Chapter 59: Adventure is Freedom.

"Preposterous! To dare sully the graceful figure of the princess of the night, does thou not fear my might! I shall smite thee!"

Fischl said as she chased after he friend, Emmy. The aforementioned girl ran as if she was being chased by a ghost but the thing that frustrated Fischl the most was that Emmy wasn't slowing down at all.

Emmy giggled as she ran, frequently looking behind her to see the face of her friend. At times she also accelerated her pace in response to her friend, not wanting her to catch up to her.

As a result, this chasing game was created. Emmy had to admit that this was very fun but it couldn't last long. She looked back and saw that Fischl was beginning to tire, a fact made known by the crease in her brows.

When she saw that, the girl couldn't help being concerned and she slowed her pace instantly. Stopping herself just in front of a nearby alleyway that was filled with boxes.

Fischl dashed toward her friend when she saw that she had stopped and dove into her arms just when Emmy placed their bags far away. The blonde girl glided through the air like a bird and crashed into her friend with humorous intentions.

"Aha! Thou hast been held captive o by the prinzessin! Oh! How could one possibly escape from this treacherous situation?"

The girl after bringing her friend into a hug with a fiendish-like grip began to set the stage for her performance. She hugged her friend tightly and looked at her suggestively as they stood in the alleyway, asking her to continue.

"Oh, What might I do to get out of this perilous situation? Princess, could you please forgive this duke? I was wrong, ah!"

Emmy said as she looked at the girl whose head could only reach her chest, her voice was soft as she presumably begged for forgiveness but her tone held back an indistinguishable amount of laughter.

She rubbed the back of the prickly girl who looked at her with an angry expression, in this way the girl slowly calmed down due to Emmy's soothing motions. Just like that, the princess was coaxed by the little devil known as Emmy.

She got away scot-free after teasing the little girl to her heart's content and Emmy didn't intend to push any further than this today. She didn't want to re-activate the thing she just quelled.

"Let's go home."


Emmy grabbed both of their bags and began to walk away from the alleyway they were just in, freeing themselves from the wooden scent. Fischl trailed behind her as they made their way to her house and Emmy looked around the place with a peaceful look on her face.

It was late in the afternoon at this time, the people were already going home like them and the children stopped playing. The sound of a hammer resounded in the air, the blacksmiths still forging their prized weapons.

The general goods store she had visited with her parents before had begun to close shop for today and so was Good Hunter, a restaurant that was on the opposite side. As she thought about her parents Emmy couldn't help but worry once more.

Every night she looked toward the direction of their departure and she even began to clean their rooms. She dusted and swept them occasionally to remember them, wanting to believe that they would come back.

Emmy was suddenly filled with emotion as she thought of this stopping as they arrived at Fischl's door but she didn't seem to notice. She unknowingly began to speak.

"Adventuring was a dangerous job. The casualty rating was several times more terrifying than army recruits going into battle, sometimes arriving at more than 90%. It couldn't be helped as the guild explored everywhere. Just like their motto.

"Ad Astra Abyssosque.

"Up to the Stars, down to the Abyss."

Emmy said, a bit of pride on her face even though she wasn't a part of such a thing yet, soon. Soon she would be able to get to the root of those words but now wasn't the time. Fischl listened attentively and Emmy spoke once more.

"It was a motto that was held by all of its members to an extent as they ventured through ancient ruined civilizations, forgotten realms, dangerous domains, and even the Abyss realm.

"A realm that is known for being extremely dangerous that even Gods didn't dare to step in rashly.

"But adventurers still did so. Why?"

Emmy looked at Fischl and the girl trembled. Emmy's eyes at this moment seemed to be like the night sky without stars, utterly void and empty. She looked tired as if she had suffered a major grievance.


Fischl asked as she looked at Emmy. The girl looked up at her with those empty eyes and began to say a few words.

"Is it because of their personality? Were they just ambitious? Or were they just death-seeking humans who were given a fancy title for their suicidal tendencies?

"I don't believe these are true and you shouldn't listen to these laymen either. They barely step out of their comfort zones and they dare to criticize mom and dad when they go to such places!"


"Ah! Did I scare you sorry?"

Emmy got a bit emotional but her face cooled down after a while.

"Adventurers are the outside breed of scientists and alchemists, while the latter does experiments indoors. The former does it outside with their bodies, testing the nature of the mysteries of this world.

"How many people know about the Archon war and the Cataclysm that occurred centuries ago? About the fallen civilization in Dragonspine and The Chasm? The numerous gods and humans that perished in battle?

"Adventurers aren't death-seekers in any shape or form. They are the purest of existences, the ones who are just curious to know about the world they live in and a willingness to risk their lives to do so."

Emmy turned toward Fischl. The girl had an amazing expression on her face for some reason.

"Remember that when someone tries to deter you okay? What are you looking at?"

Emmy tilted her head as Fischl looked behind her and her eyes widened. Why? Well behind her on the door knob lay a beautifully crafted Anemo vision. A single thought came to Emmy's mind.




"How is the subject doing?"

"Everything is going according to plan, my lord."

"Is that so? Then proceed as planned."



A low sound was heard in the room, one that came from a machine. The room was dark and damp, with two men being within and several lab tools with them. One of the men lifted a test tube filled with a red liquid, swirling it.

It was blood.

Another man with black hair looked at the blue-haired man with trepidation as he avoided looking around him. His eyes trembled but his hands remained firm, he gathered the lab tools and slowly looked up.

At the various bodies of the children on the lab tables.


A/N: Late chapter again. And everyone who plays genshin should know who the guy in the last part is, so I won't bother explaining. Need to read Collei lore to see what age she got, you know, into "his" hands.