Chapter 71: I Am A Expert (Hand) Craftsman.

"Okay! I think that is enough for today, so you all can head back to... Whatever you guys were doing previously."


Emmy looked as the two women dispersed into shadows and melted into the ground or flew into the ceiling, it didn't take them more than 5 seconds to disappear like the ghosts they were trained to be.

Awesome, Emmy thought in her heart. She thought that these shadow guards who kept her safe were very cool and if she wasn't a young miss, she would want to be like them. But serving another person looked very annoying.

You never knew if your master was kind or malicious but the good thing was that they were under her grandmother. So she knew that they wouldn't be treated unjustly for their service, nobody was in the Kujou Clan. The clan prioritized honor above all else.

Abusing subordinates was going against that principle.

Emmy stopped looking in the direction the two guards went and took a glance at the design for the fan once more. Taking it in her hand, she carefully rolled it, used a band to contain it, and placed it in a wooden cylinder.

She didn't want it to get messed up, she was the one who draw it after all. Moreover, since it was the blueprint for Fischl's birthday gift, she treated it with more care than a piece of paper probably deserved.

[Most certainly.]

'Aye. Hello, system. Can I go in the virtual space now?'

[Under the guise of being in meditation yes.]


Emmy got up from the chair she was in, pushing it inside the table before tidying her desk of all scraps, and placing them in a bin. Then she went towards her bed and sat down in a meditative stance, quietly waiting for the system to take her.

In the meantime, she began to check her energy pathways. The first thing she noticed was how large they were compared to how they were before. They were now half the size of her regular veins as to the 1/8 they were previously.

Another thing was her heart was now the same size as her regular one but now it seemed to have 3 sections compared to the 4 her regular heart has, she didn't know why as usual but it didn't fail to make her curious.

'Hmm. It seems to slowly take on the form of my regular heart and circulatory system if it does complete the whole thing... What realm would that make my energy reach? If it stops at a low rank does it mean my other body systems would be replicated? Would I have energy lungs?'

Emmy momentarily wondered what an energy lung would do, as it was she was absorbing the energy of the world and making it her own. Soon she wouldn't need to do this however as her Heart had begun to produce energy on its own but it was still slow.

It didn't equate to even 20% of her energy sources.

'Lungs bring oxygen into the body, so if I had energy lungs would my energy absorption increase? If so, by how much? Hmm, I might try to create an Energy Lung to see. The worse that could happen is I get severely injured in the virtual space or die.'

Though it would be painful, she wouldn't be so for real. Thinking like this Emmy was particularly thankful for the virtual space. It allowed her to take risks and wantonly try to make techniques without fearing a real death.

In the benefits given by the system, it is certainly one of the best. Nobody else could replicate it and even if they tried, the fake death and realism wouldn't be up to stuff. If she could get her friends to get such a training resource...

Emmy's eyes shined, it would accelerate their progress by leaps and bounds. At that time they might as well be shooting into the sky.

'Alas, even if it may be possible, it might take too much energy.'

Speaking of energy, she didn't know where it came from. The system said there was energy in all things but she couldn't see it. Other than elemental energy and other natural sources they were no more she could see.

How curious.

[The room is ready. ]

Emmy opened her eyes, looking around the room she found herself in. It was decorated in a standard Inazuman fashion, with katanas on the walls and various paintings. She quietly went toward a table in the middle of the room and grabbed various materials.

Hmm. She didn't know what they were.

[Displaying material grade and descriptions.]


Emmy blinked as various screens popped up in front of her and her status page came in a simplified version as well. It only showed her crafting skills.


Name: Emmy Edgar, Kujou Kamiko

Race: Human, ???.

Age: 7

Gender: Female

Titles: Daughter of [Morning Breeze] Adventure group, Daughter of Kujou, Granddaughter of ???, Duke Crimson, Master Combatant, Kamiko-Nee, Tsundere, Kuudere, Descendant of The Great General, Host of ???, Boss, Savior of The Kidnapped.

[Skills - Crafting]

-Traditional Hand Crafts (Expert): Due to your love for your family you "unwillingly" went along with your younger cousins' wishes and created many traditional crafts to amuse them. Your talent, focus, and devotion made you an expert over the years.


Emmy looked at the status with a twitch in her brow.

Hey, hey, what are these titles?

Who the hell are you calling a tsundere?

Emmy was quite indignant as she looked at the description of the crafting skill she had, she didn't want to do it okay? The brat forced her hands, he wasn't supposed to be so persuasive. There was no hiding from the system.

Emmy sighed and looked at the materials in front of her. While she wanted to question the other titles, she would rather do so at another time. Right now she had to do something important.


[Maleveni Wood]

Rank 5

Quality: High

Properties: High Dendro elemental contents. Has a calming effect. It is a white-colored wood with a smooth texture and feels like silk when treated with a particular method.

Quantity: 20 Large strips.


[Laguina Paper]

Rank 4

Quality: High

Properties: It has great ink retention and rarely obtains stains once treated with ink. Smooth but not soft, has sufficient toughness to be used as a weapon if made right. Can block sharp objects.

Quantity: 10 Large pages.


[Maleveni Sap]

Rank 5

Quality: High

Properties: Sticky, perfect for making fans.

Quantity: 4 jars


[Painting Set]

Rank 5(Peak)

Quality: Great

Properties: Contains the painting tools needed to draw various works. Specially made for Emmy by her grandmother.

Quantity: 1


[Red String]

Rank 3(Mid)

Quality: High

Properties: Naturally red string made from the wool of [Crimson Sheep] which is located on the higher floors of the abyss. Once processed they are smoother than silk yet can cut heads, though low in rank, it is a hard-to-find material.

Quantity: 3 bundles


Total Price: 2,750,000 Mora

[Materials can be infinitely recharged in the system space.]


It's quite cheap, Emmy thought as she looked at all the material. Naturally a gift for a friend, she had to go above and beyond, which was why she chose to practice in the system space.

Moreover, there were numerous materials, so the price was naturally large.

Here, she planned to practice and learn to until she was near the point of fainting.

She wouldn't accept anything she deemed unsatisfactory.

"Some of them look hard to find for any other person but not for me thankfully. Fischl deserves the best and I wouldn't want her to get anything less. Hmm, she does like to sew, maybe I should get her a Rank 5 sewing kit next year?"

Fischl's birthday hadn't even arrived and yet Emmy was planning her gift for the next one.

"Okay," Emmy snapped out of her thoughts lay the blueprint on a board she found somewhere, and began to sort her materials. Once she did that, she cracked her knuckles and got to work.

She began No.1 of her several thousand practices runs.

It had to be perfect after all.

* * * * *

A/N: Bet. I'm replacing the star system for ranks instead cuz I can't find the star emojis.

Lowest > Highest - Rank 1 > Rank 5.