Chapter 39: Innate Ability (Sign).

A little girl walked through a forest seemingly unhindered as all boars and wildlife fled at the sight of her, the girl didn't spare them a glance until…


"Hah~," Emmy sighed as she heard the sound of another snake in the bushes, if she was honest she was slightly on guard.

Snakes had poison and she didn't want to fail her mission by dying, in such a stupid way at that.

She tried to find the snakes, focusing her eyes and ears on the sounds she heard. She didn't see it right away but knew it was close, an abnormal chill assaulted her neck and her pupils contracted.

Emmy rolled, missing her footing on the tiny slope she was on, and descended into the bushes below. Her vision blurred for a few moments, her head tucked safely into her body.

She crashed through bushes and ran over many twigs. Before she finally hit her back on a tree.


"Hmm…" She looked at the small brown snake as it slithered back into the treeline, its form seemed ghostlike as it vanished before her eyes.

"That was too close," Emmy exhaled, looking around at the path where she rolled from. It was a short path, "How did I even sense that?"

She didn't receive a response. All she got was this…


Emmy shook her head and cleared her mind of what happened just now. The way she sense it was strange but now wasn't the time to think about her surprisingly competent combat instincts.

It was time to hunt not ponder.

Emmy began to run through the lush hills, occasionally taking the time to view the magnificent sights of this fake reality. She noted the existence of several broken branches and rocks that looked to be out of place.

Scurrying around she looked at the general pathway the destruction led to and began following.

She transverses through the forest like a hunter, agile in movement and with extraordinary keen senses.

She didn't look at the system map anymore since it decided not to tell her anything.

She was, like many other times, on her own.

Emmy was fine with this development, she was getting used to working on her own. For many reasons.

"Ah, it stops here…" Emmy rummaged around for more clues but came up dry, "So… where do I go from here?"

"A, nen, nen," A sound came from the bushes on the right and Emmy glared sharply.

She quickly hid behind some trees and slowly… began to walk toward that side of the area.

She recognized the sound, "Hilichurls, but how many?" she dashed through countless shadows, crouching within them as she drew closer, her hand on her blade.

She walked in a squat, mildly pushing away a bush in her sight. It was enough for her to see but not to be noticed.

"Yah!" Unfortunately, she didn't notice the one that was behind her.

And as it slowly raised its club… she rolled out of the way.

"Damnit!" Emmy said, looking around her and she saw the one Hilichurl who attacked her and 3 more.

She was surrounded.

Emmy pulled out her sword, her grip vice on the slim shaft of the handle, "Well, it seems that we are about to start something yeah?" She got into a stance, lowering her body and fixing her footing.

"Haah!" They all dashed toward her, and Emmy sidestepped toward the one without a shield. It swung at her; she swung diagonally, hitting the club and throwing the creature off balance. She wasn't unmoved however and took a couple of steps back from the force.

She quickly regained balance and dashed away from the creatures, them being hot on her tail. She slithered through the surrounding forestry, moving in dizzying motions to throw off her assailants.

She ducked behind a tree and at that moment violently jabbed her blade in a small area behind her.

It was an instinctual motion, one Emmy had no idea if it would work.

Nevertheless, she placed her faith in that foreign feeling.

The results were astounding.

A Hilichurl appeared in that very spot, just to be impaled in the neck area.

It fell, clutching its neck in pain; the cut itself was shallow but it bled excessively through its black fingers.

Merely a deeper flesh wound, due to her hesitant execution of instinctual instruction.

Emmy brought up her blade and swung it down once again upon the beast; blood trailed through the air and a head soon rolled upon the ground.

Her blade sliced through the beast like butter.

Blood rushed out like a river, coating the ground in a sick red.

She had killed one.

Three more to go.


Emmy tilted her head; a thin line spread across her right cheek. It stung, and a liquid began to run down her face.

It hit the ground.

Emmy stool still her mind in a mess but abruptly she was awakened as pain erupted from her cheek.

She didn't waste any more time and she began to run once again, a new objective in mind.

To kill the crossbow Hilichurl, as it was too dangerous to her, a melee user.

If it wasn't for that strange urge to turn her head to the side, she wouldn't have been able to dodge that arrow.

Emmy narrowed her eyes, "I could have died and failed the mission," it might have cost her so much, "It isn't going to live."

She could've died, such a thing wasn't forgivable.

