Chapter 53: Sparring [IV]

Atop a massive building akin to a fortress stood three individuals, a young girl and two adults, male and female. The woman had blonde hair, green eyes, and a similar facial structure to the young girl on her left.

They were related to each other.

There were watching a training ring below them with significant interest, the most being held by the man who seemed to tower over both ladies. He held his beard as he eyed the children who were fighting there and the crowd that had begun to slowly form on the terraces.

The children had attracted a lot of attention to themselves, both from the young and old.

"Master Varka, it just came to my attention that we now seem to have another weapon master in our city. However, the fact that it is a 7-year-old girl puzzles me greatly," the woman spoke as she turned toward the man. "For her strength to have grown so quickly, I can't help but be suspicious."

"Suspicious? Naturally, anyone would hold doubts on how a child could have such strength and cultivate it to such a level in such a short amount of time, however, we can't do anything about it," Varka said, not taking his eyes off the children.

His eyebrows were furrowed as if a sudden thought came to him but it disappeared rather quickly and he cracked his neck.

"Why can't we do anything? A simple investigation would suffice no? The protection of Mondstadt falls under the jurisdiction of our Knights of Favonias and something like this simply reeks of trouble."

Varka chuckled, "An investigation? Frederica, may I remind you that the one you seek to investigate is not an ordinary person. Not only is she a vision wielder and now confirmed to be an expert with the blade, but she is also one of the most influential people in the world!"


"Not an ordinary person?" Frederica asked, she was one of the most capable captains under the Grand Master and yet she had not been informed of such a thing. "How influential? Which house or organization does she truly belong to? Her parents, as far as I know, are only adventurers, how could she be one of the most influential people in the world?"

"Um..." A voice suddenly interrupted the two and they both turned to the young girl behind them who looked quite nervous now.

"Jean dear, what's wrong?" Frederica asked her daughter who rubbed her thumb and index finger together repeatedly, a sign that she was nervous.

"Should I be hearing all this?" Jean said, although she wanted to know more about Emmy, she didn't feel like learning it this way was the right method.

She also had doubts that her authority level was even high enough to hear such confidential information. "Isn't this information confidential, I don't think my rank is high enough for this. I'm just an acting captain and not an official."

That's right.

Although during the incident that happened 3 weeks ago she was called a captain, Jean's real rank was that of a Vice-captain and the kidnapping incident was one of the many tests she would have to undergo to become a real captain.

So while she wanted to listen in, she still reminded the two higher-ranking officers that she was there and would leave if they asked her to.

"Eh? It should be fine right?" Varka, as usual, said in a light-hearted manner, he didn't find it a bother at all, Jean was incredibly responsible for a 12-year-old.

Which, along with her clan training made her one of the best knights in the organization despite her age, barring the cavalry captain, Diluc Ragnvindr.


"So as I was saying before is that this girl is incredibly influential and it isn't wrong to say she is one of the most heavily safeguarded. If I had to rank how protected she is, she would be in the top 5 in the world, not just Mondstadt."

"But isn't she just an ordinary girl?" Frederica said with uncertainty. Truthfully speaking, she was privy to many secrets in the world due to her being someone from a large clan.

But she had never heard of this girl, Emmy Edgar being important. Rather she hadn't seen any records of there being an influential family by the name Edgar at all.

"No, that girl she isn't ordinary in the slightest..." Varka said as he stared deeply at the young girl down there and as if sensing something she stared up at him with a cold gaze.

Varka laughed dryly, "It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that she could move an army and have them fight for her."



The mother and daughter said in unison as they turned to the direction of the training ring, Emmy had long turned her gaze away from them and began her battle against Fischl and Noelle.


Harlin hummed as he looked at his Boss fight Fischl and Noelle in the ring. He would glance up at the two boys who were on the staircase once in a while before going back to the fight.

Truthfully speaking, he was quite impressed with how they were doing. Emmy was properly guiding the two and giving them tips on how to keep their balance and contently affirming their confidence in themselves.

Harlin sighed, "My foresight is great, I wonder how I got a Boss like this."

He didn't know how he succeeded, at that time he was just trying his luck. He wanted to be strong and thus sought someone from his age group who was powerful to train and learn from.

It was a simple thought process but in his case, he practically won the lottery.

He was broken out of his revere by Andre who was sitting on the ground and Aries who looked to be clapping his hands in excitement.

"It's getting intense out there! Look at them go!" Andre and Aries truly looked the same at this moment and the others were naturally in a state of shock.

They had never seen Aries react like this before but they quickly calmed down and smiled wryly. If Aries were to see himself right now, he would never say this was him.

The group watched as Fischl began to fire arrows like she was high and even though her fingers seemed to be bleeding she didn't notice at all.

All that seemed to be one her mind was firing arrows as fast and as accurately as she could.

Sebastian couldn't help but curse when they saw the Boss dodge all the arrows like a ghost, his blood pumped in excitement. Watching this fight made him want to jump in.

"Lynx isn't this cool!" Lynn said in excitement as she stood beside the group to have a better view of the match, they turned toward her and she smiled brightly.

"Lynx? What are you doing here," Andre said as he looked at the boy, he no longer had any anger toward him but he didn't like him either.

Lynx looked at him in indifference before turning to the match, saying, "Don't concern yourself with this, for now, the fight seems to be reaching its climax soon."

You ignored the question!

Andre wanted to beat him up immediately but Aries held him back and they went back to watching the match. Andre, whose mood was worsened by Lynx's appearance had his spirits lifted when he saw the arrow and the great sword heading for Emmy.

That would hurt a lot.


A large dust cloud erupted from the clash and the two girls were concealed from the world.

"What just happened!"

"I can't see the match anymore!"

"Is she okay...?"

The bystanders said as they leaned forward on the wall as if trying to look through the dust cloud.

"Where did they all come from..." Andre said in surprise as he looked around him, there were countless people along the walls watching them.

"Don't mind them, it looks like the boss is coming out of the dust now."

Meanwhile, with Lynx and Lynn, he was currently explaining what happened in the dust. Various bystanders and even members of Emmy's group listened with interest.

Lynn's eyes shined with admiration and an unknown emotion.

Lynx is so cool!


A/N: So about that explanation, I said the last chapter... Where did it go? Maybe next chapter.

I just realized that Teyvat is a playground for earth businessmen. There are so many business opportunities there it isn't funny. Technology(ICBMs, Guns), Drugs(Medicine, Cocaine.), and Agriculture are way behind times, they don't even breed animals(Not reliably anyway and the scale isn't large.)

They have better tech in some areas but not overall. Do they even have videos? Recorders? There is also the means of transport and their military is garbage, except for Sneznaya. Their soldiers are vastly overpowered by Hilichurls to the point they can't fight them alone.

With a system, a businessman would thrive here. Naturally, Emmy would as well. So we gonna be making that bank in the future.

Also images of Kaeya, Diluc, and Jean for non-Genshin players.