Chapter 60: Scrying.

Countless questions raged through Emmy's mind as she looked at the turquoise gem which bubbled with Anemo energy as it sat on the door handle. Her expression was strange and her thoughts were deep, swirling like the endless Abyss.

Why? Why did this thing appear? Why at this time? Did she even need this thing anymore?

How curious.

Emmy began to sink deeper into the rabbit hole of curiosity as she attempted to find a reason for such a strange phenomenon. Her thought process converted from why it appeared to how it became possible for it to appear at this time.

Eventually, Fischl was the one to break the girl out of her reverie.

"Emmy? Art thou alright?"

Fischl asked in confusion when she saw her friend freeze up, her mind was also a mess but she was able to regain herself quite quickly due to it not being her. She came up to the girl and shook her shoulders to snap her out of it.

"Uh... Yeah yeah, I'm alright. Nothing to see here, hehe," Emmy tapped her hands on her sides, and she coughed as she averted her eyes.

"It places a feather upon my heart to hear of your well-being, truly, you have given the Prinzessin a great fright," Fischl said. She placed her hand on her chest in relief as she looked at Emmy with a mellow gaze.


Emmy scratched her head at Fischl's remarks and apologized. She looked at the vision in front of her and the purple screen next to it. She was at a loss.

[Vision: A tool given by the gods to those they see as worthy.]

A tool given by the gods?

To those, they see as worthy?


What a joke!

Emmy knew what a vision was and she had once desired one for herself but, now? She didn't need such a thing as she had the system and the [True Combat] talent. It was no different than a gem to the current Emmy.

It was also a fact that she didn't want to be "proven" worthy in the eyes of those gods. Call her crazy but Emmy had a somewhat instinctual aversion to the word "god" now that she discovered her true combat talent.

Plus there was no reason for her to have this thing. She had her methods after all. So about how she thought of it?

Useless! This was why she started to speak and out of her mouth flowed the following words.

"Fischl? How would like a gem for your birthday?"


Emmy said softly and Fischl blinked, her little mouth forming the shape of an 'o' as she covered it with her hands.


"Hah! Hah! Hah!"

Crackle! Boom!

Vigorous shouts sounded out within the barracks of a nation that was clouded in a thunderstorm. The clouds overhead didn't seem to bother them as they swung their swords in a disciplined manner.

The air trembled at their unified shouts and their blades sliced through the wind and rain that were aimed at them. Suddenly in the middle of the group blue lightning appeared on the ground and the soldier hurriedly jumped away.

"Fuck! Get away!"


A second later a mighty boom sounded out as a flash of lightning hit the ground bringing up mud into the air but even so, the soldier distanced themselves from it. Getting hit by even a stroke of Electro while in the rain was asking to die.

They didn't want to be zapped and kill the others after all. To get hit by lightning while in water was enough to kill them but to be near other water-covered people was.

Electro-Charged as an elemental reaction was extremely malicious if it was used in such a stable environment and the commander saw this fact. He sighed and his face looked wary.

"Listen here! Training is done for today! Regroup with your squads and leader. You are all allowed to go home for today!"

Originally they were training just fine and then a sudden storm hit them right as they were about to finish. The commander still wanted to finish and it counted toward their training as well, since such storms occurred the whole year round.

But it was dangerous now as this storm appeared quite fierce. So he made the command to send them home and he believed that the other commanders would make the same call.

At the commander's words, a hint of joy could be seen on the faces of the footmen. They usually didn't get to go home as they had to be deployed all over Inazuma to fight and maintain public order, so breaks like this were always welcome.

The footmen immediately started to move out in an orderly manner but there were still a few who broke formation in their excitement but it seems that their squad members caught them. They stopped them and had them rejoin formation.

After all, who knew if they had to stay back because of these guys so, in a spirit of desire to go home without incident they subdued them easily, and the others who listened to their reasoning became well-behaved once again.

Just like that the previously filled training grounds became empty.

The commander sighed once again and then began to walk toward the barracks but then a shadow entered his vision. The shadow had a white mask and like lightning, appeared and disappeared in an instant.

Commander Reiji felt a chill down his spine when he recognized that mask and he hurriedly ran into the barracks, packing up his things. He then went home as if nothing happened, he didn't want to remember or find out what "those" guys were up to.

He might get killed after all.

Meanwhile in a secluded courtyard on Narukami Island, one of the six islands in the Inazuman archipelago. A woman in robes embroidered with flowers and clouds sat in a seiza in a dark room by herself. On her back lay an insignia of some kind.

The symbol was comprised of three conjoined circles within a larger circle with four points projecting out in four directions. Within these circles was a smaller oval at one end and a war fan at the other.

The symbol of the Kujou clan.

The old woman opened her eyes to reveal a pair of hazel orbs that shone with a cunning light. She lifted her arms and a magic circle appeared before, numerous constellations could be seen within and it rippled to reveal an image.

That of two little girls, a blonde and a black haired. The two were now playing together and a cheerful aura surrounded them.

A smile appeared on the lady's face as he serious expression faded like a tide and her eyes held a maternal tenderness.

That was until she saw the Anemo vision on the doorknob and her expression turned grave. The circle disappeared to reveal a different one, this time gold in color and it rippled with waves. A voice came from it.


It was Inu's voice.

"Inu, allocate ten more guards to my grandchild now."

"Ah? We are quite understaffed as of this moment..."

"I said...! To allocate ten more guards to my granddaughter. In return, I'll grant your teams the right to more [5* Artifacts] to compensate."

"Yes Madam! It shall be done!"

The call ended and the light faded once again bringing the room into darkness. The elderly woman sat in silence and didn't speak for a long while.


She started, her expression turning fierce, like a mother lion. The entire Kujou household started to tremble and the foundations of Narukami island shook.

"If they dare to lay a hand on my granddaughter...!"

Her eyes lit up with stars and her hair gave off a translucent feeling, a sea of stars seemed to conjure up behind her in response to her emotions. Her eyes shone with ruthlessness.

"I'll kill them!"


A/N: Mysterious Grandmother made her appearance. I was debating if to post this today or not but I'll post it. I speedrun the entire Sumeru archon quest last night so this is late as I had to catch up on sleep. Happy reading.

Also thoughts on this chapter? I feel like it lacks a bit of tension, especially the conversation between Inu and Madam.

I slept for the whole day and feel like trash. Damn. Played for 8 hours to reach AR57 before a friend. I had 15k exp left and they had 800, I won against the odds hurray!