What?" Emmy asked as she looked at the suddenly bright space in front of her.

She closed her eyes for a few seconds before remembering that she wasn't being blinded and opened them to take a look. She was now in a hallway with many doors all around her.

The hallway seemed to stretch on infinitely as she couldn't see the end. She turned to the side and watched the purple screen in Infront of her seeking answers.

[This is the system space. It is equipped with state-of-the-art virtual simulation technology, allowing for growth within the mindscape.]

Emmy blinked.

She had so… many questions.

"What is virtual simulation technology? How will it help me to train within my mindscape? What is the mindscape—, no, never mind don't answer that. I think I know what it is."

[Virtual simulation technology is something that allows the Host to train within the mind while gaining experience. Virtually no cost but all the gain.]

[There is no need for any tools, the system simulates it in a fake reality in the Host's mind to extreme accuracy.]

"Virtually no cost?"

[Mental strain is among things that can happen but other than that it is quite safe. The system judges the host can stay for 5 days within the Mindscape without difficulty.]

"5 days! How much time passes in the real world?"

[A ratio of 15:1 at the moment. The host will be in a 1:1 ratio for now but it will slowly increase.]

"That's pretty awesome." Emmy nodded as she stroked her chin, "So how will this be used? I know the benefits but I'm not exactly able to train myself yeah. It can be used to simulate fights but I don't have much fighting experience."

Or skills.


[The system will handle all instructions of the Host from fighting to even flower arrangement if the Host wishes to pursue them. The system is designed to allow the Host to reach peak power. Whether it be political or economical strength, the system has a way.]

Emmy trembled in excitement as she imagined herself with what the system mentioned. She was getting a bit impatient to be stronger, something she had been doing a lot nowadays since the system's appearance.

She used to be quite patient but now she was jumping around all the time.

"So when will I be able to get strong enough? What are the conditions to gain it? When will I begin training?" Emmy asked, throwing question after question for the system to answer.

[As long as there are no incidents the Host will reach [S+] rank in 5-7 years, at age 12 the youngest, and 16 at the latest. There are no conditions at the moment. Training will begin tomorrow, now is the time to familiarize the Host with the space and its functions.]

"Then let's get moving!" Emmy said as she started walking towards a room with the name board [Physical Techniques].

"Physical Techniques? So this is where I'll be training my weapon skills huh?" Emmy said as she tried to open the door but failed.


[Due to certain restrictions the Host is unable to access any of these doors for the time being.]

Emmy's excitement faded by half, "Why though?"

[The instructor is not yet available.]

"Instructor? Wasn't that you?" Emmy said confused, she glanced at all the other rooms that were within the white hallway and felt a bit wronged.

It was as if she had been cheated.

Emmy sat on the ground with a huff, her cheeks puffed, "So why am I here then? If I can't go into the rooms."

[It was mainly to conduct the psychological resilience test, but the Host could also tour around the hallway. You may not know what you want to learn and may want to consider it carefully.]

"What do you recommend? I mean other than combat training and politics, I don't think I can see the need for anything else."

It wasn't like Emmy was narrow-minded but she didn't know how long she could stay in the system space and thus would choose only two subjects to explore.

She also found it more appropriate to leave the recommendation to the system, the one who probably knew most about her abilities.

[The system shall recommend blacksmithing and alchemy. These are two core skills needed to be a cut above all others. The Host could also take cooking and business classes as well. Technology is also a rather forgotten field so the host may have an edge there.]

"Okay," Emmy didn't know why she needed business management but the system probably knew what it was doing.


'Technology seems quite interesting as well... I wonder if I'll be able to make ruin hunters and guards hmm...'

It was quite exciting.

[Though it is not recommended to take multiple classes at once, most classes end faster than others. Also due to the Host's aptitude for combat, weapons training might end extremely quickly.]

"How quickly are we talking about?" Emmy asked as she looked at the system skeptically, relatively unknown of how outrageous her talent in fighting is.

[Two months to reach [Master] rank in most weapons kind of quick. Though it depends on your instructor most may be at that time frame.]

[Meaning the Host can achieve [Master] rank in as little as 5 days. Provided that there is sufficient pressure.]

