Chapter 40: Sighting of a C- rank Threat.

"Hah~," Emmy heaved as she looked at the bloodied body of the Hilichurl before her, grasping her left shoulder and winced in pain.


She fell to the ground landing next to the sword she had placed down earlier and sat on the floor for a few moments, catching her breath.

'It's too realistic,' Emmy thought as she looked at all the blood flowing in front of her, it was a sick black color and carried a vile stench.

She didn't feel nauseous having seen various amounts of blood in her lifetime albeit short as she was just a kid. Her parents used to come home with large wounds and bloodied bandages.

Emmy sighed. "Mom and Dad were quite irresponsible, coming home to their kid with such injuries. I guess they didn't think about that at the time."

Emmy felt her lips curl up at the thought, her parents were probably out of it that day and she never saw them like that again, well not that they knew off. She sometimes snuck a look at them in such a state.

"It was the first time I had come so close to death," Emmy mused while she looked around at all the bloodshed, her voice hollow. She supported herself with her hand and got up, grabbing her sword.


The girl glanced at the time before running toward the bodies, noticing that they had shone earlier once they fell.

She started going through their bodies to see what there was to get from it, indifferently shifting various body parts.

Emmy blinked, "A piece of stone? Why is it here? Let's search the other bodies first."

That she did.

Emmy search the other bodies on the ground and came upon multiple of the other broken stones.

As she held the black stones in her hand she began to observe them closely, "They look like a broken circle, am I supposed to join them?"

Emmy took one of the rocks and placed it with another, they didn't join. She tried again this time looking closely so she could find the one most likely to fit the "puzzle".

Shiing— Clack—

The pieces shone a dull grey as they reunited, the others trembled seemingly in anticipation of their impending communion. Impatient, they floated toward the broken price in Emmy's hand and joined together.

Emmy the one who witnessed all of this madness tried to stay calm but the tightness of her eyes and the blood flowing from her bitten lips gave her away.

Her lips twitched, "What," Emmy said her body shook and the circle fell to the ground in a clatter, "The fuck! What was that?"

Yes, Emmy knew how to curse.

Most children in Mondstadt do, they couldn't live with drunkards roaming the streets at night cursing their brains out otherwise.

That wasn't the point!

"W-what… I–, Hah~" Emmy looked at the sky in disbelief as if asking what just happened.

Tic Tic Tic Tic—

"Hmm?" Emmy looked at the circle on the floor and picked it up again, the red line in the center was facing in a certain direction.

[Compass — Used to find a target.]

Emmy closed her eyes, she breathed, "You have to stop doing that," she looked at the compass in her hand, "Though, it is quite useful."

The device in her hand was a brilliant work of craftsmanship, seemingly carved from jade and had gold pointers.

She moved to the left and the device point moved to the right.

Emmy glanced at the destruction before her one last time before she headed out into the mountains once more, this time she wouldn't get sidetracked.

Unfortunately for Emmy, she did get sidetracked.

A lot.




"Hah– how is this even possible," Emmy shouted as she came out of a forest of what appeared to be vines, "Are the instructors intentionally doing this?"

Emmy heaved as she thought back on what she had experienced these past 20 minutes.

She got caught in a web of a giant spider, which she ran from. Fell down the hill again even when she watched her footing. And she somehow got trapped in a maze along with many other wacky traps.

"Those old geezers," Emmy stretched her waist, her breathing calmed and she smiled as she looked ahead of her, "But I'm close to my destination, that's all that matters now."

Emmy sprinted through the forest ahead and stopped just before she could head into a nearby opening. She sat behind a bush and observed the happenings in front of her.

[Mission Target - Mitachurl - Rank: C-]

The sunlight peeked through the blanket of leaves as a Mitachurl with a large axe sat beneath a tree, it appeared to be asleep.

Emmy slowly moved behind a large tree, "It looks so peaceful…too bad I have to kill it, it's just you and me huh buddy?"

Emmy didn't spot any other Hillichurls moving around in the area, so it was just her and the one. She wasn't complaining, "I'm not strong enough to take on multiple of these guys along with the target anyway," well without her fire element that is, "Elemental power just makes life so easy huh?"

'Back to work,' Emmy thought as she looked at the surrounding terrain, all flat lands except for a few boulders scattered around the area.

The large tree the Mitachurl sat at was within the middle of the clearing with no trees near it. The place was lined with dry leaves and other objects that would generate a loud enough noise.

Emmy, when she saw this, knew exactly what the system wanted her to do...

It wanted her to fight the Mitachurl head-on, without sneak attacks and the like. This bonus test was one of the confrontation skills.

She touched her sides, the pain causing her to hold her breath and exhale slowly. Emmy looked at the Mitachurl one last time before she entered the small enclosure.

