Chapter 58: Cry With No Tears.

The twins were stunned.

How did she come to such a conclusion?

Emmy continued to speak, "I thought it was weird, those marks I saw before weren't lashes nor were they whip marks. Those were marks made by an incredibly thin sword or an arrow, both of which should not be used on a child."

During her training with the system, Emmy had been imprinted with the knowledge of various sword types and could even name them all!

When she thought about it she couldn't help but sigh. People studied for life but with a simple wave of the hand, the system could grant infinite amounts of knowledge should a person be capable of handling it.

But that was all the mark entailed and it wasn't the true reason why she found them out. It was something else she found out as she got more familiar with the world of combat.

A certain scent or rather...

An aura.

The twins didn't speak as the girl talked, they discretely looked at each other and communicated with their eyes on what to do next. After all, it would have been a waste to ruin their relationship with the boss over such a thing.

Eventually, the twins decided on telling her why they hid for so long.

They thought that they hid quite well and didn't expect the girl to expose them like this. But since it already happened, they could only come clean.

"Boss, it isn't as you think. Ah, while our family is a group of assassins, we have no bad intentions toward you. How can we have any?"

Andre said with a nervous expression on his face, after all, he was familiar with Emmy's ruthless personality and her vicious methods. He may be arrogant but even her didn't possess enough courage to go against this girl.

Emmy continued to speak as if she wasn't listening to them.

"This wasn't the reason I suspected you guys and you probably know this as well."

The twins were confused. What was she talking about?



Aries asked, "So... You didn't know we were from an assassin family and merely guessed it?"

"Yes," Emmy said simply. She wasn't going to lie to them about such a simple thing.



They were the ones that sold themselves out!

Aries nearly laughed and immediately he felt like all those books on law and politics he read were fake. If they were real, how could he fall for such a simple trick?

They were too hasty!

Andre for once was the calmer twin and asked Emmy a question, "So... What was the real reason you suspected us?"

Even if they were caught now, they would still like to know how she noticed.

"I sensed some mild killing aura around you guys and made a conjure such as this. So I only guessed this whole thing, you were the ones who gave me the answer."

Yes, this was the real reason Emmy discovered them. At first, when she saw the marks she was shocked, thinking that they were being abused. But the system reassured her that it wasn't so and she dropped the matter.

But then a few days later, she suddenly got the scent of blood from the boys. Emmy was familiar with this scent somewhat as she frequently faced it in the system space. It was only something a killer would have.

But Emmy was confused. Why did the boys have such a thing? Emmy didn't want to hurt them but the boys were weak as of now. A Hilichurl or an adult could kill them easily due to them not being capable of protecting themselves quite yet.

Then the system told her about assassins and their trials. The assassins would train their heirs from a young and at around age 8-10, these children would have to take their first kill. This was to build their mindset.

'Adding the fact that they had a pale face those past few days it all made sense. They got their first kill, whatever it was and it made them slightly sick,' Emmy thought as she looked at them.

Emmy couldn't relate to them. She was completely blocked from such an experience and only if she killed a human might she be able to experience such a thing. She doubted it would happen but she wouldn't mind experiencing it.

The girl was curious how it felt to her mind and body when she took a real life. It flopped when she killed the monsters but maybe... Just maybe if it was a human she might feel something.

Andre smiled bitterly.

They were so careful but in the end, a magical thing like "Killing Aura" gave them out. They didn't even know they had such a thing and it exposed them.

It was akin to being a thief dressed entirely in black, with a white flyer stuck on the back then getting caught by the authorities.

Exposed by outside factors unknown to you. Aries just kept silent, letting his brother take the stage.

He just wanted to watch the show at this point and only one of their inputs was needed at this moment.

The three stood there, one looking at the lake and the others were nervously watching her back. The breeze tranced upon the three children, messing with their hair, and escaped.

"So... What will you do now Boss?"

"Ah! Nothing! I wasn't planning to do anything to you guys, you didn't do anything wrong anyway. But I am curious why you decided to follow me."

"We did it out of free will but which child can do as they want without their parent's permission? So we still asked our father and he said yes instantly. We thought it was weird but concluded that anyone who could gain father's approval so quickly must be extraordinary."

Emmy took their word for it. She didn't intend to go further with this matter as she only wanted to satiate her curiosity.

"Thankfully it wasn't child abuse."


"No matter, just know that the boss has your back."

With that Emmy patted both of their shoulders and walked passed them.

She sneaked up on Fischl who was looking at the flowers growing in a corner of the ring and held her by her armpits, lifting her into the air. The girl moved around, as if fighting for her life but stopped when Emmy whispered into her ear.

The girl's face turned red.

She moved to bat Emmy away but the girl quickly dodged, grabbing both of their bags and dashing off into the distance. A furious roar escaped the jaws of the blonde girl and she hurriedly gave chase.

A peal of cheerful laughter filled the air as the two girls ran away.

Whether it be the twins, the two brothers, or the remaining bystanders...

All of them were stunned and for a long while they didn't move an inch.