Chapter 73: The First Sign.

"Finally..." Emmy sighed as she looked at the fan in front of her eyes, a bit exhausted. Well...

Maybe a bit exhausted was a mild description. It was more appropriate to say that she was dead on her feet and if she were to stand right now, wouldn't be able to see left from right. However, even after all of these things, the girl had a large smile on her face.

"Hmmm, my eyes kind of hurt," Emmy said softly as she once again looked at the folding fan she held. If one were to give an evaluation after a glance, it could only be called perfection.

The drawing, the red tassel craftsmanship, and even the scent released by the fan were heavenly. Simply looking at it gave one a calm feeling, as if they were being cleansed.

Likely due to the innate effect in the wood, as they were a special breed that contained a lot of dendro energy.

Emmy scratched her head, "I'll get this to Fischl on her birthday, hehe. Now I only need to make it for real and then I would get to see her smile in joy. Hah~"

Emmy rubbed her eyes again, the system space began to get a little blurry. She hummed her movements beginning to get extremely sluggish and her eyes closed gradually.

"Huh, system?" Her speech was slurred and then a moment later Emmy's avatar fell to the ground with a dull sound.

[It seems... That things have gotten a bit serious.]

* * * * *

In the real world.

"Hmmm... Why do I feel so... Tired?" Emmy said as she rubbed her eyes, and stretched her body. With a yawn she unfolded her legs, now that they were straight the file looked around some more before she started to speak.

"Sleepy... I'm going to sleep."

So she did.

Emmy placed her head on her pillow and she fell asleep immediately. It was a rest day today so it didn't matter, right? The system looked at the now sleeping girl with a cold face, it remained there for a while before glancing toward another place in Emmy's mind space.

The normally white space was now cracked and disorderly, there were several holes and fissures there. The system moderator had a grim face, he was thoroughly disappointed in himself for being unable to stop his host from hurting herself during her practice.

But he couldn't be blamed!

[When the system tried to eject her from the white space she resisted! Hah, if the system had pushed on further the Host might have been hurt even more than what she did to herself.]

He felt quite helpless. He wondered whether it was time to get another upgrade. Since he was resisted by the Host he might need them. He looked at the chaotic realm before him and extended his hand, a string of purple followed his movements.

The purple string slit into two before those two split as well and it continues for a long time before the entire space had purple strings that seemed to extend infinitely. The moderator waved his other hand and the strings began to release a low pulse. The pulses joined together to make a larger wave that spread around the entire space, slowly healing it.

The moderator sighed, "This so all that can be done, for now, she will be healed in 3 days. The damage fortunately is not irreparable," After it said these words to no one in particular it went back to inactivity.

On the other side, Emmy was currently heating up. Her head felt heavy and her face was red as she gasped for air, she kicked the sheet she placed on herself and rolled in her bed. Large drops of sweat could be seen on her forehead and the surrounding guardians could see that something was wrong.

Poison? Was the thought that came to their minds, after all, they didn't know about the system or what else could do this to Emmy. The girl also took care of herself quite well, so she couldn't fall sick in such a sudden manner.

Ushi(Cow) was the first one to appear as she came out of the shadows in the wall, hurriedly approaching Emmy. She was just about to touch her when she paused, taking a look at her hands and the black gloves on them. Tilting her head, the gloves retracted further down her hand and she finally touched the girl's forehead, only to immediately retract it.


"So it's a fever then? Check for poisons or other substances!"


Inu(Dog) appeared from the ceiling, his shadow descending to the ground like a rope to eventually form a man with an intimidating voice. He commanded Ushi to take action as he and Neko(Cat) began to thoroughly check the room.

The other guardians remained on guard inside and outside of the area, while some of them broke off from their newly created to roam outside. They investigated with the efficiency they were trained to output, far surpassing those training in the field for years.

At the same time, Fischl came to Emmy's house for a visit, and the three guardians in her room were alerted. Inu clicked his tongue when he received the report that their young missed friend was almost to the house.

No matter what they couldn't be discovered!

"Change your outfits! We will begin scenario C in approximately 3 minutes! Ushi, have you discovered what happened to the young miss yet, report!"

"She isn't poisoned and neither was she cursed, at least with any curse from my knowledge. For now, it seemed that she became sick..."

As she arrived at that part, Ushi rubbed her mask as if she couldn't believe what she found out. It was too crazy!

"What is it!" Seeing her silent Inu was a bit anxious, normally he was a bit calm but the reports in the past few days stated that both the Abyss Order and the Fatui were making major moves and now the one they were supposed to protect had fallen ill to the point her head burned like a pool of lava.

He felt like he was walking on thin ice these days.

"She– She's fallen sick out of mental exhaustion and strain."


Inu and Neko along with all the other shadow guardians became a bit dazed when they heard this. Wasn't she in meditation a while ago?

How did she mentally exert herself to the point she fell seriously sick?

"You're joking, right? This isn't a joke!"

"I'm not–"

Knock. Knock. Knock.

It was a quiet sound but with their training, how could they not hear it?!

"Change, now!" Inu commanded.

The three began to shift as their clothes changed color and different attire came on them.

Inu blurred and disappeared and the two stayed upstairs to take care of Emmy. Meanwhile, Inu who was now in a white blouse and black pants along with some black slippers approached the door with a smile on his face.

His face looked young and cheerful, and he opened the door to a now confused girl.

"Who are you?" Fischl was on guard.

"Hello, my name is Inosuke."

* * * * *

A/N: Rashly doing things so many times has consequences. So the passionate idiot fell ill. It's just a small thing, right? Or is it more than meets the eye?