Chapter 72: A Dedicated Heart And Captured Soul.

A purple screen displayed a young girl welding a knife with experience her hands were free of the calluses that would be found on a person with such expertise but somehow the techniques she displayed were already far above that of those who used them for years.

In her other hand was a strip of wood that was currently being shaped into a thinner and lighter strip of wood it's length arrived at 30 cm and width at 2 mm. She deftly used the knife to carve the illusionary figure of a raven on the wood before checking it and placing it aside, nodding to affirm its completion.

She did this a dozen more times in an hour, her skill and handling of both the blade and the pieces of wood rose with each repetition, her fingers blurring as she gained more and more experience.

On her side was a piece of paper cut into a curve shape and thin but seemed very high quality. On the paper was a magnificent drawing depicting a valiant raven and a young blonde figure with a mysterious visage cloaked in lighting and a tiara made of purple thunder.

There were several Sakura petals all around the drawing and they looked incredibly lifelike as if they were going to jump from the page and roam the mortal realm.

[The Host is amazing. For such a young girl she has many artistic skills and her combat skills grow endlessly. If the system was a human it might have been jealous.]

"She is a talented lass, a pity she was born in this era. If she were in mine she would already have grown beyond the current level of strength," Master Force stroked his beard as he looked at the girl, a bit of pity in his eyes and he sighed.

"I think it's fine, isn't it? She wouldn't be in as much trouble as in our times. These times can be considered quite peaceful, at least the abyss isn't attacking."

Master Blood gave her input as she looked at the others, her red hair bounced with every movement as she looked at the screen. The purple avatar of the system remained silent as it looked at the raven-haired girl.

"When you consider the words of Master blood, you would also notice that the humans of this era are quite weak. The gods seem quite incapable as well, nothing like those demons in the old days," A new person joined the fun, he had black her and grew eyes, and a thick aura of mediocrity surrounded him but none of the other instructors were fooled.

This man was a lord of assassins and was part of an infamous killing institution far in the past. He had mastered the art of normalcy to the point where he appeared like a normal person his age, he was highly dangerous.

He was Master Fallen Shadow.

"Indeed, they even forgot several key crafting arts. They don't even have several items of convenience like our communication tools and such. For humanity to fall to such a point saddens this lady," A woman said as she sighed, her silver hair made for a sight along with her teal eyes. She looked very beautiful.

But when her eyes sparkled as she looked at the screen, "But it seems we're not out for the count in the battle of races, another Paragon has been born in this age. Who would dare stand against humanity now? Hahaha!"

Master Force snorted, "May I remind you, Master Seventh Blessing, that this girl has no interest in your ideals of domination, she just wants to adventure the land. A pity, this old man's chest hurt at the waste of talent, the ones in the past were either overlords or gods rivaling those in Celestia in strength. Now we arrived at a point where we have to train adventurers."

"What's wrong with adventurers huh? You tryna say something ya punk! A tight-assed general like you would never understand the joy of finding ancient artifacts and recording the history of our world," Another woman said with a rough voice, her spiky red hair and orange eyes were a testament to her fiery temper.

"As would an adventurous misfit as you would never understand the joy of turning the tides when you faced an army 10:1 or the sorrows of telling a mother her son or daughter has died because of your plans, only to watch her get angry not to hit you; but break down into a crying mess! But I guess we don't all have a choice to be death seekers do we!"


"As the moderator said, you all act like children more than the actual child we are supposed to teach does..." Another voice said, a man with a strange accent, "Which... Now that I think about it is quite sad."

[I believe that we should all settle down no?]

They all fell silent at the voice of the moderator, he was the one who brought them here to witness the girls crafting.

But as usual, they ended up in another argument.

[Now look at this, can Master Nine Crafts give us an evaluation please.]

Everyone turned to look at a woman, her hair was green and her eyes which no one could see were closed. Her slightly tanned skin made quite an exotic combination with her hair. A faint amount of snoring could be heard from her, she was sleeping.

Everyone was speechless.

They were arguing quite loudly earlier yet this woman slept through it all like they were some fly, now that she was called again she still didn't get up but continued to sleep. The moderator didn't become angry, a faint smile could be seen as if a mother seeing a child do something bad.

He clapped his hand twice, and the woman awoke from her slumber. A bit dazed she looked around in confusion when she saw all the other instructors looking at her.

"What's up, guys?" His voice wasn't particularly sweet or seductive but it held a mellow attraction or magnetism that soothed the heart. It was as if one slept within a cool stream while listening to the voice of nature, a calming experience.

Just like that the anger of the others evaporated like smoke and they gave each other wry smiles.

Master Nine Crafts was something, to calm all of them like this with such efficiency. It was as if their soul was being caressed.

Master Nine Crafts opened her mouth and her voice drifted over, "What was I called for again?"

The people in the surroundings couldn't help but sigh when she spoke her voice held some type of power that unconsciously wanted to call her mother. Her ruffled look made her all the more desirable as it gave off a unique charm.

