Chapter 69: Look And Learn!

The children trained until evening.

They had arrived at period 7-8 am only to stay for the whole day forward. During this time many people came and went, some were men, women, and children. Emmy had finished her training a long time ago and was only waiting for her friends idly.

[If you have time to rest, then train!]

Of course, the system nagged her when it saw she still had a few more hours in, this was during the afternoon. When the girl thought about how she had to go over her training session again, she felt a mixture of helplessness and contentment.

No matter what, training was a good thing. So she shouldn't get too spoiled and not use the extra time!

"Yo, boss! I have finished today's session! While it is exhausting, I feel incredibly fulfilled but nothing can compare to fighting the boss. Let us spar," Andre said as he walked in front of the meditating Emmy.

"Why don't you calm yourself, don't you see the boss is meditating? I wonder how we became siblings, must be my bad luck," Emmy could practically hear the disdain dripping from Aries's voice when he spoke to his brother.

"Fuck! Isn't it my bad luck huh? I can't help but wonder how I was born with a rock like you, my face looking like it was sculpted from a cliff. Tsk Tsk, but I have to admit you can be considered average in looks."

"Bastard! Come fight me if you dare. I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget!"

"I have long been waiting for those words. On behalf of our father, Andre will discipline you today. I'll beat into you how well you should treat your elders."

"It's only by a few seconds," Aries grit his teeth, he always wondered why he had to be born after this guy. It was the misfortune gathered from the moment he came into this world.

Hell! It might even be from a possible previous life, like in those Inazuma light novels.

Whatever the reason, being the younger sibling was just asking to be annoyed by the older one.

"Haha, if only a few seconds I'm glad it was me. If I had to be younger than a guy like you I wouldn't be able to endure it. Luckily, when I was in the womb, I was sensible. I came out before a person like you."

Andre laughed and Aries's face became cold. The two siblings went away from Emmy as they looked at each other. Emmy perked her ears in curiosity to see if they were going to fight. She waited for a while but didn't hear anything.

She was a bit disappointed.

She went back to meditating and not even a minute later...

The two siblings started scrapping. Emmy opened her eyes in shock as she saw her two friends basically at each other's throats. They tumbled on the ground landing punches, she was about to stop them but then stopped herself.

'They aren't using their full strength, and neither are their moves filled with the intent to fight. Did it seem a bit more... playful? Their blows were certainly hard and rough but they barely hurt the other, were they stopping themselves at the last moment?'

Playful aggression? Halting momentum?

Curious, she continued to look at the twin's moves as they battled. Ignoring the ruckus of the small number of people in the surrounding area, she got into a trance. The moves of the twins entered her mind and her hands tensed.

Emmy's eyes seemed to glaze over as she unconsciously started to tear apart the secret in between the fighting. Just as she was about to dive deeper, she was interrupted.

"Emmy! Are you okay?" Noelle came up to her with a worried smile, noticing how the girl seemed to be lost in her thoughts. She was a bit closer than Emmy expected her to be but she didn't mind it.

"Yeah. I'm just analyzing the fight the boys are in right now. Do you notice it?"

Noelle tilted her head in confusion, "See what?" She turned to have a look and saw that Andre seemed to have the upper hand. He kept on his brother like a hunter, giving him blows while saying stuff like 'Call daddy', 'I am your uncle', and so on.

Normally, Noelle, the people-loving cinnamon roll would rush to stop the two brothers from fighting. The two would, in turn, stop before the girl pulled them apart, for fear that they would be injured by the panicking girl.

This girl had a kind of strength if she grabbed a hold of them with the intent of separating them. It might just be their arms and legs that would be gone instead. The strength of a demon and the face of a cute girl.

Andre casually called her the cute demon. Every time he said that he would receive some form of attack from Noelle, who became embarrassed.

"The fact that while they fought, they don't seem to injure each other. Even though their blows look to be made with their full strength, the impact doesn't match up with that intensity. Interesting."

"Oh?" Noelle looked at them again but she couldn't understand how that made sense. If one hit someone at full strength it was common knowledge it couldn't be stopped midway.

Looking for an explanation Noelle asked, "Does the boss know why?"

"They simply released the tension in the fist at the last moment is all. If you do that even if you sent the strongest punch in the world, its damage would be reduced. I only figured it out just now and can't do it yet, but it is nevertheless an interesting skill."

"Huh?" Noelle was still confused.

Emmy sighed, "When one moves their arms, what happens? Doesn't the shoulders move, then the upper arms, then the elbows, and so on?"


"When one throws a punch their body moves to accommodate the force produced. One can cancel that force by moving in the opposite direction with the same force. Your fist also tenses, which would harden the muscle and expose the bones. This allowed one to do more damage.

"However if they released that tension and angle themselves appropriately. That punch would be no different from a slap. This is what they do."


Noelle watched the fight with shining eyes and Emmy continued to ponder. She got up and went towards a wall, Noelle, who noticed followed her. The two went towards the west side of the training ground, where there were few people.

Along the way, the fight between the boys replayed in her mind and she continuously tensed and released her hands. It seemed that she was in her mind practicing. Unaware of the outside world.

It was a miracle she didn't fall.

Eventually, she came to the end and walked up to the wall there, she took a deep breath. When she came in front of the wall she tensed her fist and punched it!


A small dent was made in the wall and Emmy felt a slight sting on the front of her hand, it burned. She watched the front of her palm, to see only a small bruise. Compared to the dent in the wall, the damage to herself was minimal.


'Here goes!'

Emmy tensed once again and threw a punch, at the back of her mind came the same thing she saw her friends do. About 10 cm away from the wall, her fist, no. Her entire arms released their tension and she slightly forced herself back, her fist hitting the wall a moment later.


The sound produced this time was very different!

"Hmm," Emmy didn't stop.


She continuously hit the wall and then she nodded, her expression content. While damaged, the wall that took the released blows fared better than the one which had to endure the tense one.

"See?" She turned to Noelle with a smile.


She didn't understand at all, ah!

Noelle felt that her boss was abnormal, she never saw or used that technique but not only was she able to explain it, she even used it as well. Aye, it was too much!

What was crazier, was the fact it took only one look for her to do so!

One look, ah!

Noelle sighed and remembered something her brother told her to say when she witnessed something crazy from the boss. Noelle opened her mouth and said;

"As expected of the boss."

* * * * *

A/N: Looking for tutorials on what to craft. I might just make some random thing related to Japanese culture. Finally reading CCG.