"Ugh gugahya!?" the Mitachurl woke up to find a small human girl slowly walking toward it, a blade in hand and a stoic expression.

It grabbed its huge axe and got up in a flurry beating its chest, Emmy paused for a moment before she suddenly dashed toward the beast, her figure blurred,

The Mitachurl swung its axe carrying the wind with it but also its gigantic form; Emmy evaded its movements her eyes lit up in a blue hue as she analyzed its movements.


The axe shook the ground and Emmy didn't waste time jumping onto it and running up the shaft, albeit unsteadily due to its weird placement.

She jumped; the beast roared as it lifted its axe; Emmy brought her feet inward, her knees to her chest before explosively sending them outward, smacking the Mitachurl in its mask.

Her energy ensured that its power was beyond the beast's capacity to endure.

The beast staggered, falling to the ground, its axe slipped from its grasp; Emmy flipped from the force of her kick, her sword descending to pierce the Mitachurl in the shoulder.


It shattered some bones.


The Mitachurl swung its arms; Emmy was flung aside, hitting her injured side on a boulder.

"Gah!" She coughed and covered her mouth, saliva mixed with blood pooled in her palms. Disgusted she wiped her hand and looks at the Mitachurl, slowly rising to her feet.

The beast could no longer use its axe properly as its shoulder was injured by her sword, however, Emmy herself wasn't in good shape either.

Even now she still struggled to stand, she glared at the Mitachurl her hand closed tightly onto her sword. They both looked at each other for several moments before it started moving, dragging its axe along.

"Huwangu!" It beats its chest before summoning a red slime and placing it on the axe, meanwhile, Emmy who was finally able to stand up looked at the Mitachurl in confusion.

What was it doing?

Then it threw the slime and Emmy instinctively swung her sword toward it.

A rookie mistake.

As her sword approached the slime, Emmy's eyes contracted and a chill went up her spine. As if by random chance, her energy hurriedly surrounded her body in a thin shield but it came too late.


The slime exploded upon contact sending Emmy flying once again and this time she didn't land safely, her injured side, unfortunately, hit one of the boulders in the field.

It shattered her shield in an instant!

'I broke something!' Emmy thought, nearly blacking out from the pain, but black spots still dominated her vision.

Emmy coughed blood, it flowed like a stream out of her mouth. She lifted her head shakily, looking as the Mitachurl slowly walked toward her, its indifferent mask seemed to take on a more demonic visage in her mind.

Emmy felt it, that crippling chill that permeated through her soul and sapped all the strength from her limbs. She knew it was a simulation yet why did she feel such emotions?

Emmy only knew one thing.

She didn't want to die.

And with such a resolution she calmed, banishing the fear that tried to take hold of her mind.

She closed her eyes and her energy which was turbulent throughout the fight calmed, Emmy guided it through her body. It went through her energy circuit like blood in her veins.

One cycle. Two cycles. Three cycles.

She exhaled. White steam flowed through her lips like smoke and extended several meters.

She relaxed her entire body, releasing all the tension in preparation for what she was about to do.

She opened her eyes, they displayed no emotions as a whirling dark silver mass swam within the center of her eyes. A small stream of white-blue energy surrounded her in an aura.

Her body stayed crouched as she looked at the Mitachurl who slowly lifted its axe, and brought it down on her head. Emmy didn't move, waiting.

At the halfway point she finally moved, her muscles which were relaxed through the entire ordeal tensed sending her to maximum power in an instant!

She blurred.

Her figure dove forward under the blade in its entirety as she gripped her blade tightly, she jumped; the ground left in a fracture as she sailed through the air above the Mitachurl.


"Guha Wusa!" The axe descended at that moment and confused words sounded from the beast, as its target disappeared from its vision.

But as if by supernatural occurrence it looked up and saw the ruthless expression on the little girl's face. Her blade was held tightly in her hand as she descended.

It tried to block its face.

But it was too late!

She twirled in the air, her silver-blue energy lined on her blade and created a profound aura around her.

Like a hurricane she tore through the Mitachurl as her blade made contact, ripping apart its arms and neck.

It did not stop, however.

She continued, wrenching havoc on the surroundings as the silver-blue energy flew from the blade and cut all the greenery in a 6-meter radius.

Thud! Thud!

Emmy fell to the ground in a roll before coming into a crouch, the sound of two objects falling to the ground signaled the end of her mission.

[Mission Complete - Now Calculating Rewards.]

[Sending Host Out of Training Grounds.]

She smiled.



Idk what to say actually but the fact that I'm gonna start writing again.

Fun Fact: I haven't written in 3-4 weeks, all of these were just stockpiled chapters from when I used to write 2 chapters a day.

Gonna be on that 2-3 chapter-a-day grind for 3 weeks and then get lazy for another 4, then repeat.