Chapter 68: Preparation.


Emmy said as she lifted Fischl toward the pull-up bar at the front, making sure her grip was steady before letting go. She then backed away, to watch her in case she fell. The girl proceeded to do her daily workouts, starting with pull-ups today.

1 pull-up, 2 pull-ups, 3 pull-ups.

The girl continued to do the pull-ups tirelessly until she capped out at around 29, by then the girl looked spent but the look on her face told of a parade of emotions and thoughts. From what Emmy could tell, it seemed to be reluctance.

"Come on Fischl! You can do it, just one more," Emmy was quite worried for her friend and she approached the pull-up area to carefully position herself to catch Fischl in case something went wrong.

"Hnn! This prinzessin, hah... Will not be defeated!" Fischl either by the strength of will or through Emmy's encouragement began to go up the bar, inch by agonizing inch.

Her arms trembled as if she contracted an illness and her small face was lined with sweat but she didn't want to give up! She was already at the 29th pull, she had to continue forward to reach that sweet, sweet even number or she wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

So the girl gritted her teeth to the point she felt they dug into her gums and tried to pull herself up for one last time. When she felt out of strength she would stop midair, rest, and then pull herself up once again until finally...

She made it up.

"Hah," Fischl struggled to make a smile as she looked over the bar but then her face contorted as she realized something. During a pull-up one had to go up, then down with a steady. So didn't that mean she had to go down now?

The girl nearly cried. Her arms hurt, her chest hurt, her bones ached, and her arms hurt. The girl descended, as she thought that the sooner she went down the better.

She didn't want to stay up there any longer.

Emmy watched as the girl came down, her arms trembling even more than before. If before it was considered a shaking leaf, now? It might as well be a soggy noodle. Emmy fixed her posture, not daring to look at anything other than Fischl.

If she even looked away for a second she feared that this little girl might fall and she wouldn't be able to save her from injuring or even killing herself. No matter how strong, she was still a 6-year-old girl at the end of the day. Hitting her head would cause a severe concussion or worse.

After completing the 30th pull-up she stretched out her arms, Fischl didn't even bother to try and stand on her own feet. They were similar to the strength of her arms, weak. So the girl let go, she knew her friend below would catch her.

She had no fear that Emmy would make her fall.

"Hup! Really," Emmy caught the girl who came down from the bar, placing her near her chest so she could organize herself. Her arms round the girl, she held her steady, her hot breath going against her skin.

"Tired?" Emmy asked her friend who sat on her lap, Emmy has gone on the ground to adjust herself more freely. In doing so she placed the tired girl on her lap.


"Good girl. You did well for the final one there, I'm happy for you. But... You do know that you have to cool down right?"


Fischl blinked then she groaned pitifully as she gripped at Emmy, not willing to let go. Emmy continued to encourage her for a while before she reluctantly got up and started a somewhat unsteady jog around the training ground.

Emmy looked at the girl for a few moments before she gazed upon the rest of the field. She saw numerous newbies training but she didn't pay them any mind, she was trying to find her group members among them

After searching for a little while she finally found them training on the left side of them. They were currently helping Noelle to bench some number of weights and hyping her up, though she didn't doubt that they took this chance to slack off as well.

Some of their intentions were anything but sincere as when Andre caught her looking at them, he appeared to have seen a ghost and quickly turned his head. He said something to the others before scampering off into the distance to train.

No doubt frightened his boss was looking at him resting more than he needed to.


Emmy snorted at his actions, "Bastard guy, think you can fool my eyes? I'll let you off for today but don't think it will happen again."

Somehow the brat heard her and shivered, dropping the barbell he had in his hands. Fortunately, he was only about to grab it out of its place so it fell right back on the rack above his head. He once again took hold of it and began to train in earnest.

Except for Harlin and Noelle, the others sneakily made their way over to their next workstation, seeing as the boss had her attention on Andre. If they didn't make it out when the beast was distracted it was them that were fools.

They apologized to him in their hearts but they were truly scared of the boss when she noticed them during training. It was to the point they couldn't even rejoice at his misfortune, afraid that it would draw attention to themselves.

"Really idiots, this bunch. Do they think I wouldn't see them when they think they "snuck" away? Do they take me, Emmy, for a blind person?"

Seeing the reactions of his friends, Harlin smiled. There was a bit of pain behind that smile.

Emmy didn't know but there was a time they saw her catch Harlin asleep during training, it wasn't that he was lazy but that he laid down when he was a bit tired.

Who would have thought that it would bite him later on? He slept for a long while and Emmy caught him during the act. He not only had to redo the entire training session again but 3 times in succession.

If it wasn't for his high constitution, which gave him a monstrous amount of endurance and stamina. He would have died of exhaustion that day.

From that day on everyone would fear Emmy when she gazed at them for even a second longer during training. If they rested for even a few minutes longer than usual they might get more training to do and that wasn't what they wanted to see happen.

The more she thought about it the more she felt like laughing in anger. Her face held traces of a smile but it didn't reach her eyes in earnest it looked even more sinister.

"I'll let them off for today. I did say that right? Yes, I did. I have more pressing matters to attend to though."

The matter was of course how she was going to learn to fly and Fischl's upcoming birthday. She still didn't get a gift yet and she didn't plan the birthday party yet either. She was thinking of making it a royalty-styled one like the story books.

The matter of the gift still eluded her.

'I asked my grandmother to give me an artifact from the family treasury but she told me no. Something about since her friend made her something for her birthday, she should do that as well. But the thing is...'

Emmy didn't know how to make things.

[The host does.]

"Hmm?" Emmy raised an eyebrow in question as she looked at the ground, pretending that she was studying something but she was listening to the system.

[The system has a catalog of all the host's abilities and it holds numerous crafting wares available.]

'Which are?' Emmy couldn't remember any of those skills of hers. She racked her brain before an answer made it known to her and a look of shock came to her face.


[Affirmative. It counts no? Since Fischl made a sculpture with her own hands, making "that" will also count as a suitable gift. Something over the top would defeat the purpose anyway.]

'Hmm... When was the last time I made something like that? 3 years? 2? I can't remember but cousin brother and I would make them all the time.'

If it was "that" then it would be more than suitable as a gift for her friend. It was something at the peak of elegance in Inazuman culture.

Emmy still felt that a protection artifact would have done wonders for the safety of her friend. The more safe Fischl was the more reassured Emmy felt, after all, they would be heading into the wild after several weeks to test their skills.

[If the host wishes, the system also has classes for those who wish to make trinkets and small machinery. There are also artifact crafting classes and many more. If the host can think of it, it will be there.]

Emmy paused something having caught her attention, 'Did you say artifact crafting.'


The girl's eyes shined.


A/N: Reasons why you shouldn't read too fast. I am on chapter 714 of the kingdom manga. Each chapter toward the end fills me with pain.

We are approaching the end yes. In about 3-7 chapters.