Emmy blinked, her eyebrows steadily raising and she blinked again. Finally, the system's words sunk into her mind.

"Damn!" That was the only word Emmy could use to express herself at this moment.

She had expected something like this but hearing it was a different story.

[Indeed although the Host must note that time varies upon each combat style and its affinity with the Host. Though affinity may not be a problem for the Host.]

"Why?" Emmy asked as she thought about the system's words, recalling a certain thing on her status and slammed a fist on her palm, "It's the [True Combat] talent right?"

[Affirmative. As its name suggests it grants the bearer combat ability and comprehension far above the norm.]

"Does…" Emmy hesitated for a bit before she bit her lips and asked, "Such an overpowered and awesome talent, I feel honored but… Does it have any conditions for attaining it?"

[The first stage of this talent seems to have none. The system will check the other stages to see.]

"Okay," Emmy waited with bated breath as she looked at the purple screen in front of her, tightening her hold on her dress.

[Checking Records…]

[No other records found…]

"What!" Emmy shouted as she looked at the purple screen, her heart clenched as she was suddenly gripped with a bad feeling.

[The system has found no other records. The system shall now attempt to research the records more thoroughly.]

[Rechecking Records…]

[No other records found…]

"What happened!" Emmy asked quickly as she rubbed her hands, a bit anxious.

[Host… It appears that the records of the talent [True Combat] have been erased by an unknown force.]

Unknown force?

"Can they…? Are they able to access the system as well," Emmy herself was terrified by her own words, a feeling of coldness washed over her and her mental image was washed with cold sweat.

If it were another time she would have marveled at the realistic sensations this fake reality produced but now…?

She just wanted to leave.

[No one but the Host can access the system, that is certain. However, it seems that the source of the world records has been tampered with.]

World records?

Emmy wanted to ask what it was but she knew she would be rejected… but what if she wasn't? Emmy pressed her lips as she waged a small battle in her mind on whether to ask the system a question it might not answer or not.

Eventually, she decided to bite the bullet and ask, "What are the world record—"

[Unable to answer!]

Emmy pouted, the system could definitely read her mind, and yet it watched as she debated for half a day and still hadn't stopped her.

It even rejected her in the end!

Emmy felt a bit sad, although she didn't know why. She asked a question knowing she was going to be rejected, so why feel sad?

Strange, she could feel but not understand it. Emmy wondered if there were others like her, there most certainly were.

She would discreetly ask and read around to find out more about this. She had enough unknowns about herself already, she didn't need to stack more adventurer pancakes on her plate.

"Then… Can I get a hint?" Emmy asked as she looked at the screen, hope lighted in her eyes.

[The release after death.]


What kind of thing was the "release after death"?

'Is it even a thing, a place of records is likely a place, right?' Emmy hypothesized but before she could get far in her thinking the system once again alerted her to something.

[Host it seems that one of the instructors has awoken from their slumber, would you like to greet them?]

"Huh? Uh, let's go then," Emmy said as she snapped out of her thinking state, a little disoriented after having her thought process interrupted.

[Luckily, it is one of the physical skills instructors who awoke first.]

"So, who are these instructors? Are they real somehow or created by the system for learning? Are they the system itself?" Emmy could now see why the system told her it had to withhold information from her, she was too curious.

She wanted to know everything.

[System forged them in the realm of consciousness.]

Emmy walked forward and opened the door saying, "You sound like Fischl."

The door opened and Emmy was immediately hit with a threatening aura wave. She nearly kneeled and strained to keep standing, her legs like noodles as they trembled immensely.

"Hmph! A little girl, interesting," the voice of a middle-aged man swept into the room with an electric force.

"Do not disappoint me."



-[True Combat] is so fucking op its ridiculous. Had to add a catch, but what is it? Hehe.

-The talent has its own lore now due to its power to so this is officially an AU that follows the plot.

-A commenter told me it sounded op and it got me thinking, because i didn't really think about how op the ability was. I added it because it sounded cool so... my bad?

-Lore enthusiasts or people who read dialogue(?) might know what the [World Records] are, no spoils pls. They might also know who these instructors are based on the small hints in the names, again no spoils. Or you can if you want.

-The population of Teyvat, I might put it to a total of 120 - 165 Million? Thoughts?