Chapter 66: Since Birth, Life Was Full of Danger.


A yawn sounded out in the secluded room of someone, the person shifted as they pushed away the sheets covering their body and rubbed their eyes. They stretched, and a satisfying crack came from their limbs and back, a blissful expression on their face.

Looking out the glass windows, it seems that the time was day or rather, dawn. The sun has just risen as it desperately climbed in the sky, and the girl got out of her bed at last. Her feet touched the cold ground but she didn't seem to mind, her feet were heated up beforehand.

"Well then, seeing as it is morning let's get ready shall we? It's going to be a great day," Emmy said as she moved around the room, grabbing her necessities before heading toward the bathroom. Suddenly she stopped, looking at her bed before she started moving toward the bathroom again.

She would fix her bed later, right now she just wanted to freshen up her body. It wasn't like the bed was going to grow into an animated creature to use its four legs and escape from her room. Even if it did, it was far too large to accomplish such a feat.

Emmy had countless wild thoughts in the morning, many places triggered such thoughts but non were nearly proficient of it as the shower. Shower thoughts reigned supreme when calculated for creative and strange thoughts.

A hotbed for people who exhibited strange qualities.

'Are we sure it isn't plants that are farming us? They give us oxygen to breathe but they use us as fertilizer when we die.'

Thoughts like these emerged in the young lass's head with unmatched frequency when she was alone.

In 15 minutes Emmy emerged from the shower wrapped in her small bath towel with the Kujou symbol and a duck symbol below it. There was also his friend, Ed, who sat on her head obediently, not moving in the slightest.

Emmy placed Ed by the sink before she started to brush her teeth in silence, absently she thought of the numerous shadow guards around her. She felt their gazes and while she was a bit uncomfortable, she wasn't going to dismiss their protection based on just that.

It was the height of stupidity to leave yourself open due to just a slight amount of discomfort and it was like they completely encroached on her privacy.

If she were doing anything showing her privates, like bathing, they would all go outside and their formation changed accordingly. It would become much tighter and their vigilance was also largely improved.

'Anyways, there have been a lot of attempts lately since that incident I revealed my powers. Also since I gave Fischl my Anemo vision and it was in the open, organizations with ill intent would know about it.'

Anyone would be curious about a girl who could use both Pyro and Anemo. Before, they thought she had a Pyro vision. But now that this Anemo vision was discovered they were unsure as to whether they were wrong or not. It halted their actions.

A double vision user or two vision user? Who's to say the blonde one didn't possess the ability to use the Anemo vision and it wasn't hers? If Emmy wished she could let Fischl be a scapegoat.

But such a thing was quite unacceptable to Emmy, who cherished her first friend. Anyone associated with her was already exposed to some sort of danger, so she wouldn't like that to increase.

However, she knew that her actions had already deterred many by giving Fischl the vision, it would more or less confirm that it wasn't hers.

Even if that wasn't true.

No matter her thoughts keeping the vision was more harm than good, so giving it to her friend was keeping her safe. If Emmy was discovered to be able to use two visions, those people would stop at nothing to get her.

But if she wasn't she would pose far less important to them, at most she would be more desirable than the average vision user due to her identity.

'They wouldn't carelessly move anyway.' The guards around her were strong. Her background as both the daughter of AR60 adventurers, who were also high-ranking executives of the said guild, and a scion of a large military clan served as massive deterrents to evil forces.

Nobody wanted to piss off two major organizations just to get ahold of a little girl. Not to mention that the information they could attain wasn't even confirmed. But that didn't mean some wouldn't try. Many people in this world didn't fear death.


They were one such organization, Emmy narrowed her eyes as a cold glint flashed by them. Her voice contained a venomous pressure and her grip on the toothbrush tightened until the tool nearly cracked.

She dreamed of that day when Fischl was kidnapped and her childhood aligned with it as well. When she burned that man's face that day, she noticed the symbol of four petals, the Fatui.

