Chapter 55: Sparring [VI]

Emmy looked at her friends with a slight smile on her face, the girl on her shoulder still lay there like a sack of potatoes. Limp, she looked at her big brother nervously as she couldn't escape her hold.

She was asking for help.

"Uh... Boss?" Harlin seeing such a look immediately came to her aid, and Emmy thought for a moment before she obliged.

She released the girl, holding her by her shoulders and placing her on the ground like a baby. Noelle pouted, a bit miffed that she was just placed on the ground like a baby.


The girl refused to look at the other, who had a big smile on her face.

"Now now, don't be so mad okay? I was just teasing you," Emmy placated the girl by patting her head slowly to not ruin her hair. "After all you're so short how could I not do this, hmm?"

"Mhm..." Noelle nodded her head and looked around them, this caught Emmy's attention.

What is she looking at?

Emmy paused as she looked around them, her eyebrows raised in question.

'There's a lot of people here huh? I wonder why, I mean it isn't like watching a bunch of kids hit each other with a stick is entertaining. But it appears that it is so... Then, how would this impact the other's spar and how do I get rid of them in this case?'

She couldn't drive them away, this was the City of Freedom. Staying on the walls and watching was well within their right and that couldn't be violated.

Hence the only option other than continuing was to leave and go to another place to train.

Emmy turned her head to the others, "Hey, do you guys still want to continue? I mean there are a lot of people here and if you feel uncomfortable we can just leave." Emmy whispered.

She decided to ask for their opinion on the matter, they were the ones receiving the training. Thus she saw it fit for them to decide on the environment.

The others thought for a moment before Harlin said, "I think it's fine that they are here. Though it does feel weird to be watched by others, it doesn't impact our training. I think."

"Don't worry about us Boss, a little attention isn't going to impact our training. These people are just here to rid themselves of boredom, they will leave soon enough," Sebastian said, with the others nodding along.

Emmy sighed and crossed her arms, "Okay, if that's what you want then let's continue, hmm?" Emmy was about to pick up the sword she left on the ground but then she saw someone.


'Even he is here huh?' Emmy didn't have anything to say to him and just gave him a passing glance. Lynn, who saw her gave her a wave and Emmy nodded politely before going to pick up her weapon.

Going back into the middle of the field Emmy picked up the sword she had left behind and held it in her hand.

The people on the staircase and walls looked at the girl curiously, they were worried that they would have left but it seems that they would stay here.

They were relieved, it wasn't often that something this interesting happened. Not to mention the fact that the next festival was far away.

As they watched the girl they chatted with the others that were with them on the stairs and some frequently snuck a glance at the two boys a few paces away from them.

They knew who these two were, Diluc and Kaeya. The two scions of the [Dawn Winery] and sons of the world-renowned wine businessman Crepus Ragnvindr.

Though the one with the blue hair, Kaeya, was someone one adopted the man didn't treat him any differently than if he were his real son.

"Some people are just blessed, to have such a loving adopted father."

"Why are you jealous? You never know what might happen behind the scenes!" A woman said with an excited look on her face as if she was imagining something.

She drooled.

"Unfortunately, this isn't a novel, and a man such as Crepus is known for his outstanding reputation. He is both highly respected and adored for his business and family management. A man like that could never be a bad father," the same person who talked about the saints said.

"Am I the only one who finds her look to be suspicious?" A man said as he looked at the woman the other ignored, a chill went up his spine.

The people gossiped animatedly as they used their imagination to conjure up some scenes.

But they soon turned back to the little girl in the field, who raised her sword as if going to swing it.

Is she going to do something mysterious again?

They watched as she swung it a few times and on the third swing it split in half and a top fell to the ground with a dull thud.

Everyone fell silent.


Emmy was speechless as she looked at the wooden sword in her hand, she snorted and then threw the other part as well.

She turned and eyed Noelle who was currently blushing as she played with her hair. The girl turned from side to side as she tried to hide from the people watching her.

The fuck!

Too strong!

Everyone on the stairs could swear on the name of the Anemo Archon that they saw everything clearly and yet they still could believe it.

Didn't the boy say the little girl dodged the sword, so how could the blade in her hand be broken?

The girl in the field turned her gaze away from Noelle and looked at them indifferently.

The people on the stairs immediately felt cold.

They hurriedly looked away from the young girl and some of them wondered how someone could have agaze like that despite their young age.

Emmy turned away from the people and went back to her friends. She held out her hand to Andre and waited patiently as the boy watched her.

She shook her hand a few times as the boy looked at her in confusion, he tilted his head as if he didn't get what she wanted to tell him. Emmy sighed.

"Give me your sword, I want your sword. The one I had was broken by Noelle for some reason," Emmy glanced at Noelle who hid behind her brother again, giggling shyly.

"Oh! Here Boss," Andre handed her the sword and she looked at it for a while before she began to head back, taking a look at Fischl absentmindedly.

She was calm...

That was until she saw Fischl's bleeding fingers.

Emmy looked at them for a while and didn't know what to do. After all, she hadn't learned how to heal others yet and would dare to try it on, Fischl.

Speaking of which...

She noticed that the cut on her hand had long since begun to heal. It stopped bleeding a while ago and the splinters had been expelled by the system, to avoid future complications.

"Fischl, are your hands okay?" Emmy said as she approached the girl, taking her hands into hers as she looked at them carefully.

Some skin was shed and there were numerous cuts although they were quite shallow. Emmy passed her fingers over them and Fischl winced a little, her voice sounding a bit pitiful.

'System, can you heal her?'


'Will you do it?'

[It is already done!]

"Huh?" Emmy watched as a purple aura silently crept up to Fischl's hand and began to heal the wounds.

They closed up at a rate that could be seen by the naked eye and then the aura went back into Emmy's body.

Nobody noticed this happening.

"Neat," Emmy held Fischl's hands for a while and saw how soft they were and felt it was a pity to let go.

Alas, it was not meant to be at this point.

Emmy let go of the girl's hand before she looked at her face, 'Although the embarrassed, nervous, and happy looks are good, the confused look is not bad either!'

Emmy felt that it had a different type of charm, the ignorant kind, which was a rare expression on a girl like Fischl. One who frequented the library to acquire knowledge.

Fischl looked at her hands before taking a glance at her friend who was in front of her but she didn't ask questions. She didn't feel like

Emmy thanked the system for helping her before she waved at Fischl and departed to the ring and waited for someone to come up and face her.

Eventually, it was Harlin who came up, "I'll have my chance to fight the Boss now. Let's see how far above me she is," He whispered the last part and they both stood on the ring.

They stood still for 3 minutes until Emmy made her move.

She blurred and disappeared from Harlin's vision and the boy closed his eyes.

He felt a wind behind him and swung his sword there lightly, meeting with a bit of resistance.

"You guys have proven yourselves to be quite capable and thus just for today," Emmy said slowly. "I won't hold back much."

That being said a second sword came by Harlin's ear and his eyes contracted.


A/N: Late update. Is anyone excited about Genshin TCG? 3.3 gonna be lit for co-op this time around with the wind trace event coming up as well.