"Hahuahg!" The monsters sounded from being her and she could finally hear the string being pulled in the distance.

She increased her pace as she went down the hill, leading them into the denser part of the forest.

Hairs raised, Emmy rushed into the bushes with an arrow narrowly missing her head. She ignored it and escaped into the safety of the forest, losing her assailants.

'Safe,' Emmy thought as she looked at the Hilichurls searching around for her, eyes locked onto the Hilichurl archer in the back.

'Found you~'

Emmy started walking around the area in her crouched state. Eyeing the beasts as she carefully stepped toward the one in the back.

After a few minutes she had arrived and she slowly stood up behind the creature, its allies unsuspecting of her.

Unknowing the fact that the one they were chasing was going to kill one of their own and Emmy didn't delay any longer.

She thrust her blade at the neck of the creature and pulled out rapidly, a trail of blood flowed midair before descending to the ground.

Just like the Hilichurl before her.

It didn't end there as Emmy rapidly approached the Hilichurl with the shield, not bothering to mask her movements. It heard her but it was too late.

She struck, her blade light as a feather. It cut open the neck of the beast; it fell, blood splattering on the ground.


The shield clattered to the ground, alerting the final Hilichurl. Emmy took up her stance, it would be a head-on fight this time around.


"Hmph!" Emmy snorted, dodging as the beast swung at her and she tripped on the shield that was inconveniently placed by her feet.

Everything paused for a moment before the beast jumped up and swung at Emmy and she rolled, hitting her waist on a few rocks in the process.

She slammed her hand on the ground and got up, her eyes in tears as she cradled her side. She held her blade up again as she and the beast circled each other and Emmy focused.

It charged and she saw something, a red dot in the chest area. Emmy felt a strong urge to strike there and so, she did.

Blood splattered through the air as the two clashed.


In a room filled with chairs and a large screen. There were a few people in seats watching a little girl fighting a Hilichurl.

"All that for a Hilichurl? How weak," a man in a white hanfu commented as he watched the girl run, his expression shadowed.

"Cut her some slack, she's still young," a young man said, his red eyes twinkling in the purple light.

"I fought wars when I was young, is she supposed to be the exception?"

"You know girls aren't as strong as you were—"

"Are we women not capable of being strong, hmmm?" A new voice interjected, it was sultry. Originating from a woman with purple eyes and blonde hair, a pipe placed in her mouth.

The first man snorted and his white beard flew, "That was what you heard? You deserve to be weak then, what a small mindset."


"That's enough!" A man in purple robes entered the room and silence descended at last.

His hair, eyes, and even clothes were purple. Just like the screen in front of them.

He looked around, "You all act like children," glancing at their expressions which revealed a mild shame, "You are her future teachers, act like such."

They all looked slightly apologetic but the old man from before still turned his head.

"Pfft—" the solemn atmosphere was broken by a small girl with red hair, her eyes were bandaged in red cloth and a large sword sat behind her chair.

The man in purple sighed as he looked at her and the others revealed various degrees of annoyance.

She ignored them looking at the screen, "Eh? She has surprisingly good instincts," the girl leaned forward.

They watched as the girl dodged the snake bite and similarly watched her run from some Hilichurls.

she said as the girl on screen dodged a snake aiming for her life, "A nice quality, the snake would've ended her life in an instant otherwise."

"It was a fluke," The old man said, "See how she tripped? I bet she missed her footing on that one, a sign of terrible spacial awareness."

"I, the great Master Blade, find that you Master Force too hard on the little thing," The red-eyed man, Blade said and he gestured toward the girl, "Wouldn't you say, Blood?"

"He is right you know, plus—" She pointed to the screen as Emmy stabbed a Hilichurl by instinct and dodged an arrow a few moments later, "She's doing fine."

Force snorted, "Nothing you said had anything to do with spacial awareness but she is indeed merely a child," He sighed and looked at the other woman her mocking seemed to manifest, "Oh? Does Master Fawn wish to say something?"

"I am just looking at you old man, what's the matter?"

"Haze~ Let's get back to the viewing, I have no time for—" Master Force stopped, looking at the screen in shock, drawing the attention of the others.

When they turned to look at the screen they too were in a state of shock as they just witnessed something amazing.

"Innate Ability!?" Blade combed through slick hair, leaving it in a mess as Master Blood laughed.

"Haha! What an interesting Lass!"