'To think after their stunt in Inazuma three years ago they still didn't learn their lesson, they continued to kidnap children for their wretched experiments. Even I was...'

Emmy didn't continue that thought, lest she turns crazy.

"Since birth, my life was wrought with dangers. I have nothing to be fearful for now, there shall be no more mistakes."

Emmy washed her mouth and wiped her hands, she placed Ed on the shelf with the white clothes serving as a bed. She departed from the bath afterward, going toward her room to get dressed for today's training.

Emmy sighed when she entered the room to get her bag and dress, absently she wondered why she bathed beforehand if she was going to get sweaty. She pushed the thought out of her mind, ignoring the scent of blood she sensed from the roof the previous night.

She dressed with haste and just as she was about to go grab her bag, she sniffed and said with a dissatisfied face.

"Oi! Go get yourself healed, what are you even thinking!? You think you can keep me safe while bleeding huh?! Get down from the roof for this young miss," Emmy said softly but her voice contained unspeakable authority.

A cool sensation touched her back and a guard in gray robes with a white cat mask showed up. The person held they said and a bit of red frost could be seen, most likely frozen blood. A hint of cryo could be seen from their palms, but there was no vision to be seen.

'It was likely hidden,' Emmy submersed.

A panicked voice emerged from behind the mask, a female one, "Young miss! I, I."

"I, what!"

"Hnng! I have nothing to say but I wanted to protect miss. Things have been..."

"Quite hectic it seems yes? Is it because there is a clan meeting in 3 months? The matter this time must be very important for others to come here seeking to get ahold of an ordinary girl like me. This young miss feels quite shy."


"Hah~ It seems that life is always a bit stale with you all, be a bit livelier, it was a joke. Albeit a terrible one but it still can be laughed at. Now, "Cat" I presume? You all take the names of your masks yes? Heed my order!"

Cat mask felt sweat go down her face and her red-gold eyes blinked in confusion before she bowed her head further, awaiting Emmy's orders.

"You are to get yourself healed as quickly as possible, I would also like you to monitor the activities of the Fatui closely. Any sighting of the Harbingers must be reported, remember to prioritize your lives."

Her next actions couldn't be planned if she didn't know these details. After all, if a harbinger was present in Mondstadt or its vicinity, even if she had a thousand lives Emmy wouldn't be able to make it to Inazuma in 3 months' time or at all.

"The 10 Fatui Harbingers were quite frightening existences. I would not like to face them upon my return."

"Young miss... I believe that this number has expanded to 11 now, though our sources say he is only a candidate for the title, he nonetheless possesses sufficient skills."


Emmy was shocked, another Harbinger? Harbingers were comparable to gods among humans, even if her talent was monstrous, it didn't mean she would survive an encounter with them. Now she was being told someone had the skills to be one.

"How old?"

"Around 13-14 years of age. He was discovered recently but there is another piece of information even major organizations would not know. The madam obtained it by chance when she glanced at his constellation..."

"What is it? What did grandma discover about this person?" Emmy asked, a nervous expression on her face. Only the Fatui could make her like this, as they alone could contend against the defenses she had placed around herself. Only they were brave enough.

"He escaped from the darkest place in the abyss realm by himself, a genius who mastered every weapon and has attained skills and experience beyond our understanding."

The Abyss...


Emmy laughed, a crazed expression on her face. She thought she was good but as expected she had gotten too lax. A master of every weapon and he even possessed skills and experience beyond understanding? Wasn't that just her without the weapon mastery and experience part?

If she was to face such a person, she would surely lose. It was asking an inexperienced Emmy to fight a battle-hardened one. A genius vs. genius battle she had no place being.

Emmy's face turned serious, she realized that she was not strong enough to face such foes yet. She had to plan her action carefully and cultivate skills that would save her life. She sighed and said:

"Well, I guess it's time I learned to fly."



A/N: What is Emmy's background with the Fatui? Anyway, we move in. ARC 1 is almost done.