Chapter 61: We Know.


Specks of crystal drifted through the sky upon a bridge of light courtesy of the moon above. The moon bridge encompassed the entire city of Mondstadt at this moment and gave light to all under the sky.

Two girls hung under the moonlight as one sat on the balcony railing and the other stood on the balcony. The girls watched as the moon slowly rose into the sky and the sky shined with stars.

Emmy breathed as she threw a glance at the deserted streets of the city. There was barely anyone down and she closed her eyes, turning toward Fischl who was leaning for quite a while now.

"Aren't you cold? We could go inside right now if want to, there's nothing to do here anyway. Though the stars are quite beautiful tonight," Emmy said, placing her hands on her knees. "There is no need to stay if you don't want to."

"Hmm. While it may appear that I, the Prinzessin am freezing, please cast thy concern upon the wayside as citizens especially the royal family of the Immernachtreich are largely resistant to cold."

Fischl said while she let go of her arms and her breath made mist go into the air. Emmy didn't believe her at all and sneakily increased the heat in the surrounding area while she put on an indifferent face.


Fischl nearly flinched at her indifferent tone until she noticed that the area seemed to be a bit warmer. She looked at Emmy and the cold girl seemed to be a bit cuter in her eyes now.

Acting tough?

Fischl snorted when that thought came to mind and then she tilted her head. She nodded, whatever came to mind seemed to please her and she started moving toward Emmy. She hugged the girl from behind, pressing herself on the girl's back.

Emmy's indifferent facade immediately went away as she started panicking.

"Wha! What are you doing?!" Emmy moved so much she nearly fell but her balance was great. Fischl's action left her quite flustered and her face blushed.

She grabbed at Fischl's hands to gently pry her off and when she did a pouting face came into her vision. She turned herself on the railing and leaned in, looking at the girl's face closely.

"As the last vessel of the sisters ascends evermore into the eclipsed sky, one's skin feels the dreaded touch of the abyss," Fischl said such a lie smoothly. Her conscience didn't hurt at all but how could she hide from Emmy, the expert? She was instantly seen through.

Emmy pinched her cheek, "Dare to lie to me, don't you have a conscience? Doesn't it hurt huh?"

This little girl dared to say she was cold to her face! The one who increased the temperature in the surrounding area just for her!

"Doesn't hurt."

"Tsk Tsk, who did you learn that from anyway. I swear I'll beat them up from head to toe!"

Fischl's face just looked amused as if she found something funny and Emmy immediately felt that something wasn't right. She saw a weird twinkle in her friend's eyes and the feeling intensified, her inborn instinct warned her.

Emmy, not one to ignore it blocked the girl's mouth so she couldn't say anything. Her warm palms closed off the girl's cold mouth and Emmy breathed a sigh of relief.

But then she felt a somewhat wet sensation and she, in haste, removed her hand away when she noticed what it was. She wiped her hands on her clothes and her cheeks heated up when she saw Fischl's pink tongue outside her mouth.


Was this the Fischl she knew?

'Is this another person? But that's impossible! But what if... No! But...?' Just as Emmy was having a mental breakdown due to Fischl's out of action which was out of her character, the girl touched Emmy's cheeks softly.


Emmy said in confusion. The hand on her face began to rub her face gently, Fischl's face came closer to hers, the cold making her face red and her eyes seemed to shine with a gentle light. The girl slowly approached and Emmy felt that once again something wasn't right.

The girl came closer and closer to Emmy until their faces nearly touched, her breath became labored and her chest felt heavy as she looked into Fischl's eyes. Her warm breath tickled her skin and her eyes seemed to pierce her soul.

It was to the point that Emmy stopped breathing for a moment. The girl moved in closer and Emmy closed her eyes as if she was waiting for something but all she felt was a slight pain on her forehead and how cold her cheeks got.


She heard a giggle nearby and Emmy hesitantly opened one eye, allowing her to view the laughing girl in front of her Emmy now realized that she was tricked. She felt a bit dizzy, as the heat on her face increased and she became angry.

Emmy puffed her cheeks and hopped off the railing to stand in front of the little girl who tricked her. The red on her cheeks faded and her eyes were cold, her lips settled in an arc in the form of a sneer and her words came out dry.

"You think this is funny huh?" Emmy placed her hand on Fischl's shoulder and fixed her posture so she could look her in the eyes, and the girl became silent. Emmy slightly tilted her head, as if to look down on Fischl.

"Answer me, dear princess. Do you think this is funny...?" Emmy's voice was soft but it caught Fischl's attention to a frightful extent. In such a short time her friend went from smiling to blushing to being such a terrifying person.

Fischl shivered as those cold eyes locked onto her as if examining her very existence and its value. She felt like she was about to throw up but she felt like she wasn't allowed to. Emmy placed a finger under her chin, and like a big bad she smiled wolfishly.

In the future, Fischl would constantly say that this was the moment all of this started and a strange feeling bloomed in her heart.

"Are you scared princess?" Emmy's eyes twinkled with a bit of mirth and Fischl realized that they were now pressed up against the railing and her friend's hand around her waist.

Fischl went to nod but shook her head frantically when she realized what she was about to do. But was Emmy one to miss such actions?


"Don't be scared..." Emmy came closer to Fischl and whispered into her ear, "Emmy is here."

Fischl.exe has stopped working.

Fischl fainted.

Emmy blinked.

"Hey! Hey Fischl are you okay? Oi!" Emmy brought her friend into her arms and checked over her in a panic, she even reverted to using the Inazuman tongue in her panic.

[She is okay host, she only fainted.]

The system decided to interject.


Emmy settled down.

* * * * *

A/N: This is extremely late huh? I honestly procrastinated for this chapter cause I honestly didn't know how to proceed. This arc is coming to a close it seems then, are just a few more things left, and then boom! Done.

This will never happen again and my update schedule with be normal once again when I get it in my head not to write a chapter just before posting it.