Losing A Friend

After stabbing the zombie, my hands were covered in blood. I was very worried. Because my hands were covered in zombie blood, I was afraid that will I be a zombie too. Hopefully not. After some minutes, I confirmed that I will not become a zombie and I also got to know that this infection only spreads by bitting. We took a right turn as Jay instructed us. We saw so much blood while walking, Jay took out the map and told, " we have to take a right again and then go down by the stairs". We took a right turn and saw that there were more than 30 zombies covering the stairs. We had no option so we just ran and pushed them. This time everyone was fighting, Claire picked up a wooden rod and started to push away the zombies. We were 10 and they were 30.

But still, Barry pushed many zombies down in the basement we pushed them. Just then a zombie jumped on my back trying to bite me. I pushed him and he went rolling down the stairs but he didn't die, he came again running towards me and I threw my axe and cut his head off. The stairs were covered in blood. I saw that a zombie was going to attack Barry. So I ran towards him and kicked and then I stabbed him 2 times in his stomach. After killing the zombie 2 more zombies attacked me and I fell. They were almost going to bite me and then I kicked them but I only got rid of 1 zombie, the other zombie was still trying to bite me. I saw that the other zombie was coming toward me so I grabbed the zombie's shoulder that was biting me and then pushed him toward the other zombie.

After this fight, we saw that Joe fell down the stairs and injured his hand. We took him to the nearest room we could find. It was the science professor's office. While Joe was resting a bit. I relaxed, and everyone did too, after fighting we were too exhausted.

As we were on the same floor Jay realised that the sports room is just down. After listening to this I got an idea. I saw a fire hose that was outside of the class. I told my plan to everyone. My plan was to first take the fire hose by killing all the zombies outside of the class and then bringing the fire hose in. Then make some knots in it and throw it outside of the school as through the window. And as the sports room is just down, the hose would land on the window of the sports room. Barry, Jay, and Josh were standing at the front. I opened the door and they tried to kill the zombies, while I grabbed the fire hose and came in. I told them to come in and then I closed the door. Just then John pointed toward Joe's wrist. We were shocked to see that Joe was bit. Barry told everyone to step back and everyone did. Now Joe was transforming into a zombie. We could hear the bones creaking and some blood was coming out of his eyes. Joe and Ron were best friends so Ron tried to comfort Joe but just then Joe attacked Ron. Barry had no choice but to kill Joe as he was a zombie. Barry pulled him and kicked him out of the window. He didn't die but we were safe. But Ron was crying as his best friend was a zombie now. Now we knew what losing a friend means.