Chapter 83: Energy Training and Plans.

It took quite a while for Emmy and the others to complete their workout but when they did, it didn't seem as if they had completed it at all. There seemed to be no aura of exhaustion on the children at all, they seemed to be even more energetic than before.

'Should I increase their training again?' Emmy thought as she looked at her friends and they shivered.

Emmy shook her head and waved toward the others, she pointed toward one of the corners that were isolated and began to walk there. The others soon fell in line with her as she guided them to their improvised classroom.

Once they were there Emmy stopped and looked around before going around all of the others, placing little cones the size of a hand on the ground in a small semi-circle.

"You guys can sit now," Emmy said and then she said some words which they couldn't hear, and suddenly all the sound from the surroundings vanished.

The metal falling to the ground, hurried breaths of other trainees, or the sound of boots against the floor disappeared. Although they were confused Andre and the others didn't hesitate to sit on the ground, some of them leaned on the wall while others sat cross-legged.

Emmy paid them no mind as she continued checking the area around the cones and then entered them.

"Eh, Boss? Why can't we uh, hear?" Sebastian was the first to speak up as he played with the ring on his index finger, the others nodded along with his words.

"I'll be teaching you something today but first I need to make sure of something," Emmy said, she cracked her neck and turned to them with a cold face.

The other felt that something was wrong and they looked at Emmy closer than they usually would only to see that her eyes, her eyes were...dark? It was a piercing blue and yet it contained so much darkness.

They didn't know what was going on but what they did know was that this was very different that Emmy's usual expression. The girl smiled.

"Hey, are you guys loyal to me? I can't teach you this unless you are, okay," Emmy said, his voice coming out strangely distorted.

"I know I am, what about you guys," Andre said, his eyes closed as he rested on the wall next to Harlin, who was also, leaning on the wall.

"I, Fischl, the Prinzessin, am not one to be so frivolous as to commit such an unholy act. Hmph!"

"M-me too," Noelle said nervously as she touched her index finger together.

The rest remained silent and Emmy looked at who remained.




All of them remained silent with their eyes closed and Emmy opened her mouth.

"What about you guys, are you thinking of betraying me?"

"I'll think about it," Aries said as he opened one of his eyes, he met Emmy's gaze as if he wasn't bothered by her at all. Emmy tilted her head, and one of her bangs covered her eye and shadowed her face.

"You want to betray?"

"Hehehe," Aries laughed and he stood up and glared at Emmy, "You don't trust us?"

"I do, but," Emmy said as she moved closer to Aries and said with gritted teeth, "Trust isn't enough these days. People can say they love you and hate you the next day, they put the lives of others in danger without thinking about the consequences."

"Hmph! What are you trying to say, boss," Aries said, "You are saying one of us is those types of people? You don't trust us with this secret training of yours? Well, it won't matter now right!?"

Emmy narrowed her eyes, "What do you mean?"

"None of us here have a reason to betray you but I guess our little miss here doesn't see that," Aries said quietly and the other were stunned.

Little miss?

Emmy pursed her lips and Aries went to speak again.

"Brother," Andre said his voice a whisper, "Apologise to the boss, now."



"Gnh," Aries who looked so fierce just a while ago deflated and shook his head, he gave Emmy a gaze and then bowed his head lightly, "Sorry, boss."

Emmy nodded and then looked at Andre, who had a smile on his face. She lifted her hand and patted Aries on the head as if he was her little brother.

"I'm sorry as well, for not trusting enough. But what I am going to teach you is dangerous, for you and me as well," Emmy said as she looked at all of them, with closed eyes she said, "Well let the training begin then."

Her hands lit up with both Pyro and Anemo as she began her lesson.


In the underground of the Mondstadt adventure guild branch, they were currently something going on. A small commotion occurred among the future guild members and small-time adventurers.

"Hey, what's happening in that corner?"

"I don't know, we can't see anything."

"Every time I try to focus on the stuff happening there it seems that my eyes just become fuzzy, it's pretty weird."

"I know."

All of them turned to the voice that said that to see a man with black hair and blue eyes, a monocle on his left eye. He turned a page in the book he had in his hand and look up at them.

"It's an artifact."


"But aren't those super rare? I hear only the best adventurers can go even close to the ruins they are in."

