Chapter 82: Advanced [Teacher].

It didn't take long for the two girls to arrive at their destination; by then, Emmy had already cooled down into her normal, neutral expression. In front of them were the rest of their group of friends, all of them with different expressions on their faces.

Sebastian as always looked calm but there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes as if he was trying to figure out why she called them here today. Andre was the complete opposite and was leaning against the wall, he twirled a stick in his hand, the right amount of attention on Emmy.

"Let's go inside and I'll show you guys something," Emmy said, and then she entered the adventurers guild, the sound of footsteps behind her reassured her that they followed.

They all squeezed into the elevator as it went down at a smooth pace and Emmy silently reviewed what she was going to teach them today a sudden thought came to her mind as an issue wedged itself into her plan.

She was teaching her friends outside. She was going to teach them something that could potentially disrupt the world order outside.

Emmy held her face and groaned, silently she wondered if she should just tell them to turn around for them to go to her house instead. But that was a massive inconvenience and would reveal her lack of planning to her team.

Emmy could feel her cheeks burning with her embarrassment. It would be tough but she had to do it.

'Otherwise, this massive secret could get out, and someone bad could get ahold of the technique. I'm so dumb.'

While Emmy was in the middle of what could be called a mental breakdown, the rest of the group watched as their leader began to blush, then she looked angry after her eyes widened as if in fear, and then they closed then snapped open again.

The children blinked with superhuman coordination as they all witnessed this strange scene. They wondered if their boss was okay at all, but then they saw the girl slam a fist on her palm as if she had solved her problem.

Emmy, who had just received guidance from the system in her time of need had no idea what reaction she caused in her friends due to her little celebration that seemed to come out of nowhere.

[The Host became more mysterious.]


[Nothing for the Host to worry about.]

Emmy nodded, still not quite on the same topic as the system that was connected to her. She wished she could read its mind as it could hers but it didn't seem possible. Did the system even have a mind? What if it had like some hive mind or some inhuman processing unit similar to the brain but way more advanced?

[The Host is on her theories again.]

'I am not!' Emmy protested and was about to continue when the door to the floor opened, the elevator releasing a bit of steam as the children got off one at a time. Emmy was the last to get off and she looked at the elevator a bit longer before she went toward her friends.

[Is the Host interested?]

'Maybe, my dad is from Fontaine after all.'

With that said, the system no longer spoke.

'The system is likely putting together a training plan for technology or engineering but those are just my thoughts. Truth or not, I'll see when the time comes, now is the time to teach and train.'


Andre waved with a smile on his face and Emmy realized they were at the door, she shook off all the thoughts on her mind and smiled.

"Let's go in," Emmy said, opening the door to reveal the same underground training field.

"Let's go," Andre ran in and Noelle was the second to follow after him. They all went in after with Emmy and Harlin being the last two.

"Boss..." Harlin said, his voice a whisper.


"You're not gonna teach them 'that' are you?"

"Yep, is there a problem?"

Harlin waved his hand to show the rest of the quite crowded training area and looked back at her in exasperation. Emmy nodded in understanding, silently rejoicing her friend and subordinate had common sense, unlike her.

How fortunate.

"I have it covered don't worry, and speaking off, how is yours coming along?"

"It's half the size of my own heart now but it seems to beat slower but in a more solemn but powerful rhythm, is yours like that by any chance?" The boy scratched his head as he looked around at their friends doing their workout routines.

They were going to train first and then receive their boss's energy training but the others didn't know that. He did.

Meanwhile, Harlin's words made Emmy think, hers truly didn't work like this. It was close to matching her real heart perfectly but the difference was so small it was practically negligible.

"I see, it indeed doesn't work like yours but can you tell me how your energy flows and its,"

"If I had to describe it, the word firm comes to mind, like an immovable object or rather an unstoppable force. It's extremely potent and seems ready to burst out when I get angry or am about to be hurt. Like the other day, some supplies were about to hit my head and it almost went out of my body, but thankfully Noelle pulled me away in time."

