Chapter 54: Sparring [V]

Lynx let out a low gasp when he noticed that he could see through the dust that was created when Emmy, Fischl, and Noelle fought.

How was this even possible?

He could see through it as if it was there at all!

As Lynx was debating with himself on whether there was something wrong with his eyes or if they were simply just special, someone touched his shoulder.

Looking to his side he saw Lynn looking at him with shining eyes, "Hey, Lynx you can see through the dust right? Can you tell me what happened?"

"Ah, Okay-," Lynx nearly choked as he looked back at Lynn in surprise.


How did she know that?

"You... How did you know that?" Lynx asked in suspicion, the cute little follower he had all along seemed to be a bit more mysterious in his eyes.

"Huh? Isn't it all over your face?" Lynn said her voice lined with uncertainty.


Lynx coughed and averted his eyes from her. He embarrassed himself just now with that question. But at the same time, it eliminated the mild suspicion he had for her.

After all, how could the little girl who followed him all these years be mysterious?

Lynx quickly banished that thought from his mind and began to explain what he saw in the dust when the two girls clashed. Unknown to the fact that Lynn was smiling and many others were now listening to him.

"So listen, Lynn. It went something like this, a few seconds ago when Emmy was supposedly cornered by Fischl's arrow and Noelle's blade..." Lynx paused, wanting to create a bit of suspense.

"She vanished."


"Wait, What?" Katya said in confusion as he looked at his brother Diluc as he said those words, his expression a bit more serious compared to before. "How could she just vanish?"

"Well... Saying she vanished would be a slight overstatement on my part, however, it is true in a sense or rather... In a certain case."

"And that case is?"

"An optical illusion. She didn't vanish, no rather I would say she moved so fast and in such a sudden and mysterious manner that to the naked and untrained eye," Diluc said as he looked at the dust cloud that was slowly dissipating, "That at that moment in time she didn't exist anymore."

"What the fuck..."



The bystanders and all that were listening to Lynx and even Diluc gasped in surprise, most of them had never left the city and had never heard of such things before.

So hearing that a little girl, who looked no more than 7 years old could do such a thing.

It broadened their horizons.

Lynx continued to speak, "After that Noelle's sword was heading to the ground and Emmy's fist blurred and the girl was hit in the stomach, causing her to nearly fall to the ground. It would have been good if that was the only thing that was going to happen but..."

"But what?" Lynn asked and the others looked at the boy expectantly, who, for some reason still hadn't noticed them.

"Yes, it is a fact that Emmy dodged both the arrow and the sword this way but what about Noelle? Due to being hit by Emmy her head was right along the path of the arrow. That arrow was heading straight for her eye, and no matter if it had padding on it, it could have disfigured her for sure."

"Luckily the person she was fighting was Emmy and not some regular kid. She would have to live with one eye blind if Emmy hadn't caught and broken the arrow midflight," Lynx said nonchalantly as if Emmy catching an arrow midflight wasn't a big deal.

He knew Emmy was strong, which was why he had proposed a race instead of a fight when he challenged her but he still lost even that.

There was also the fact that he could see through the former dust cloud as if it wasn't there in the first place, which held his attention for the moment. So he naturally wasn't as surprised.

The crowd was a different story.

"That girl is going places!"

"I think I read such a scene in a light novel once, but that person was an old saint who lived in the mountains, so... Wouldn't that make her the main character stronger than those in the storybooks?"

"I'm speechless right now, so give me a moment to gather my thoughts."

The crowd was excited, Barbatos knew what there was to do in Mondstadt these days. For them to witness such a thing made their day.

This was the reason there were so many people watching the fight.

There were simply too few recreational activities outside of drinking, gambling, and whatever costly endeavor that used time and money. While these couldn't be considered fun things to do, there was no other way to pass the time.

Except of course reading but...

Who does that?


[It appears that the Host has broken through to the [D-] and [D] on all stats. The Host must have been under a lot of pressure.]

Emmy discretely breathed out of her mouth, she wasn't tired but she didn't expect to be pushed so much despite her ample combat experience and strength.

Yes. Emmy was put under extreme pressure during that moment, the girls had her cornered. No matter how calm she acted when she talked to them now, or how indifferent she appeared to the crowd that somehow gathered.

If she didn't have a breakthrough and used her energy to enhance herself in the last moment she wouldn't have been able to avoid getting her body injured.

Some may ask how could she get injured. And Emmy would ask them if they saw how strong the 5-year-old Noelle is.

Just her using a wooden sword and it hitting the ground caused the ground to shake. Then the resulting force created a mild crack in the ground which people somehow didn't see and a large amount of dust in the air.

That girl is strong.

'I didn't expect Fischl to use [Preemptive Feather] from the [Heart String], wasn't that something only an Expert was capable of using? How did she use it? And Noelle too, how did she get so fast and sneaky? I couldn't sense her until the last moment.'

Emmy had read the technique before and knew of its special moves. [Preemptive Feather] was a move that was extremely sudden and could, at higher mastery reach an opponent in an instant.

Fischl could only make it have the speed of a [E+] rank at her current mastery but that was enough to catch Emmy when Noelle was involved.

[The subskill [Preemptive Feather] has a 5% chance to activate by intermediate and 35% by advanced. It will increase to 100% when the user has achieved a certain amount of speed, thus it is only natural that Fischl, the one who fits both criteria accomplished such a thing.]

[Noelle on the other hand is in a whole different realm. Her current strength is that of [C-] despite being a 5-year-old and it will continue to increase during training.]

[C-] rank?

Emmy was so shocked she nearly laughed, 'Don't tell me Harlin has [C-] rank constitution?'


Emmy fell silent.

At this moment she broke out into a cold sweat, if Noelle, with her [C-] rank strength was able to land a hit on her.

Wouldn't she be dead from the blunt damage alone?

What a terrifying thought!


A/N: Homegirl Noelle is strong as hell fr. Unlike in the game, she gonna a lot stronger due to Emmy being here and making her train earlier. For non-genshin players, at 15 she could lift carriages full of supplies like they were shopping bags, which is a [B] to [S] rank strength feat.

Noelle pic.