Chapter 67: Midnight Massacre.

The Crown of The North.

A city on an island in the middle of a large lake that serves as the head of the northern regions of the continent of Teyvat. What was once a wasteland of ice, snow and a shadowed sky has now been turned into lush grounds for settlement.

Freedom. Like the wind of their god, the Anemo Archon Barbatos, and the ideal he has chosen to follow in his rulership of Mondstadt. Though he has been absent, the city and its inhabitants hold strong in face of all adversity.

Unlike the other nations that rely on the gods for rulership in some form, the nation of freedom has ruled itself for thousands of years. With no standing governing body or monarchy, they rely on their military to maintain order and deal with matters of those forms.

Maybe... That is what makes them unique among the seven nations.

Alas, its unique structure, while a boon in its own right, is also a severe double edge sword against forces with ill intent and the might be needed to achieve it.

For a nation with virtually no god to protect it and prime land at its disposal. Teyvat relies on its gods and those without it are prey to those who do. But it does not mean that godly forces are the only ones to be careful of.

Eldritch and evil forces are to be worthy of caution as well. One such force has made itself known in Teyvat as a cruel organization for 500 years and even now its goals are unknown.

However, it is also a fact that their disdain for the gods and humanity has been conveyed quite reverently in those five centuries. That organization that all of the Teyvat continent fears is known as...

The Abyss Order.

And now, unfortunately, they have set their sights on the one nation which is quite literally a perfect target for their schemes.



A howl resounded in the distance, no one would dare to encroach upon those lands. Outside of human settlements, it was extraordinarily hard to survive Teyvat as many savage beasts roamed the land.

Of course, if one had the power to wield the various elements then they would not be far from such beasts, but there still existed a group of monsters fiercer than any vision wielder. A group of people walked through the night, some of them on horseback.

They wore black robes as they expertly maneuvered through the large forest East of Mondstadt, known as [The Whispering Woods] a region with a vast amount of wolfs and other foreign beasts.

Silence permeated the group as they walked, but they marched on through the thickets of the woods with precision only equal to that of an army. A shred of moonlight shone on the group of 25 people, and a logo depicting a four-petaled flower was shown on the breasts of what looked to be a male soldier.


"I wonder what the Lord Harbinger hopes to accomplish when he sent us to this barren place in the middle of the night?" A man with a rifle equipped with Pyro said, a Pyroslinger bracer.

"How are we supposed to know what they are thinking? Just follow their orders obediently, they were appointed by the Tsaritsa herself after all," A Geomancer answered and the group continued to march on.

But suddenly, as if on instinct an Anemoboxer rushed to the front of the group and placed down his shield, blocking several attacks from both Pyro and Hydro but this came at a cost. It caused a "reaction" to occur. Which when combined with the Anemo, made a bad combination for the boxer.

The various elements in Teyvat, when combined will create reactions, and these reactions would cause numerous effects to occur as a result and some were extremely deadly in combat.

One of the fiercest was the one that occurred at the very moment the two elements met up with the reaction booster known as Anemo.


Known to be capable of allowing many to dish out 1.5x the impact, this reaction is at the top of the list in regards to killing enemies both single and in large quantities. Naturally if used on a single person it quite literally "vaporized" his defense.


"Fuck! Who dares to attack the Fatui? Show yourselves, bastards."

A wave of panic occurred in the ranks of the Fatui as more attacks came from every direction. A cloud came from above their heads and rain started to pour out of it, drenching all of the soldiers.

"La! Igueka! Ga nenen!"

A Hydrogunner frantically shot hydro to his allies, healing them all with his elemental abilities, hearing the sound he looked to his right and his face paled. Right on his side, was an army composed of dozens of monsters of the Hilichurl family, along with several abyss mages.

"Huah! Aby— Abyss mages!"

What are they doing here? He was confused at the situation but was unable to think any longer as a block of ice belonging to a Cryo abyss mage came and hit his Hydro shield, freezing him in place. He continued to get pelted with cryo and decided to look around, sensing no hope of his survival.

The skirmisher could only watch helplessly as they advanced, in a normal situation this could have been handled properly. They were an army of elites after all but the enemy was too despicable. Ambushing them in the middle of the night coupled with the fact that there was no prior forewarning.

It was only natural to be in this situation.

"Kekeke, Die!"

A pyro abyss mage in red robes waved its staff as a pyro slinger fired at it. The shield on its body offered impenetrable defense against the same element, it didn't even tremble. A magic circle went below the ground and several dragon heads surrounded them.

With a rain cloud caused by samachurls above their heads and the fire dragon heads surrounding them, they were in a checkmate. All of their shields were used up and weakness came from having them broken.

They could only wait for death. And the red filling the mouths of the dragon heads only made that reality apparent.

Eventually, he was killed but not before witnessing his fellow soldiers being slain. He sighed in his heart as he saw his shield break and a water blade head toward his neck.

'Forgive us, Tsaritsa, we have failed you!'

Meanwhile, up in the trees, a masked, grey-robed individual was looking at the battle with cold eyes, a moment later the person flickered and vanished. A blue spark came to the area he was, and it dissipated, revealing an abyss mage.

It had teleported there after sensing him but it could no longer locate him. It turned its head in the direction of Mondstadt, a gruff voice came out of its mouth, and the mask it wore trembled in exhilaration.

"Pesky humans! The day of your reckoning is nigh, for our lord has given his orders to start our operations. You have long abandoned your right of bearing the title of humans, you are merely sheep to be heard by these impudent gods. You shall all be vanquished!" It looked to the sky, at the floating island known as Celestia.

Its eyes blazed with an unquenchable fury. It looked at the blood on the ground, along with the multiple dead humans there. It felt its mood lift and it chuckled. But then it looked at the city again and the castle in the sky.

Its mood once again plummeted to the abyss.

Its voice came out this time not with disdain but drowned in loathing. It was rough and was piercing on the ears as if it came through gritted teeth, "Your time too, shall come soon."


A/N: Alright. The plot is set for 2nd and 3rd arc I think. I'm following the genshin timeline from the wiki, so the actual main story won't happen for a while.

I'm reading kingdom now. I'm on chapter 469 after 3 days.