"Indeed," The man said, "Only the strongest adventurers could go into ruins that could contain an artifact as precious as the one in front of us."

"How? Isn't it just making our eyes hurt when we look at it," A man said in confusion, the other nodded but one of them suddenly gasped?

"It's because it can block our sight and hearing that it would sell for a bunch of Mora."

"Exactly, businessmen and women would kill for such an artifact, as it would allow them to discuss secrets without fear of being heard or seen, not to mention an artifact like this can only be from royal origins due to its purpose. Its collector value is immense."

"What would be the price of it though?"

"Eh..." The man scratched his head, "About 100-300 million Mora. Give or take. That's only if it was auctioned, but it would still go for more than 50 million even if sold."

"5-50 million!"

The gazes of all the people changed, a hint of greed could be seen on their faces and the man smiled, it was a terrifying smile.

"You want to steal it?"

"No," All of them said nervously, and the man smiled again.

"Good, because that little girl would kill you if you tried to steal from her."


The man kept his smile on his and began reading his book earnestly.


"I feel like I can kill a whale right now."

"Interesting take on gaining the ability to use energy," Emmy said, looking at the excited Andre who now had Electro bouncing on his arms.

Her eyebrows twitched, 'Why can these guys use elements so quickly? I had to stand by fire to use mine!'

[It is their affinity Host. Activating an Energy Heart resonates with their souls and inner potential, something all humans possess. His affinity is Electro.]

'Doesn't explain why I didn't get it that fast though.'

[The Host can manipulate all kinds of energy, so naturally, your affinity is hard to find as you can do everything. But do not fret, your affinity may be there somewhere, it might even be the Pyro you worked so hard to sense within you.]

'Hmm. Thanks by the way, for helping me make an energy heart. It would've been hard without your help.'

[Indeed, work hard for you to do it on your Host. Independence is the mark of the strong.]

'I never expected mom and dad to have such a good thing laying around,' Emmy thought as she looked at the cones on the ground.

[There are much more where that came from. all of them are kept within the system space for the Host's use. For they are your inheritance.]

'Inheritance huh? I wonder how much money they left me with.'

[It's a lot of money, Enough to rival many large businesses.]

'Adventurers do make tons of money from artifacts after all huh? High risk, High reward.'

[Artifacts seem to be rare, even though the Host can make them with such ease. The Host hasn't even learned the proper techniques yet. Does the Host wish to learn.]

'Hey system, can financial power help me protect those precious to me?'

[All power can be used for protection. The Host-only needs to order it and you shall receive your required training, many instructors in the learning space were at the peak of their respective fields when they were alive.]

'When they were alive huh? So they aren't apparitions created by the system? How interesting.'

[...The Host likes information about the system. If the Host can find out how the system came to be, the system will reveal its origins in advance.]

'Really! Challenge excepted then. By the way, how can you regain your powers system?'

[Mora. Primogems. Any energy source will do, the more the better. The systems Energy generators have long lost function and are not yet fully operational. Ambient energy is enough to maintain the system but not enough to do anything drastic.]

'So I just need more money huh? What happens if I feed you these things?'

[The reality rooms can be opened, it would allow the host to bring in her friends to train the time chamber as well. Isn't that nice.]

'What a nice bait.'

[Smart Host, the system expresses admiration. Is the Host going to do it or not?]

'Hmph! Which is the best energy source for you?'

[Primogems. But they are also the most expensive and hardest to find.]

'So, I need money? Sign me up for artifact training and blacksmithing, they make the most money in Teyvat. Put alchemy in there as well and business management too.'

[What are you going to do?]

'I'll start a company, get you your stuff, and witness the power of a Nigh-Omnipotent being with my own eyes.'

Emmy smiled.

How exhilarating.


A/N: Artifacts are rare and expensive. Alchemy products are rarely sold and the world in nearly overrun by monsters that seem to endlessly appear. So blacksmithing op weapons it is. The game doesn't really speak of how rare artifacts are, you know? Only adventurers can obtain the strongest ones but most adventurers aren't fighters but researchers.

For Jemma and Author who are two of the greatest? I wonder how much money they left their little girl? I wonder what's gonna happen when she goes to Inazuma, will she strengthen the military or just train on her own.