[Would you look at and evaluate her crafting?]


Master Nine Crafts began to look as the girl expertly assembled the fan as if she had done it thousands of times.

Which she did do.

"Huh? How she become that good, would require an unfathomable amount of time to reach such a level. Is that... What artifact aura do I sense from that fan? Is she an artificer?"


"Then how did she make an artifact then? It's even a Rank 5 Mortal Grade TRI-Attribute."

Rank 5 Mortal Grade TRI-Attribute!

Everyone was shocked.

"How is this possible? Not to mention the grade even the rank should be impossible to make for her level. I mean she isn't even a beginner," Master Force was somewhat speechless.

A TRI-Attribute artifact was hard to find as it could increase three stats at once, or offer three types of beneficial statuses, including but not limited to [Divine Defense], [Heart of Heroes], and [Mind of The Sage].

Each of these was a status that improved, defense, courage, and mentality respectively and they were valued intensely.

The other instructors weren't any better than him. Previously they were quite glad to have a talented disciple but now that they saw this they felt a pain in their chest.

Was this the difference in talent?

[It is more than talent.]

"Indeed, although I have yet to witness what she had been doing while I was asleep, she must have practiced for extreme amounts of time."

[She did this 23,864 times.]


Master Nine Crafts and the others didn't speak a word as they pondered on what the system said. Slowly they opened their mouth.

"Are you sure that's a human being?"

"There is no way that girl is a human, she must be a puppet in disguise."

"Can a person do something so many times, what motivates her to do so? It can't be that other girl, right? There is a limit to how much a person can hold affection."

[It is certainly because of that little girl.]

Even the moderator was confused by how much Emmy practiced and refined the fan she held in her hand. She had redrawn the blueprint hundreds of times and remade it thousands of times. At this point, even it felt that Emmy was no longer a human being but a machine like it.

It twisted its hand and the screen shifted, atop it there was a title called [Emmy's Thoughts].

(Sunsettia is the king of all fruits and if anyone disagrees they are a dog.)

(Mom and Dad are the best! Emmy will protect you all in the future!)

"Are these... Her thoughts."

Everyone questioned in their hearts as they witnessed a dozen pictures and words flash by the screen. Some of her childhood, or rather earlier childhood. Her being in Inazuma and even the first time she met Fischl made her first real friend.


(My first friend, best friend. Precious friend. Protect her, don't let her die. Keep her safe.)

(Fischl. Fischl. Fischl.)

"Um... I think this girl needs some help."

Master Nine Crafts said as she looked around her, seeing her fellow instructors frowning.

"Agreed, her emotional state seems highly dependent on the safety of this other girl. If she were to die in the future..."

"It won't happen. Our little paragon wouldn't allow a single hair of hers to be harmed."

"Celestia would disagree. Those bastards are always fucking up another person's day."

(Fischl, she made a gift for me... So happy! I'll give you all I have hehe.)

(You dare to hurt her vermin; your right to live has expired for a while now, and I'll end your life now.)

(Kuk, my energy reserves are spent, so I'll burn your face instead. Lucky bastard. If I had the strength I would have broken your legs.)

(Fischl, your smile is really cute smile more!)

Then came the last thought.

(If I give this gift she would smile right? A smile is enough, hehe.)

[As you can see her motivation for strength largely derives itself from her want for love and companionship. Emmy may not know but every time her parents are away, her mind quietly kills them off in case they die so she isn't hurt too badly. Thanks to that defense mechanism and Fischl's existence, Emmy subconsciously placed Fischl on a similar or higher level than her parents. Due to her being her first friend and always being there to comfort her.

[When she confessed her eternal loyalty the other day her position in Emmy's heart rose even higher. If that girl were to ask Emmy for anything that day she would have told in an instant, even of our existence.]

Silence once again consumed the instructors of the learning space as they watched the little girl craft for another round. Her focus was unwavering and the emotions in her eyes bled into her work, speaking volumes of her dedication to the recipient of the gift.

Every stroke of her brush and. Every wave of her knife was infinitely closer to the realm of perfection as she seemed to put her entire soul into the work. When they saw her like this, the instructors no longer doubted whether Emmy was human or not, they simply sat back down in admiration.

"These [True Combat] bastards are quite something huh?" Master Fauna said as she looked at Master Force. The old man no longer looked as grumpy as before, he nodded a faint excitement could be detected in his actions.

What a splendid disciple!

"That girl is human, however..." Master Nine Crafts started and she continued to say, "She is a completely different breed."

The others nodded.

* * * * *

A/N: Merry Christmas Bros🎄🎄.

I wanna apologize for the late upload but I couldn't help it as my wifi went down, On Christmas!

For my house only! Like no one else but my house for the entire day. I wasn't gonna write today but I figured I could scrounge up something for you guys since it was Christmas. Have a good night I guess 😭.

May we meet again in the future, I'm gonna try to finish this arc before New Year. Have an enjoyable holiday, cheers 🍷😎.