"Are you okay...?"

"I was fine, in fact even if it hit me I don't think it would hurt that much, it was only dropped from the second floor of a building and not from the top of the sky."

Emmy's eyes sharpened, was someone targeting him, or was it truly an accident? But she couldn't confirm it now, she had something else to do.

"Hmm, guess I'll check your status then."

"My... status?" Harlin tilted his head,

Emmy didn't elaborate and activated a skill, it was one she obtain a long time ago when she first taught Harlin the energy technique and trained her friends.

[Activating Skill - Teaching(Advanced): The ability to convey a thought, concept, action, or manner onto another entity no matter what species. The mark and trade of an educator are used to bestow upon others something the user knows or has an understanding of. The higher the mastery, the better the individual's prowess for bestowing knowledge they have a smaller understanding of.]

Yes, Emmy became a teacher. The description made it sound very overpowered and the system reassured her that it was. The teaching skill was something unique and the further one was up on the metaphorical ladder of the skill, the more insane they were.

Master and Saint level teachers could convey or educate others to reach a master rank in almost any skill in but a few days, maybe even hours. Even if they didn't know much about the subject themselves.

Less need to be said about profound and above.

[Activating Sub-Skill - Teachers Evaluation.]


Name: Harlin Koa

Race: Human

Age: 8

Gender: Male

Titles: The One Made For Battle, Vanguard, Noelle's Big Brother, Valiant One, The Unbroken, The Unshakable, The One Who Falters Not, Student of Emmy, ???(Teaching skill not high enough.)

[Potential: SS]


Overall Rating: C-

Strength: D-

Constitution: C++

Agility: E+

Intelligence: B-

Energy: C-

[Innate Ability]



???(Teaching skill not high enough to see.)

[Techniques - Energy]

-Energy Manipulation(Elemental) [Rank - B] (Intermediate)

[Techniques - Physical]

-Koa Grand Blade Art [Rank – SS] (Semi-Advanced): The blade art used by an unknown ancestor in the Koa family tree. The blade was said to be capable of destroying mountains and allowed the user to resist the effects of the attacks of gods. Using this the struggling Koa family was able to resist the attack of a god and their family survived the cataclysm.

Restriction: Only can be learned and mastered by those of the Koa bloodline due to their extreme constitution and build. True Combat users are exempt from this restriction due to their unique constitution.


If Emmy had to find a word for this, she would say amazing. He was nearly close to her level and for that she was impressed, she was even more so when a few days ago the system told her Harlin wasn't even the second strongest after Emmy.

She looked to the side at a figure who was currently training.

It was Andre.

Harlin was the fourth strongest after his sister Noelle but he was recently moved up to a third place when the system noted that Noelle, even while in possession of adequate strength hesitated to hurt anything. This massively shut down her raw power.

"Boss!" Harlin called out to her and she looked at him, he still had his confused expression on.

"Nothing, you're quite impressive, keep working hard. Your energy has no problems, I suspect it's just unique to who you are as a person and what your entire," Emmy tilted her head as she fought to find a way to explain, "Existence? Yes, what your entire existence represents."


"C'mon, let's go train."


Emmy turned and went toward the area she chose for herself and silently began to go through the motions of her exercises after a short warmup.

"What a great start to my day," Emmy said.



A/N: Realized this for a while when I saw what Emmy's talent is and it holds a massive effect to cause inferiority complex issues, which I am not confident in writing. So let's just make a friend/boss/teacher character instead of a rival for our other characters, shall we?

Just finished Arcane the other day and I have to say it was an experience. Left me feeling a special feeling man. A different type of way, so now that I have witnessed trauma properly portrayed and written, I feel like the bar is kinda set high for me.

So I'll just shamelessly lower it. I'll watch a youtube video on how to portray the trauma of a victim of kidnapping and... whatever the blue-haired bastard who does that did to them.

Have a nice day.